Post your goal body ITT
This, with nigger arms.
That's one twink physique
So being able to carry someone elses push bike while running from the popo?
I want to walk sideways through doorways.
This, but with nigger arms
the hell bro I already said that. nice try
I want it.
You want to look like a patchwork doll?
current goal
How to achieve this body?
Cardio(including playing sports)
Calorie counting
Curlbro routine
So fucking perfect
my badf
holy shit sauce?
go orange?
Small lats
Also that quality
You have been visited by the Latless Laid. All your lat gains will disappear unless you reply “SHOO SHOO FAKE NATTY” to this post.
The Demi-god JT13
Thick neck on a slim body since I have to stay in my weight class
Tfw no Samoan genetics
Light heavy?
god mode
This is the single best image I have ever fucking seen
On the right
Smoke xF
All of life's problems will be solved once I look like Sage.
Tfw superior Tongan genetics trumps Samoan genetics and you can think about your next KFC feed while busting through tackles
With a little bit larger calves
Eddie said after this year he's going to cut down once he's out of his contract. It'd be crazy to see him cut.
time is a flat circle x 10
hatefuck partners wife x failure
ideal body ideal digits
This tbqh, although a lot of this is lighting and photoshop
Wonder what he can do? Aesthete or Athlete?
This is the exact body girl are looking for...girl don't care about bodybuilding
srs I don't care about getting that big, mirin his leanness hard
I just want to be strong enough to pick up a 160-180 lb girl and fuck her without putting her down
This but with real traps
>160-180 lb
That's called a man
this, including the beard
>those hips tho
dis mofugga looks like a frenchie
would smash then marry/10
is your ideal girl 7'2
or are you into fatties?
non meme answer here. i'm pretty sure true detective was filmed sometime around when he was in the "dallas buyer's club". i remember him saying he did an extreme cut and ate one can of tuna and a coke a day until he looked aushwitz enough. his body is by no means impressive, can be achieved with calisthenics (notice his triceps, definite sign of a guy who does pushups and dips).
No that's called the sad state of women today
>ideal girl
No I'm just being realistic
glhf trying
too much fat desu
>its a faggots, fats and facecels thread
Is this Boris from akame ga kill?
>wanna be hot cub
This. Shouldn't be too hard, just need a good cut.
sick guy mate
This, but unironically.
Lmao every single evropa fag I've seen is a fat basement dweller
klokov bod is the endgame
I'm going for this aesthetic too user
>mfw only got the bass part down
>mfw 6 inches too short to ever be Peter Steele mode
if this is honestly ur goal body you might be gay.
that is beautiful
This,with a lions mane and a dick.
PEAK performance
Is this possible natty in 3 years?
nice. based jake
i swear the head gets bigger with every repost
Hes just on a cut ,bro.
he is spreading his lats you DYEL brainlet
Do you not know how traps work?
he either is completely natty or just started roiding shortly before the second pic was taken, because that really is only mediocre progress for 3 years
Possible natty? ;_;
Yes,but it will take years.
Mine is better
already got the wide hipz, just need to build up this phuckin chest
You can look like that +2-4% body fat pretty easily. Getting and staying that lean would be very, very hard
we're all gonna make it brah
what an inspiration, srs
Bulk for 1-2 year with no rest days explosive 20 reps hypotrophy workout then cut hard (omad or only 400kcal per day) of course do all that while maintaining a healthy life, start day with 1 hour cardio and a 10 hours sleep minimum
t. have been lifting for 1 year