What does Veeky Forums do to relax after training?
What does Veeky Forums do to relax after training?
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I paint 1" tall models of miniature space men
Jack off to my oneitis' Instagram and cry myself to sleep
Anyone else constantly feel up their pumped muscles after a workout? Is it possible to be gay for yourself?
I kiss my arms good night desu senpai
Considering homosexuality is rooted in narcissism, yes, you can be gay for yourself.
That's so sweet user :)
I recently started reading about iron shirt and golden bell cover training. I now hit my flexed muscles after a workout. I will soon become invincible.
Jack off
play wow
talk to gf
all at the same time
Come over here and I'll give you the succ
I'm going to try this
I like to stop by my local parks and play chess with strangers
>Plays chess with strangers
I bet ya play the Sicilian defense Everytime against 1 e4 too ya schmuck
Make gin and tonics and play bloodborne
I sit and meditate. 45 minutes everyday.
i masturbate while looking in the mirror does that make me gay?
idk I have serious problems with sleeping after workout like today I had a workout in the morning, all night I couldn't sleep because my heart was beating intensively and I was turned on. Now it's already morning...
>Uses openings rather than just improvising
I did this already for no real reason
What does it mean?
Do you praise the Emperor for sick gains?
The perfect day:
>Meal prep snacks and shit
>Hit the beach to enjoy the ocean for all it's worth
>Maybe dive off the piers
Totally works as moderate active rest.
And where i live i get to see huge ass animals in the sea too so extra fun.
Ideal day 2;
>Do my swim set
>Go home, whip up some noice post workout shit cause i'm crazy hungry and could eat a mexican family.
>turn off most the lights in my room except the salt lamp and what not.
>Do yoga and relaxation while listening to ethereal music like this for example :)
look at fishes and jump into the ocean / Spread my legs on the floor with sexy lights on.
Play drums
i have masturbated to my mirror image, it didnt feel gay but it feels like it is right now
>tfw live in new jersey
>scared to swim because of jellyfish, crabs, horseshoe crabs, and rays swimming in the ocean
feelsbadman wish i wasn't a pussy
Iron shirt/golden bell cover is used by martial artists to harden the muscles, learn to properly brace for a strike and gain a tolerance to pain. Obviously, it's not about beating yourself to death. Take it slow and only increase the strength/material you strike with once you aren't feeling pain anymore.
Must be so awesome to just be able to go to the beach without it being some big trip, you can just wake up and decide to walk to it and spend your day out in the sun and water. I need to live on a coast.
Man up!
I'm in australia man.
On friday i had a stingray swimming ~50cm underneath me, it was actually a really peaceful experience!
But the stinger is intimidating...
m8 the rays are what Im most scared of
I didnt even think they lived here but one day at the beach I saw like 3 within 1 hour
I dont wanna be stabbed
Keep going & starvation.
I'd just live the life, when you encounter animals like that just pretend it's not there and make sure you're out of reach from the tail!
Stingrays are just like Manta-Rays.
They're curious and peaceful.
The difference between a stingray and a manta is that they can stab you if you piss it off.
Do you have manta rays around too?
It's my dream to hug one some day...
>homosexuality is rooted in narcissism
good point man, Im definitely gonna be swimming more this summer because I enjoy it so much, just gotta get used to it and coexist with the animals I guess.
Nah we dont have manta rays, that would be sick though, theyre magnificent creatures.
Also, you ever see a box jellyfish over there?
Good! It's one of the best feelings in the world after a rough day.
And if it's been a lazy day you can make it the opposite.
As for the box jellyfishes, actually they don't even exist in Melbourne where i live even though it's not far away from Sydney at all. literally 9hr drive, yet that place is like the jellyfish central..
They have fucking hammerheads rushing into the shallow waters too...
Melbourne is one of the safest cities to be swimming around actually.