How do I become a Giga Chad ?
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go bald prematurely
If he were actually a giga chad he wouldn't have rescinded after the suicide first thing
gigachad? try again
That's precisely why he's a true chad, no self awareness or knowledge of chadhood. Therefore he doesn't have knowledge of autistic principles of being an "alpha" like "never apologizing". It works out better anyway because he gets double the views and attention on his "apologizing" video.
Chads don't post on Veeky Forums, they don't know what Veeky Forums is. They were always chads
Suck more shlong than you already do
6'3" is manlet?
You could say the same thing about every virgin autist out there
A chad who apologizes is more alpha than a virgin who refuses to because he saw a Youtube video on how to be an alpha and pick up girls.
He's probably made upwards of $50,000 of this whole contrived "controversy", just like he made millions of that contrived e-drama with his brother, as well as the future attention and views. He's playing idiots like a fiddle.
Chads have no self-awareness, they just follow some preprogrammed chad instinct within themselves without any second thoughts
how can you tell he's balding, i want to feel better about not being a millionaire
dude, but he's colorblind
If the family of that jap guy decides to sue him, he's going to get raped in court.
this but bigly
Damn this is straight knowledge
Massively underrated.
>no self awareness
Neither does a squirrel
>implying some gook who off'ed himself even has famiry
He blurred the face tho?
by not idolising childish faggots like this. jesus back in the day this cunt wouldve had one punch to face when he acted out and that wouldve been the end of his clowning. damn i miss the old days
Train neck and traps. That's honestly most important. Don't be a pencil neck.