>when his dick is only 7 Inches
You need to be big sweetie, girls don't like small dinks.
>when his dick is only 7 Inches
You need to be big sweetie, girls don't like small dinks.
This is true. Women want normal sized 8.5 inch dicks, not tiny little 7 inch dicks.
>tfw chad hasn't noticed me yet
>tfw only 9"x7"
considering jelqing to reach that perfect 10"x8" (not too big, not a micropenis)
anyone have experiences?
My dick is 8.5. Girls always admire my crotch in my jeans or at the gym
I went from 8.5-9.75 length but could tell a bit of difference in hardness. Supplement with Arginine to help you out and it is worth.
>"You need to be big sweetie, girls don't like small dinks."
>giving a fuck about women think
nice nonargument
You need to use a penis pump 3x1 hour/day to bloatmaxxx, you are looking for a lumpy appearance and blue/purple color.
>his dick is less than 14 inches
never gonna make it...
>tfw 6,5 inch dicklet
6.3 inches master race here. The perfect size.
6 foot 4 penis here
I work at area 51
Truth is only men care about dink size. Women only care if it’s less than 5 or more than 9. Everything in between is like your typical B-C cup tits that no one really thinks or cares about.
For all the insecure teens browsing this thread, these guys are just fucking with you.
Call me a fag all you want, you'd be surprised how susceptible young men can be when it comes to penis size and the internet.
t.dude who used to be extremely insecure about his size until he actually had sex
Don't take these threads to heart fellas, they can seriously fuck with you.
>Fucking Giantess Pussy
>tfw 7 is perfect size to not attract landwhales and size queens
>tfw can't take anything past 8 probably
I don't get laid to know what it's like with the real thing but big dicks kinda suck. Before you say it though I'm not short and I keep hearing that "if you're tall it's easier" but it's not.
rolling for this
Who else 2 inch big boi here?
have you ever had a vaginal orgasm?
not that I know of
Any former fatties find themselves with a decent sized cock after cutting? Def gained an additional inch. I've even had one girl use two hands, though she was like 5'1 kek
Time to see who is going to get kidney shanked three nights in
I just want a slim girl with natural hair and no tattoos
pls gibe
excwllent b8
I always get thots, or non white women. Wish me luck.
thankx :D
are the crimes listed really what they did?
Is roll posting allowed again?
I have a 7 inch uncut cock. That is literally in the 92nd percentile of cocks in the world
I'm gay.
Thanks user.
Here we go!
Rolling for necromancy
gib cutie
dam that is a good ass list. i'll hapilly roll
>fuck the bf
>lasted 20 minutes and made him cum twice
>have just a 5.5" tiny pecker compared to bf's monster cock
Feels good man
>inb4 hurrdur fag
Pussy is easier to reach with a smaller dick, and I can still make people cum multiple times with my baby dick
Went from like 6.5 to 7.5 250 to 170
>t.dude who used to be extremely insecure about his size until he actually had sex
kek too true
Thanks user.
What the fuck is an illegal twerk?
Nice cope fag
sage for cancer
7.5 here when i got my first gf (asain big mistake) her vagaina was bleeding for a week after she said and no it wasn't her period. feels kinda bad cuz she broke up with me after and said she had to do anal for her first time with her rebound because her pussy was bleeding too much. don't fall in love with whores no matter how lonely you get lads.
rolo tony
>Tfw he doesnt have a footlong penis
Why did you say sweetie
>implying anything lower than 98 percentile is what woman actually want
>dick is 7.5"
>meet girl on tinder
>wind up getting her back to my place
>the visible disappointment when i pull it out
i thought i was "big"?
My penis is 5.5 inches.
>tfw he doesn't know girls won't dig anything below horsedicks
Jin-Bo, you better go check your sperm count...
>tfw dicklet thinks his babyballs can produce quality sperm
It's a LOST reference user...
t. dicklet trying to make this into a joke
Too mature to be here, fuck off back to your cubicle please...
This, penis size basically does not matter, all that matters is the face and frame it is attached to
Did you flaunt your size beforehand? I only got 6x5 and usually get no reaction. Sometimes excitement, but never had a disappointed look. Sounds like either she was led to believe there's something larger, she's inexperienced and/or she's a cunt.
wtf. maybe you should have gone easy.
Tfw you have swole thighs and your dick looks small by comparison. The only way to break the illusion is to put it on a girls chin.
let me be real son
dick size doesn't matter that fucking much, so you don't have a 10'' cuntripper9000? so what, you still can fuck the shit out of any woman.
big dicks show dominance, and you can be hella dominant in bed with only a 5-6-7'' dremel
just fuck her like an animal from time to time, bite her neck, pull her hair, slap her around a little bit, rip apart her panties and then throw her onto the bed, fuck her rough and then pull out and see her begging for you to put it back in. be a fucking man.
goddamn, it's not rocket science
i didn't know i was going too hard till after. was first time and i was pumped
>Not having a 10 inch dick
Nice try buddy, but the official dicklet cutoff is 11 inches
>When you get cucked for having a cock that is too big
Damn user
12" minimum and while we're talking about it anything with a circumference less than a 2L bottle of soda is a tiny little joke
I hate dicklets so much