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I want to do this but am worried about become nutritionally deficient
You'll become nutritionally supercharged from not eating any toxic plant foods.
Bull fucking shit lol. You will destroy your body and your mind. Have fun trying to lift heavy without decent glycogen stores.
Who am I kidding? You don't even lift.
if thats true, how do predators survive on meat only?
Probably because they aren't primates and have entirely different digestive systems.
but we're omnivores so we should be able to just eat meat for a couple weeks and be fine
lel wut.
Pretty sure he lifts, probably more than you.
>5 plate deadlift is more than me
>also older than me and probably more than 200lbs
literally do not care about this irrelevant cocksucker lmao
Post body
post body soyboy
I doubt glycogen stores are that important to 1rm's.
Even at 3-5 reps you are probably mostly using ATP-PCr
кeк he's rattled boys
Here's what I think about this Shawn Baker guy. Everything about him and his diet seem to be a scam. But what does he have to gain by lying about this diet? He's not selling us anything. If I eat only meat it benefits him in no way whatsoever. Other diets have products and books they try to pedal to you. This is just a guy saying "hey just eat meat". I don't get how he makes money in this scam.
Are you refusing to post a pic because youre fat?
A lot of weirdos in the diet and fitness world aren't scammers so much as they are batshit fucking crazy and/or attention whores.
I was pretty skeptical too, and i guess i still am.
But if you listen to what he says on Joe rogans podcast, some of the shit he says makes sense. He hasn't lied about any of his history and the stuff he brings up about the RDA is true.
He simply says to just try it out.
i'm not him you stupid fuck
I didnt know this was an anonymous image posting forum
ok buddy im on your side in this gay little exchange but you just outed yourself as a complete internet biochemist by not knowing how adp and dephosphorylated creatine are phosphorylated and how that relates to glycogen stores
So is his whole theory just that plants are bad for you + why eat anything but fat and protein?
>guy 1 talks shit
>guy 2 and 3 tell post pic
>guy 4 says "he's-
>emphasis on the HE IS
>he's rattled boys
Yeah im autistic.
I scored well on reading comprehension exams, but i guess im pretty autistic
saying you're autistic is an insult to retards and scoring mediocre on reading evaluation sure as fuck isn't shit
99% of vegans don't have anything to sell you either. And pretty sure Shawn has a documentary to promote:
Excess protien is converted to glucose via glucogensis ( thats the name iirc). That's why in a leto diet you can't go above x% protien intake
Literal 8 year old reasoning.
This guy is a gigachad hes a former New Zealand rugby player, former orthopaedic surgeon from the airforce and has world records in deadlifts and rowing over 40s while the man is in his mid 50s
hes also had his medical license expired... I wonder why?
That's because you're not a moron.
I don't know, but till this day the best workout I've ever had was when I ate steak and some fat for breakfast and a few hours later destroyed in the gym, something about fat and protein rather than just having sugar in your system that you burn out on
The most nutrient dense meat there is.
Need at least 8000 calories of it, 4kg total net weight in order to get all nutrients from it.
Meat only retards larping as carnivores need to be shot.
Literally weaker than me, not just in total strength but even more so in relative strength.
Dude also is balding and has shit skin, who would've thought eating a nutrient deficient diet makes you look like shit.
Meat has all needed nutrients. Do not worry I did this for a month and was fine. Actually I felt better without all the excess shit in my intestines.
Yup it's so simple even a child can figure it out :^)
All your skeptical faggots should just try it and realize first hand its fine, literally its fine.
>inb4 threads on Veeky Forums about people complaining about bruises and bleeding anchors
>meat has all needed nutrients
Literally more deficient than a fucking vegan diet.
>b-b-b-but my soyboy "argument"
>eating guts
>being nutritionally deficient
lmao @ your shit knowledge of nutrition
don't be retards people, come on...
>hes also had his medical license expire
he probably didn't renew it.
food industry wants you to buy expensive meat and fad products like all that keto shit, that they pull out of their warehouses every 4-5 years.
Fad diets like that are intentionally started and controlled. the people who do, do not sell you anything directly, but they are paid off by food companies to steer you in a certain direction.
It doesn't matter if you buy brand A or brand B of product X, since it's all owned by the same couple of people anyway.
> lel wut.
> Pretty sure he lifts, probably more than you.
textbook shitty meatcuck hairline
Listen to him on joe Rogan he essplains everything
Where does this idea that primates don't eat meat come from? Chimps certainly eat a lot of meat.
>meat eaters will only be eating one thing a day
I think it comes from the fact that they don't eat a lot of meat, at all.
Neither at zoos or in the wild.
There is no single chimp population that didn't get the vast majority(over 80%) of their calories from plant sources.
You have to eat it raw to get the nutrients
>and have entirely different digestive systems.
what you mean like chimps and humans?
dude that started this retarded fucking meme literally eats nothing but fucking steak all day every day
>yo dudes this is totes healthy and nutrient rich
*check actual nutrient content of the most nutrient rich meat there is*
>oh I would have to eat toxic ammounts of liver in oder to get all the essential nutrients in the human diet, alongside with a healthy dose of 8000 calories minimum, but that's ok, anyone who says otherwise is just a shill for mainstream nutritional dogma
>No one eats just one thing all day, I can eat something that's even less nutrient dense than lamb liver like steak and bacon alongside lamb liver, surely that's much healtheir!
