lads i'm 18 and i dislike being a manlet
can i take hgh and grow an inch or so more?
i'm 6ft
Lads i'm 18 and i dislike being a manlet
you should get off fit if you dislike being a manlet. fit makes you a manlet.
Go to space and don't come back.
no i should stay here and finally learn
or grow 2 inches
Depends. If you have already taken anabolic's then no, otherwise GH could help you grow a bit taller as I doubt your growth plates have fused as an 18 year old manlet. Not too sure how much you will grow though and it will still take some time. Idk maybe start at 4iu's a day, eat a fuck ton and also become jacked.
i'm at 1/2/3/4 natty
what's a 4ui?
4 urinary infections.
not very helpful
>not gonna make it
Get the fuck out of fit before its too late.
Yes, you can.
very insightful
thank you lad
lad i'm literally an insect to anyone 6'2
Wait, 180cm (5'11) is average girl height? In Poland it is max 175cm (5'9).
Go on a 1 meal a day fast, it releases HGH natiurally
yeah and after eating your body produces insulin but that doesn't stop people from injecting it now doesn't it?
eat keto then so you never leave ketosis
nah that's cause old people shift the statistics to a lower number
how does this benefit my height in any way?
Ketosis/excess ketones promote height.
you're making it sound like it's some over the counter drug that you have easy access to