Veeky Forums face rate thread go
Veeky Forums face rate thread go
Take that shit to /soc/
jesus everyone here mogs me
i guess Veeky Forums is full of 6'8 white chad slayers who have 500+ tinder matches now?
You look like the Zuck.
Decent face and body with terrible posture. 4/10 right now but posture exercises will get you to 6
Is that good?
>decent face
In case you aren't trolling, what's wrong with it? I see a good jawline, nice symmetry, neutral canthal tilt.
he a nigger
This fag has an entire thread where all he's doing is telling people that say his pic is more than 3/10 to cope. Ignore this fag.
You look like Erdogan lol
Lol no.
pretty sure these threads aren't really allowed, I think one a few days ago was deleted
Is that bad?
ur kawaii. Nice eye color, good cheekbones, aesthetic lip-mole. Just bulk a lil more and you'll make it in no time.
Could have Keanu Reeves aesthetics if you do something about that hair cut
Eyy Dominica?
yeah I really need to eat more. It's hard, but whatever
today wasn't a good hair day
took a selfie then flipped the pic horizontally my eyes look like i'm stoned
s t i c c
yeah fix your posture and get haircut. As for the haircut I could see you rocking the chad fade. You could easily turn into a 6 or 7.
Rate the several forms of M O G M A C H I N E royalty, peasants
How do I work on my neck though lol
Ya aint got no cheekz voii
laughing my fucking ass off
I'm look like shitskin i know
Your hair is pure utter garbage cut it for your own sake man
Nah i like it, just took the pic like that. I'm not retarded to go out like that.