So you're eating what? steak and organ meats all day? That's literally less nutrient dense than just eating lamb liver which is the most nutrient dense meat there is, which would still make you nutrient deficient in a variety of vitamins mostly fat soluble(lmao) if you are eating a healthy ammount of calories and aren't interested in suffering from copper toxicity.
Because they metabolize foods differently. How tf do you expect to mantain glicemy levels?
Vince Gironda had this figged in the 60s
oh my god you fucking incels. I post this every time this thread comes up:
I have been eating this way (zero carb/meat only) for over a year, never felt or looked better, while on an intermediate program and making great gains. AMA
People already buy meat in large quantities. It sells itself. So this arguemnet is stupid.
Nice circular logic.
being fine eg not dying and achieving optimal performance and growth are two very different things
How old are you and have you talked to your doctor about cancer risk
33, doctor's not worried. Blood work looks good.
put in some liver on that faggot, and milk
A balanced diet REQUIRES a variety of foods, regardless of whether youre a omni, vegan, vegatarian or carnivorem you cant just get everything from a single food wtf
Include organ meats and you're covered.
>le MANLY steak for le MANLY bodybuilding
you stupid fuck nigger you can literally just eat broccoli and never even considere drinking water
enjoy metabolic acidosis and death
>There is no single chimp population that didn't get the vast majority(over 80%) of their calories from plant sources.
Youre pretty autistic. I didnt have to finish reading your sperg essay to know you havent even listened to what this guy says on joe rogans podcast. Im sure you lift heavier than everyone else, but youre probably fucking fat. He trains as an athlete and not some autistic fatlord that only wants tl lift heavy weights.
this thread.
There hasnt been a lot of research on people who eat only meat, so its kinda hard to say this diet is healthy/unhealthy. Though, there is a growing nimber of ppl who are purporting that this diet has improved their physical and mental state.
But again, there hasnt been any legitimate studies done.
Jewish psyop part 2: use the insecurity of males about their masculinity, and the hatred of vegans and soy psyop part 1 achieved, to convince them to eat only meat and die.
Truly worthy of Sun Tzu, really. Use your enemy's strength against him: we where to proud of our masculinity and they exploited that...
user, there's some soy dripping from your lip.
The only right answer is OMNIVORE
Vegan or carnivore, you are a delusional fag trying to compensate something with being "something-vore" to feel part of a group
The fact that he is 51 is to his detriment. DYEL fag?
Do you have a Phd in psychology?
So, why NOT eat veggies? Low calories. Fill you up. Extra nutrients.
I don't think an all meat diet will harm you, but I don't see the point of restricting to meat only.
>My wife is chinese
the harsh reality is that protein production flat out can't keep up with the demand, what with the world's population going so high
in 50 years, a steak will probably cost about $600-$1000. unless we get a huge war or great plague, y'all better get used to soy-based fake meat like tofu, veggies, and maybe some cricket-based proteins
1 billion ppl need to die if we want to save this planet.
yeah, sadly, that's true.
go into all sorts of topics, about a billion deaths would probably help
> food production
> income inequality
> deterioration of the ozone
> housing
> jobs
one of the biggest myths is that the american middle class disappeared solely because of the 1%... sure, they were a huge part of it. but another big factor was the burgeoning middle class in thirs world countries, where many of our skilled manufacturing jobs went
it's sad but if like.... 1 of every 7 people on earth just dropped dead tomorrow, it would improve quality of lfie for basically everyone else
Fruit is so good tho
not tryin to be edgy, but that number would definitely be closer to 5 billion
you won't go into metabolic acidosis unless you eat a shit ton of carbs every single day, to the point that you can't pump out enough insulin to handle all the sugar. much different from ketosis, where your insulin levels drop to very small amounts and then the body releases ketones.
>t-this is just anedoctal evidence
Plants are poison. All of them. They can't run away or fight with tooth and claw, so they use biochemical defenses to defend themselves from being eaten. Even fruit doesn't want you to eat it. It wants you spread the seeds. Did you think onions made you cry or peppers burned your mouth by accident? It's biochemical warfare.
Plus the nutrients have extremely low bioavailability. In the 15% range, compared to meat which is over 90%.
you're far more likely to get cancer from a diet high in sugar, bleached flour, HFCS, and living in an area with lots of pollution, than you are to ever get it from eating meat.
The harsh reality is you simply don't understand economics or biology.
Start with yourself, then, tough guy.
Dude, even Vitamin D has a ridiculously low RDA. As long as you eat vitamin K, you SHOULD take many times the RDA. It's just that they're scared that you're gonna die from overdosing, since you actually CAN overdose on Vitamin D.
The key to vitamins, is that you should never follow the RDA. The RDA is for PUSSIES. ...and that's scientific fact.
do you understand supply and demand? I'm not even posting a controversial opinion. the idea that global food supply is going to struggle to keep up with demand is almost unanimous among economists.
of course meat, being the most expensive and energy-draining, is going to face real challenges
Also why does the title say RDA, when it's RDI? Now I've misspelled the entire post.
>is ex military
>is doctor
>is record-holding lifter
>is still in shape at 50
the only thing weird about him is that he doesn't get more bloodwork done imho
How mentally ill do you have to be to not want to eat salsa?
literally has nothing to do with eating only meat
The only thing remotely accurate is the second paragraph.
Post body faggot.