>the absolute state of planet fatass
The absolute state of planet fatass
What did he mean by this?
You go there.
>I'm too poor too afford a real gym, why am I surrounded by people who don't ant to invest into fitness reee
They give out tootsie rolls at planet fitness (hence the wrappers in the toilet).
It's like you fags have never gone to a Planet Fitness to troll before. captcha: Dual Alarms kek
>lolly wrapers in the urinal
fat amerifucks eating candy in the gym toilet
They are tootsie rolls not lolis you stupid eurocuck.
when you throw your tootsie roll wrapper in the urinal of planet fitness and take a picture of it for an unfunny joke that could maybe even become a viral meme
Every one who hates planet fitness is MAD AF they didn't think of it first.
Litterally a genius idea
I'm not even deadassing around
Its the smartest gym venture of all time
whats wrong with that toilet?
So you are deadass, otherwise you're just having a laugh. Learn how to Ebonics, punk ass white boi
safespace gym with free candy and pizza
When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was a mug of hot chocolate with half a hardboiled egg in it......
This would actually be a really good prank. Go in with various lollies in wrappers, and super glue them to the floor in front of equipment
>not eating a tootsie roll b4 a lift for dat energy boost
Its like you all don't want to make it
get a bag of mcdonalds fries and just fling them into the free weights area. pranked! better sound the lunk alarm lmfao.
>Eat tootsie roll
>Tastes like fart
I thought that was a tea bag
post pictures of fat and ugly people at planet fitness tryung to better themselved i havent had a good laugh all day
>want to lose weight
>planet fitness near me
>free tour so whevs
>enter gym
>meghan trainer blaring so loudly that front desk staff are wearing ear muffs
>overweight patrons lip smacking can be heard from pizza table
>scheduled trainer gives me a slice and shows me around floor
>she herself is in actually decent shape
>go by lower body machines
>see old man curling the leg extension bar
>thot ass to metal on seated leg press doing calf raise twerks
>power racks have barbells welded on pegs
>solely for instagram poses
>upper body area
>trainer gives me another slice
>bench press has 25s glued on
>benching more than that is banned
>every single fucking person eating pizza
>middle aged man passed out on a bike
>slice in hand
>decent looking chad reaches for the 40s
>lunk alarm goes off
>chad gets escorted out with a box of little caesars
>finish tour
>6 slices deep
>get 2 months free and a take home box
you should throw your gay shoes in the toilet as well
>power racks have barbells welded on pegs
>solely for instagram pose
that can't be fucking true
>this is important to an american
Look like a heroin wrapper. I used to buy these things.
Smith Machine
Fucking commercials piss me off
Puffy baby man can fucking keep going there, cause damn straight I'm gonna judge his fat ass
sounds pretty good 2bh
well then the way he wrote it was fucking retarded
I'm sorry, but no one here is as ugly as you
You probably don't even weigh 200lbs, I went from 190 to 225 in a year at planet fitness, never used a real bench in my life, train with a Smith machine 225 bench, went to a real gym today put 225 on a real bench for 3x10 reps no spot, same as the Smith machine. Planet fitness is gains, hate because youre small
>being this embarrassed about not knowing what a lolly is
the absolute state of the modern "european" ""male""
I take pride in our bonbons faggot.
im sorry that you are a filthy nigger
you wish :) but there are no niggers here at the arctic circle
I bet your next move is to call me fat
anyone can have the nigger mindset
I bet you aren't even white, so why you call others nigger?
the biggest niggers on this forum are the janitors
Oh Lord...
bruh don't ever talk like that again
well at least they're having a good time
Is that feces?
hit a soft spot eh? :D
what did this thread mean by this
every time I update this thread I learn just a little more about the struggles of humanity
eating feces cuddle puddle lifestyle
>Planet Fitness
>a fast food joint with some gym equipment
I have never undertstood why
are you a pajeet or a pedro? :D
this whole poopoo thing makes me think you are a pajeet
The weight was probably from all the pizza you ate, lardo.
im a fan of your posts
are you a janitor?
can't they replace you with intelligent roombas?
I'm a Lardo and your a pussy, and lardos fuck pussy. 6'3 master race, planet gains, planet fitness gains in less then a year that most of you fags couldnt make in years of training at a real gym
>not knowing the brand of a candy by looking at the underside of the wrapper makes you a stupid cuck
I'm sorry I'm not a fat faggot that knows all the brands of candy, like you.
>he thinks whatever a candy is called, matters
>american education
Did his tiger tattoo become deformed?
That bitch is the love of my life.
And fuck no get all your tattoos while you're small to save money, tiger cost me $200 the saint Michael on my left arm cost $700
>That bitch is the love of my life.
who is it?
proxy paige
what is that?
hahahahahaha I see it
Those are some disgusting posts, guess I will do nofap 2018 without any issues with those posts in mind
>go to take a piss
>some freak is taking a picture of a urinal with his cell phone
Fucking planet fitness.
>Eurocucks can’t read wrappers
>not lolis