After noticing the soy boy pandemic in iri I'm literally seeing them everywhere in media and college tf how did this happen
Soy-boys pandemic
Unlike you, these "soy boys" actually have wives, children and jobs.
This image fills me with so much rage
Everyone does this face regardless of how much of a soyboy they are, for some reason people only point out examples where it's soyboys doing it since they're painful to look at to begin with.
this has to be fuckn shopped
>Everyone does this face regardless of how much of a soyboy they are
Not once in my life have I done this face.
Self-styled as "Internetainers" (a portmanteau of the words "Internet" and "entertainers"), they are known for their online viral videos, comedy songs, ten-episode TV series Rhett & Link: Commercial Kings for the Independent Film Channel,[1] their daily morning talk-show titled Good Mythical Morning (GMM), their YouTube Red series Buddy System, and more recently, their YouTube channel "This Is Mythical." In their 2008 documentary, Looking for Ms. Locklear, they chronicled their search for the first grade teacher in whose class they met for the first time.[2] All their work is put under their one banner name, Mythical Entertainment.
that's simply untrue
Lower average testosterone in men than previous generations, a feminized society that shuns male characteristics, the lack of a real "mission" in life that would give men a reason to devote themselves to something coupled with the breakdown of family roles.
If any of you fucking idiots watched the video you would know see that the sentence before this was the guy on the left saying "I have a smaller than normal mouth and [guy on right] has a bigger than normal mouth.
Then they open their mouths to demonstrate.
Will there be a breaking point or is this just the next stage of human life?
why doesn't it fill you with relief?
Was Piana a soyboy?
Yes but why the face?
All the while dairy consumption skyrockets. How do we stop the dairy queer menace?
>roastie-tier banter from 'successful' grown men on late night show
This somehow makes it better?
As if that makes it any less gay.
Doesn't matter, he's a soilboy now
t. soyboy
I legit want to kill these people with my bear hands. Why couldn't I have not been born in the Jewish golden era?
Sums it up pretty perfectly desu
fucking reptilians
>soyboys with wives, children and jobs.
You mean Chad fucked up their wives and now they're busy working 24/7 to raise his younglings?
>Lick gf like a dog from dusk to dawn.
>Wife get fucked by Chad during the day.
>Confused soyboy believed he had no sperm in mouth
>Stupid soyboy gets a vasectomy just to be sure
>Soyboy opens his mouth on TV to show his sex
>Chad keep creating cuckold kids in their wives.
>not being overjoyed that god decided to give you life in this crucial time period where all hope seems lost
You evil, evil man... you're underrated.
>Will there be a breaking point or is this just the next stage of human life?
I think there will eventually be a breaking point, we're definitely in a decline and the quality of both men and women has dropped substantially as we went from a community-based society to an individual-based society, and our values are so fucked.
Women have more freedom than ever, and yet somehow are much less happy than they were when they were subjected to a single role in life. Also, Western birth rates have plummeted and we will only be able to keep the population up from immigration. Probably in the next 50 years we'll be in a really shitty place.
to be honest i plan on never getting a vasectomy
my dad got one after he had 3 kids but i thought it was weird
the catholic church says that it's an act of self mutilation and thus a sin. i dont have much faith in the christian church but i've always felt like i agreed with their basic idea there. i think condoms are just the best way to practice birth control.
Uhh yeah I love seeing my country burn before my eyes and being super skeptical about marrying my gf and giving her the child she's been hinting at for the past two years because she could change her mind about me at any point after and absolutely JUST my entire fucking life.
Thank for the Jews, God you fucking cunt
>giving these people clicks
Now why would I do that?
> from a community-based society to an individual-based society
How do you figure this?
Yes, which is why he's dead. A real man could've easily handled all those scoops.
People have become more isolated in society, the goals that Western society esteems are more about material wealth than happiness, large families have become harder and harder to create and maintain, and more and more people are forgoing creating families so they can live a life of luxury and not bother with children.
I feel exactly the same way as you but it makes me feel like I'm fighting against something evil and it gives me purpose. Every generation has their battle, this is ours.
>you watched the video
>we ignore or ridicule this cancer
>somehow that makes us the fucking idiots
Derpy face.jpg
Because it looks "cute"
Go back to your containment board faggots.
see, "alt-right movement"
basically the masculine movement, but with white nationalism
That doesn't make them men
Very true. I would love to earn enough money on one paycheck to support my housewife and children. Can you imagine such a scenario, it seems almost mythical and yet it was reality only a few generations ago.
The jews really fucked us over. Feminism was divide and rule designed to tax ths other half of the population, increase competiton for fewer jobs and keep wages stagnant or in decline.
>wears gloves to bench the bar
Funny thing is:
Obesity = Excess estrogen
But yeah I'm sure the soy is what will make you grow bitch tits.
