How does Veeky Forums feel about a Syrian refugee being given a free lifetime gym membership for just being poor and...

How does Veeky Forums feel about a Syrian refugee being given a free lifetime gym membership for just being poor and looking sad?

Businesses pull shit like this all the time to win favour with the public. I don't care at all desu.

i hope they gave him those retarded gloves

>tfw they're going to give him unlimited access to the gym Stacey too

That's not within their power- that you have to earn yourself.

>that guy who wears jeans to the gym


Why is he fat?

He's gonna make it, brahs. I know he will

he has to go home

>being this fat
boy I was I was this poor

its not hard if all you eat is bread and cheese

He clearly needs it

So other gym members have to subsidize his subscription to take up time on equipment they paid for.

Absolutely fitting.

>Be Ahmed
>No manners
>No school because the country I came in said something about papers
>Sit on my ass all day, have a beggar box, shine shoes every now and then
>Find a new sweet spot where I can ogle on half nude girls in breaks between shoe shining stuff
>Someone posts a pic of me and uses it to virtue signal how good of a guy he is for feeling sad for my overfed ass
>Pic goes viral
>Gym owner gives me access to his gym so that I can ogle on Stacies up close
Life is good brehs, how are you doing on this beautiful day?

i hope this cancerous nigger gets a bullet in his head then drop kicked back to syria

But the public hates the stupid sandnigger subhumans and wants them either gone or dead. The businesses are literally losing customers by doing this shit, they do it only because the business is run by a Jew that cares more about spreading propaganda than about profits.

just end it

> Jew that cares more about spreading propaganda than about profits.

Probably because he has zero knowledge of how weight works, think about how little the average adult knows, and then imagine what a 13 year old kid knows.

>run by a Jew
>Gym is in Turkey
Can't blame you though. /Pol/ tards generally don't know geography.

I love the word ogle. We should use it more.

If I'm not mistaken the sign in ops pic is Turkish, who gives a fuck if some roach lets another roach in his gym for free?

Source ?

I feel fucking fine about it you pathetic shitstain.

how a syrian refugee looks this fat?

normal day in germany

Lads he's in turkey why so asshurt?

OP here, I never said anything bad about it. I think it’s lovely

That's kinda cute...

whiter than you muhammed xdd

I respect anyone that carries a squatty potty/foot stool everywhere they go. At least he knows the correct way to take a dump.

Feels like good advertising to me.

good for him.

we all like free things

Feels ok, u mad or something about a human being helping another human being?

Would you have cared if the fat kid was white?


where do you see jeans?

idiot. that's his weapon of choice. woodstool jutsu

Good for him, but that wont do shit for him in the long run.

He'll eventually be able to carry like 200kg of TNT when he finally allahsnackbars.


It's not like the Turks can tell the difference between themselves and the refugees, so long as they don't speak

>businesses do this
In my country it's the self-proclaimed "Feminist Government" who gets the white cis-male taxpayer to pony up the dough for all legal and illegal aliens.
You recognize the new ones as being very aggressive, thinking it's a staring contest, and when you decide to talk to them (to ease tension or just teach em to rerack) they don't speak the local language. With a few exceptions they train very rarely. Those who paid for their membership probably more keen to make good use of it?

>how a syrian refugee looks this fat?
Don't understand why you think he can't be fat

I say good. With hope, he will get Veeky Forums, use his confidence and his clear head to maybe find a better job. I cannot imagine being poor in a country like Turkey, I imagine it would suck very much. I have friend from Turkey, Murat, and apparently is very conservative culture. Not a lot of help for the poor there.

Good luck to him, rather the gym was doing it for publicity or not is aside from the point. I hope shoe shine boy get swole and has many sex with nice ladies.

Might as well, they already give them free housing, phones, food, wifi, utilities, spending cash and immunity from prosecution for sexual assault.

>In my country
What country?

>Syrian refugee being given a free lifetime gym membership

Wait what I'm half Syrian. Give me my gym membership. Sure it's only $20 a month but free is free.

>I'm half Syrian
Steve Jobs?

feels good to not be poor or sad.

Jobs is love, Jobs is life. But no I'm not him.

You like anime. What exactly makes you superior to anyone else?

i give it a month before he gets arrested for sexual rapage or he blows up the gym







woah so this is the power of alt right....

My God, you really don't know how bad things really are, do you?

lmfao holy shit what woman hurt you to make you this way

Stealing rations.