Am I going to make it Veeky Forums?

Am I going to make it Veeky Forums?
Post your meals

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It definitely looks like you're gonna make it with meals like that :)

nice meal bb good work

Beans are good one protons

The only thing you're going to do with such a meal is awful farts

>not embracing the farts
Never going to make it

Looks good!
Ate this for lunch today, it’s a personal favorite at 400 calories

that's it? that looks like barely 500 calories of food. never gonna make it

Looks good desu

What more can be added?

>400 calorie meal

I hope you're not bulking kid

I'm eating a whole pizza

more chicken
more beans
less lettuce, more spinach. why would you eat waterleaf with no nutritional value?

but thanks for the tips

sweet potato.

Tastes good and adds a fair amount of calories to any meal.




nah, cutting another 2kg before i go on bulk. holidays have been hard on my diet and i gained some weight without working out.

I fell for the onion meme and made myself sick juicing onions.
I don’t think I can look at them for at least a month

Chicken rice and broc/cauliflower I prepped for the week.

No pic but I ate 200gr of Tuna fillet and 200gr of raw carrots.

Pretty decent.

>lean bulking

2 cups of rice and veggies
grilled fish
pancakes with peanut butter and honey
quest bar

Will I make it?

yall really don't be getting creative with this whole healthy meal huh


Onion eradicates Heretics and genetic trash

The good shit.
Contains shallots, so fuck off onion daddy

What is itm?

its broccoli as side and a mix of 1can of tuna, 1 onion and an egg that you just mix together in the pan. Then i just add salt, black pepper and cayennepepper.
Easy done in 5-10 mins

Your meme is like so two months ago

5 little pieces of chicken?

Never gonna make it.

My dinner,
what do you think ?

wait you fry the tuna in the pan? (inb4 no oil used)
i've never heard that ever before but im def trying out

Just ten mins ago
>3 eggs
>black beans
>four or five mushrooms
>cup of spinach
>cooked on grassfed butter
>ground buffalo meat
>chedder cheese
>half an avocado

And I popped my D3 and zinc tablets. Tasty!

No picture, but I had turkey meatballs with pesto pasta and pine nuts. Pretty easy to make a decent macros.



Sip bois






what if he eats more fequent idiot?

yeah why the fuck would you want to eat cabbage or any salad, not like it has a fuck ton of nutritients and important amino acids

Nice sips lads


But the crust is chicken breasts

Looks delicious, but do you eat in complete darkness?

i said eat more SPINACH you fucking retard.

damn that looks good. gonna make this some time

Do you fry/cook this into like a psuedo-quesadilla? That looks bomb man, and I do have a dilla' maker collecting dust somewhere


big boy

yeah i use a little oil to fry it but water from the tuna makes it easy.
Just start by putting in the onion, then tuna and depending on how fried you want it all you add the egg (or 2) and voila!

Looks delicious tbqh

No flow or innovation to the dish. Were yo to separate the foods even slightly more one would consider you autistic.

Ibid. cf. Autism.

A reasonable dish. I hope the sauce is thick enough.

Looks Finnoscandian. Either alcoholic, cuckolded or autistic. A sound dish, nevertheless.

A proper breakfast for the 56%.

Now we're getting somewhere. Complete meals with design intent intact.

Looks like you downloaded some meme "food" "recipe" from an infographic thread on /b/ circa 2005. Or worse; r*ddit.

Chicken and rice. In real life you should return to Starbucks and browse Itunes while you pretend to write your novel. So I don't have to see you. On the Internet you should go back to R*ddit and give lifting advice to virginal East Asian teenagers. So I don't have to read your shitty posts. Were you endowed with a different set of genitals I suspect you would have a penchant for furry boots and sweetened bitter drinks (as well as basing your entire life around the sum total of your consumer choices, oh wait...).



Chankonabe, Eggs, and Milk

Now post the bull you prepped this week too

dat sip

I’m actually melanin enriched. Give me ur women white boi.

Lol nigger

Can I just ask this since the fat thread is full and the qttdtot thread. I drink too deal with my problems to much.

I am 19 years old, 5'11/180cm, 320lb/145kg. I'm working out 4 days a week lifting weights so I put my activity level at moderate.

>Fitnessfrog says TDEE of kcal 4388
>Macros(an app I have) Intake of kcal 3086
>SailRabbit says TDEE of kcal 3546 and intake of kcal 3046

These numbers don't line up and I feel their too high and wrong regardless. Are they or do I literally know nothing.

that meal looks great

so I made something like a general tso sauce but more teriyaki.

This is all cauliflower, riced cauli and baked cauli coated in pork rinds

Didn't taste as good as it looked, but I'm going to do what it takes

All this is like 150 calories

Yea all those are wrong, unless you are working out for like 4 hours each day. I Plugged my shit in there and got 3838 for my tdee which is just way too high

Try using KetoCalc, it does a bunch of calculations and even shows a graph of expected weight loss, just pay no mind to the carb/protein parts if you aren't into that

That's a big meal

Eat a real vegetable. Lettuce is pretty much just crunchy water.

>Not a zero ultra
It's like you don't want to make it

>muh healthy fats
why does everyone fall for the avocado meme?

I went with a 30% deficit and it came out with 2407 kcal, which is a lot more reasonable now. Thanks.

>That portion
Do you plan on being a twink for life?

avocados are delicious you mong

I've been trying to make sauce like that but it doesn't thicken, how do you do it.? I don't wanna make more because I'm trying to cut

Add a couple teaspoons of coconut milk

I'll give it a shot, thanks user

you are the gayest thing i've ever seen on fit. and i just saw a man with tits and people posting about sucking them.


Anons, please by aware that beans contain phytic acid
>When iron and zinc bind to phytic acid they form insoluble precipitates and are far less absorbable in the intestines. This process can therefore contribute to iron and zinc deficiencies in people whose diets rely on these foods for their mineral intake,

I really hope this is some ironic meme that I'm not cool enough to get because jesus christ user you are an autist

now youll never be able to afford a deposit on your house retard

Yesterdays dinner.

Are you actually autistic



>no fucking clue how to add more calories and make a meal more interesting, so just says to add more of what is already there.

Holy fuck this must be satire. Otherwise I got news for you mate..

theres a reason why
stupid people are the first to call others stupid.
cucks are the first to call others cucks.
and autists.. well ive got news for you bud
you are without a doubt on the spectrum
stop projecting


Before seasoning etc... my dinner pretty much every night.

Veggies motherfucker, do you eat them?

Dude i'm eating like half an avacado don't i get points for that?

how much kcal does that plate come to approx?

The only thing I know for sure is the 300 calories for the chicken (200g). Broccoli is a small-medium head and sweet potato is about medium sized as well. I'm guessing 500-600 calories?

No, also add some fucking carbs you nigger unless you're doing keto.

I'm doing keto, used to be a bunch of brown rice there.

Jealous. I used to live in a place that had a korean market and I could get that each week. Now I moved more towards the middle of burger land and there is nothing of the sort.

>mfw living in Korea and surrounded by food like this and better
>mfw I still grab Subway every week