Everybody has a face they make when they take pictures, insecure people tend to mimic the behaviour of someone with a higher social significance than they have. Meaning that someone made this fucking stupid face at some point, the picture became widespread, who even knows at what fucking point
people started doing it, their friends started doing it and now it's just a fucking thing people do when they don't know what they are supposed to do with their face.
It's the same thing I do, I do the halfsmile and make sure there's a good light source making the green in my eyes the focus.
But at least I'm not making this soyboyface
I love Mélissa Theuriau
Okay? Having a wife means some woman has shown them validation, but they're soyboys, why would anyone be jealous of getting validation from the kind of woman who marries a soyboy.
The fact that they have children doesn't make me jealous, it makes me feel sorry for their kids. These are going to be their role models, and I'd bet money that those kids are going to be force-fed a diet of white guilt patriarchy nonsense.
Maybe they have jobs, but given that they're soyboys their jobs are either a) in the social sciences which idgaf about or b) are in programming where they're basically treated like indentured servants
See, no one actually WANTS to be these people. That's the thing. Their life is roughly, abstractly good, but it has zero actual substance to it. It's a facade. It's like them: it knows all the buzzwords but when you peel back the cover the whole damn thing is just empty, it's actually pathetic. I realize I might look like I'm sperging, but honestly this is sad. These people are ghosts, they look human but they've been dead for centuries and it just hasn't caught up with them yet.
It's the same reason why you see that Democrats want DACA to go through.
My favorite part of soyboy threads is that there are people who actually get pissed off at them
There's a containment board for Am*ricans? About fucking time!
The soyboy smile is a true meme in the classical sense of the word
pretty funny how the numale face meme hit the nerve on some people
>some people
Gee, I wonder what kind of people
Its not dairy dumbass its all the estrogen mimetics in plastics
>having a wife and children is the ultimate sign of success! r-r-right guys?
>white wives
>white children including sons
>children homeschooled to protect them from mind viruses
>well above the manlet cap (rhett is 6'7)
>rich as fuck
>8x6 cocks
>eat loads of spicy food for massive test boosts every week
>can grow thick, full beards to indicate they are ready to fuck
What does /pol/ consider success now? Using twitter with anime avatars?
>don't wanna be a soyboy
>also unironically enjoy soy foods like tofu and miso soup and have soy as a somewhat regular part of my diet
A-am I safe?
It doesn't matter when not one of them respect him.
I want one of those nut switches
have fun having some mistake ruin your life at 40
>Being able to shoot your load into a woman is success
I don't care about these soyboys - or "alphas" for that matter - but I don't understand what's the deal with opening their mouth like idiots. Can someone explain?
No you are fucked
You know most of these soy boys are usually happily married while everyone here posts sad wojaks about not having a gf.
>tfw no gf.
They really arent user
Don't forget they own their own businesses, are celebrities, millionaires, etc.
Honestly, I wouldn't even really call them soy. Link, maybe... definitely not Rhett though.
Fucking kek that webm.
good cat. goes right for the jugular.
How old is this many babby? Who the fuck reacts like this above the age of 11?
The alt-right understands and practices masculinity the same way neckbeards think they're classy by wearing a fedora with their video game t-shirt, jeans, and running shoes. Unsurprising why there's so much crossover between the two.
>posts weimericans
That and using their own tears as lubricant for masturbating to BBC porn.
My sides
conquering europe
>haha they hate niggers so therefore they are sexually attracted to them
>gottem ;/
daily reminder that soybean does NOT affect your T levels
dropping soy from your diet isn't gonna fix your mantits or your beta chin. Also I highly doubt that underwater superjews have engineered soybean to hijack your brain and make you a college liberal, but thats just my ppinion
pro tip: if you wanna be more manly, eat more fat, less carbs (keto). Looking like a man is all about your macros.
>containment board
snowflake detected
fuck off with the retarded buzzwords pls
Joke’s on you, my life is already ruined.
And how are you fighting it?
That and being charming enough to keep her around for most of your life and being successful enough to financially support her and your children, yes. Having a stable nuclear family and taking part in raising the next generation is generally a good mark of success.
If Soyboy McCuck gets married, has kids, and grows old with his spouse and secures his financial legacy, he is objectively more successful than you.
Soy as fuck.
Alpha is gf, no kids, g4p or other fitness job.
this, i have literally never seen a good looking alt-right type
Why do y'all spend so much time thinking about what black dicks are doing then?
>Constantly debating who is and is not a cuck, and in these elaborate sexual fantasy league teams the black guy fucking your wife is the worst.
>Literally have strategy debates on how to keep black dicks away from you and any females you are too much of a coward to talk to
>Willing to spend hours of research and get dozens involved in the search for information on whether or not a woman has dated a black guy
That's your board, this is Veeky Forums bring actual science for a health question or fuck off.
For the last 6 months I've been happy telling people on /pol/ they are shills and stuff but I'm making moves in 2018
You literally brought it up and keep going on about it and its people like you who do this constantly. Take your sick fetish and fuck off back to you weird cunt