Is anyone else a 3/10 lookswise?
How much do I need to curl before I look good?
At 5'11 I get heightmogged by at least 70% of guys, so I can't rely on that.
I was hoping that the increased test from curling a lot could boost me up in looks.
Is anyone else a 3/10 lookswise?
not even that ugly family
one thread at a time faggot
Cope. The average guy where I live looks kinda like pic related.
Shave hair, fix posture and dress better. These will all make you more attractive. You could be handsome, you just need to work on it.
i'm not op why would i need to cope you silly nigger?
user you don't really look too far off from that. Get in good shape and you could be a pussy wrecking machine.
Are you blind or just insane?
do you think has to try hard to look good? fuck no
I could put in all the effort in the world and end up a 5/10 on a good day.
You've got some serious dysmorphia going on there, lad. You're a solid 4-5/10 right now and with a proper haircut, weightlifting and skincare you could easily be 6-7/10
You're easily a 7/10 if you get a good haircut, fix your damn posture, and dress well.
why are you all coping for me? What do you get out of this lmao
Pic related is a 7/10
there is no way I could reach that ever, phuckin lmao
Femanon here (only saying this bc it's relevant in this case.)
OP you look handsome, just stand straighter- shoulders back. Curly hair is nice, just find a way to style it better. Smile some more.
Numbers are honestly arbitrary but you are above average like 7-8/10. Honestly could be a 9 if you wanted to be.
>teehee femanon
I didn't come here to ask for some girls bullshit cope opinion
holy shit
I wish you larpers would leave me the fuck alone.
7-8? 9 with fucking work? Are you SHITTING me? Fuck you pissed me off so much. What do you even get out of lying over the internet srs?
You're telling me that I look like a fucking model?
Fuck off. Jesus christ.
fuck off dude you're an even 7
I wish I had any positive facial characteristics
>ITT: la creatura de las Americas
Absolutely low IQ post.
What positive facial characteristic fo I have? Please, enlighten me.
>recessed lateral orbital rims
>no zygonatic mass whatsoever
>poor undereye support, moderate sclera show
>thin mandible and chin
>recessed brow
>bulbous nasal tip
>poor forward facial growth
>no lower third height
t. Balding nerdic cuckold with a recessed face
This. Veeky Forums isn't your fucking blog.
here op I'm gonna make you feel better. I'm a true 3/10. You have normal proportions. I have a disturbing nose, ears that are fucked to shit and a bitch mouth. Only redeeming thing I've got going for me is my 6'8 height.
Look at my face and rejoice OP.
Hey don't be so mean, I have no reason to lie to some jerk on internet.
See pic related
You could style your hair like this and possible grow out some facial hair.
>This dude is a model, and you look similar =\
You deathmog me facially and heightmog me.
Are you shitting me right now? You legit have BDD if you think you're uglier than me.
Major cope. Piss off larper.
It's obvious you have become obsessed which is making you way more self critical than you need to be.
nice complex
Wow, maybe fix your shitty personality. That's probably what repels people the most you asshole.
fucking mutt, i wanna bash your mong face in you mouth breathing faggot.
Change your fucking attitude you collossul pussy, it's without a doubt the most unattractive quality that you hold, and it shows on your face as a disgruntled face
youre not ugly, just look a little mean and unapproachable. try smiling more
t. 5'7 /pol/ster
Major cope.
leave me alone and get back to the thread topic
that is:"is anyone else a 3/10"
This guy is fucking ugly lmao
Aren't you the same guy from that thread with the black girl obsessing over her face fat?
Where is your neck dude?
exactly, now let's leave it at that. Where are my fellow uglies?
>asks for advice
>people tell him he isn't a 3/10
>becomes a huge faggot prick and complains to everybody saying he isn't 3/10
You know some people actually are 3/10. Honestly insulting you fag.
No m8 ur ugly enough to account for the others
fuck, brutal desu...
don't have time for LARPers.
Oh man it's you again. I fucking love your threads bro. If you want legit advice, you should try running Maori/Samoan game. Watch the movie "Once Were Warriors", copy their outfits, and work on being a robust tough guy. Honestly look better than me desu, I have shitty sparse eyebrows, and It makes me look like the engineer from Prometheus
The sheer aggressive way you're bashing anyone who even slightly doesn't agree with you or insult you further tells me you are either mentally ill or this is a troll. Either way jesus christ get help.
fix your posture man, pull your shoulders down and back, open your chest, do some yoga classes n shit
>Not balding
>Symmetrical looking eyes
>Good cheeks
>Non-beak nose
>Existent chin/jaw
M8 you're not a 3/10. Stay of Veeky Forums for a while.
honestly would be legit if I was actually robust >:(
I wish I could be like those guys desu, I wanna bulk up and be big af, but I'm only 5'11 and 185 rn FUCK
sparse eyebrows aren't that bad as long as u have facial bones
srs go back to whatever cope site u came from
I do the posture thing to hide my gyno
I do yoga in my free time
fuck up you autistic bed wetter.
look at this dood's face.
pure fucking goblino from walmart.
take your duende ass face and shit stained boxers and go back to /r9k/ half nigger
I agree about the 7/8, but don't know about a 9
Well youre bigger than me then. I'm 6'3, and only weigh in at like 182. I don't think I have the bones to make up for my brows tho, my chin is pretty narrow. As for you, I wouldn't say you're *ROBUST* but you do have impressive facial width, and a generally low trust face, so it could work.
