Lets sort out the bug question.
Whenever someone wants an honest debate about the effects of soy all I see is
>REEEEEEEEE back to /pol/
Is soy somehow a mind parasite or does a certain type gravitate towards the soy?
Lets sort out the bug question.
Whenever someone wants an honest debate about the effects of soy all I see is
>REEEEEEEEE back to /pol/
Is soy somehow a mind parasite or does a certain type gravitate towards the soy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Talking about "soyboys" unironicly
Go back to /pol/
This sort of response is exactly why you know its true. Yes soy affects you, xenoestrogens
>dietary phytoestrogens raise estrogen levels
literally no substance in the world other than steroids affects your test levels to a degree that would cause any noticeable difference. the difference between natural high/low test is minuscule and if you care about maximising it youre autistic
>muh soy
>muh test levels
>muh /pol/
You don't lift and you're not gonna make it
At this point I don't trust research on this subject for the same reason no one should have trusted smoking studies 50 years ago.
I simply see who seem to be consuming it and what they look like on average.
That is why soyboy is a thing at all and that is why I will stay away from it.
meateaters are cucks
>calls meateaters cucks
>image is about dairy
Even flat earthers disagree with you, let that sink in.
That vegan dude looks so hollow.
>dat dere empty vegan stare
Dairy and meat stealing your years doesn't make you a cuck?
Are you being retarded on purpose?
>strawman infograph doesn't even have the word meat in it
>muh meatcucks
being this braindead ay lmao
> dietary estrogens of any source affect circulating hormone levels
Wrong person dipshit.
Also dairy is essentially just liquid meat.
>Being this brain dead
The fact is that Soyboy is a real phenomenon with tangible evidence.
Whether or not Soy actually has anything to do with it is irrelevant. Offended soyboys will turn it into a semantics debate by saying that Soy is not the cause of their condition
Postx no evidence. Gj bro
Have a (you)
Backhand assumes don't work anywhere else but the cesspool of brainlets that is /pol/. Back to /pol/, faggot.
>back to /pol/
ah yes the war cry of the soi
What if I told you that I unironically voted for Hillary Clinton and think Donald Trump is a fucking retard? Do I still need to go back to /pol/ soyboy?
>"dairy is essentially just liquid meat"
>unironically voted for hilldawg
2/10 bait
Fucking this. This so much.
Thats what I've been trying to explain to these leaking/pol/tards here. But you can't have any arguments with them because they only speak in memes, and when you call them out its
>muh soy warcry, muh leftists warcries, fucking trigger words
take it easy with the soyperiority man
Proves my point, tsk, predictable
>back in the day Steve-O tattoos his back with himself smiling and thumbs up because he’s fucking Steve-O and it’s hilarious
>modern day cucks now try to be cool and funny like him and steal his thunder
Why? They’re turning the Steve-O smile into being associated with low test beta faggots. I used to do it as a joke but now it’s just awkward and people think you’re gay
>people will call me retarded when i spazz out
>AHA see they did it
You truly are a master prognosticator
Have you seen what those guys who made the soydrink (the one that you can drink for every meal so you don’t have to eat, it’s supposed to have all the nutrients) look like? They look like feminine as all hell
Bugmen ruin everything