>be me
>at the gym
>it's pretty crowded
>end up working out next to a girl
>a few seconds after i start she puts away her weights and picks up her water bottle
>think nothing of it
>resting between sets and just kind of looking around
>see her 15-20 feet away doing the exact same workout she was doing just a minute ago with the exact same weight
Maybe she thought she's too close and chose spot with a bit more space, don't take It personally dude
I'm a creep too desu.
all the girls give me terrified condescending stares no joke
I often wonder if there's a rumor that I'm a rapist or something.
I try to just stare away, if I make eye contact I just give an angry look so they know that I wasn't trying to ogle them. Also legit never speak to any girls there, when I know most of yhe guys
You're assuming too much, stop overthinking you pussy, she's probably shy as well
“Everyone seems afraid of me, I don’t understand it... Better stare angrily at people so they don’t think I’m a creep”
If you get treated like shit right off the bat, you are probably ugly/very unpleasant to look at. People are shit like that. Sorry dude.
You creeped her out dude.
>I'm a creep too desu.
>all the girls give me terrified condescending stares no joke
>I often wonder if there's a rumor that I'm a rapist or something.
>I try to just stare away, if I make eye contact I just give an angry look so they know that I wasn't trying to ogle them. Also legit never speak to any girls there, when I know most of the guys
Imma going to punch you in the face if i ever see you. You disgust me
>be me
>get to gym
>20 people say hello before i even get to the squat rack
>new people automatically accept me b/c regulars know me
>little do they know...im a 4channer
Sometimes ill open up chrome and forget the tab is on fit. Would much rather get caught watching gay porn
stop eating raw onions
Same here, i just wear that 1000 yard stare all the time.
Merk yourself m80
*sniff* m-mirin the social skills.
hang yourself
maybe you smell bad?
stop giving them angry stares you fucking autist just give a brief smile if anything
she wanted to fuck
i use the gym's wifi for my streaming music service.
Veeky Forums is a blocked site. Thank God for small miracles
Just genuinely stop caring about girls and it's pretty much impossible to look like a creep
You're welcome
>im a 4channer
maybe in the sense that you post on the website Veeky Forums.org - but beyond that, no you're not
nigger what kind of deeper meaning do you attribute to the term 4channer?
>stay as far away from women as possible
>look away from them when they pass by or workout nearby
>if they try speaking to me I speak flamboyantly and use gay mannerisms so they don't think I'm a creep
>24 kv
Help me snap out of it
I openly browse Veeky Forums between sets. What's the issue?
Its literally as easy as stop being a fucking pussy. All creepy is is when you communicate your lack of self confidence when interacting with others. Stop letting getting called creepy in gradeschool keep you a virgin.
>can interact socially
>isn't a massive turboautist
>claims to be a "4channer"