Me on the other hand...
Stop. You're obviously better looking than OP and good looking overall
the biggest WNs are always the smallest cuckold phaggots.
nigger you don't even look like your over 6', nobody here is little execpt you and your mulatto cock you fucking jobber.
holy chit u deathmog me brother, why would u even compare us
you are a legit actual 7.5 with me as a 3
how the fuck is him a 7/8 op is like some spic quasimodo
No way, I either get told I look like an ex-con or some sort of alien/demon. You are at least an orc, which is more dimporphic than an alien! Plus, your chin is definitely better than mine
You remind me of this one ultra dom dude I know, I mire him so hard. I would trade lives with u in an instant desu
Fix your posture and train your neck. I'm a solid 6 here but could probably be a 7 if my neck gets 1-2" wider.
Ayy lmao I remember that girl, underweight BMI and worried about face fat, needs to get off thinspo
Dudes you have some severe body dysmorphia what the fuck. You both look good.
And OP I have seen your other thread and your hairline is completely normal, stop bitching there's lots of people that look way shittier than you.
la abominacion
>I would trade lives with u in an instant desu
Then you must be blind. As it stands, you have a way out; Where I, despite any looksmaxxing I have done, am womb to tomb.
bro u have a super highly androgenic skll shape desu, your zygos are flanged af and your jaw is wide
that's all u need boyo
u will strike the fear of god into most incels that see u
la creatura
la luz extinguido
epic r/TheDonald memes bro
Bones don't matter when you have harmony as unfortunate as mine 2bhhhhh. The problem is that I'm scarier than I am attractive, id rather be a flimsy white boy with prettier features. You're at least big!
stop samefagging and bumping your thread you narcissistic 56% mutt
jaja goblino nooooo
holy shit lol, thanks for the confidence boost.
I mog u so hard it's not even funny
How do you get mogged by a 3/10?
Fucking lmao
I am a bit more thankful for my looks again after seeing you.
desu that is kinda true, girls don't want dom guys, they want skinny white guys, but still, I would rather have ur turbo dom face and look like a warrior rather than myself
rate me lads
>tfw german blood runs trough my veins
Isnt the height average 5'9/5'10?
Where do you live that you get heightmogged by most men? Im 6'3 and most of the guys I see are under 6ft
I live in London, so a big city full of people
I live in America, where I live the average height is 6'2
Check out my pronounced mandibular
Neutral canthal tilt
Good eyebrow ridge support
Vertical maxillary harmony
Zygomatic arch
Supraorbital rim
Exactly. They would take Justin Bieber over Brian Shimansky any day! Look, although we can't agree on which of us is uglier, let's at least be thankful we're not this long, meltface potato
yeah desu, I don't understand that guys character. He legit is one of the most disgusting people I have ever seen irl or online, and he looks 40.
I'm a fucking M O G M A C H I N E royalty. Show me respect peasant
Slap ya cheekz voii
maybe you're faced is fucked from sucking too much white cock
what a waste of good facial structure s m h
>internet disease angle
Lmao right? He legit looks like a high elf from oblivion (Not skyrim, that's too generous) with an even droopier and fatter face. Plus he looks so greasy, yuck!
Hey man I'm just spitting the truth here, deep down you know you'd rather be Harry Styles than me.
you got that bruno mars thing going on man. get a haircut, stand up straight, get some nice clothes, you'll be a 6/10 in no time.
are you staying in your mom's basement? that's one poorass room
midface too long
shave the jewfro and your face would be average.
but you don't even look like you lift
It was fucking wash day
My white penis is too long
Where's zygoman? I need him to fucking submit to my superiority
If you realistically think that picture represents the average human male appearance on any given part of the world you're either:
- mistakenly living in a colony for Abercrombie and ck models
- delusional, self conscious and wasting too much time feeding your insecurities through the internet
When was the last time you stepped outside to meet fellow men? Not on the internet or the gym?
Trust me on this, I'm gay and I've worked as a escort before, I've met enough men in my life to Know what I'm talking about.
just take 7 showers and get 3 haircuts and u will slay to oblivion not joking bro
You won't know your true facial potential until you get to sub 10% bodyfat.
>I store my fat in my face
>that man is a 5/10 where I live
>I could put in all the effort in the world and end up a 5/10 on a good day.
So what's the problem?