#1 of hopefully many. This is for the men of Veeky Forums who want to achieve an image of manliness, without succumbing to a high bodyfat percentage. Lean bear-mode, as it was.
I'll compile a pastebin for all the lifting information but any decent routine that emphasises 8-12 reps is best.
Nutrition is the most important thing since "bear" normally equates to "bodyhair" and "lean" equates to a good diet. Bodyhair is a sign of high-test, so any foods that promote this are essential for bearmode of any kind. Examples to include are red meat (not the lean stuff; get 80:20), fatty fish, whole eggs, white potatoes, coconut, broccoli and other green veg (asparagus, spinach, kale), tomatoes, onions, garlic, berries, HOT spices, cocoa, peppermint. Examples to avoid are soy, nuts*, seeds, milk**, grains, vanilla, salt, and too much fructose.
>*Some are okay but too many PUFAs and MUFAs are linked with lower testosterone
>**Whole Milk is potentially okay depending on the source
The standard lean bear diet would be a source of fatty protein with vegetables for carbs. Keep a limit on both fruit and potatoes (more potatoes is fine if you need to bulk). An example of a leanbear diet:
>Breakfast: 6 Eggs + Spinach, Kale, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Onion, Garlic; covered in a sauce of tomato puree and paprika/chilli (and water to thin)
>Lunch: Salmon with dark/mixed lettuce leaves, tomatoes, cucumber, served in an apple cyder vinegar dressing
>Dinner: Ground Beef patties with potatoes and broccoli, and other veg of your choice
If you can find decent whole milk, a mug of that heated in the microwave with cocoa stirred in would be a great in-between snack. Berries are okay for snacking just don't eat shitloads (2 servings a day total as the max). Vegetables are fine too (Cucumbers are godly for snacking; carrots are pretty good too but make your skin orange).
Other things:
>Get a tan if you don't have one
>Focus on upper body, but don't neglect your legs and cardio
>Any cardio should be of the 'HIIT' kind. Short sprints, Boxing, Calisthenics, whatever really. Be active throughout the day generally and it shouldnt be an issue.
ur just a hairy twink, not a bear
why 8-12 reps lol
Op looks like a shitty me
Roiding for this. Nice obliques.
There's nothing I like more than having an itchy breeding ground for germs. I love how easy it is to use my beard as a vector to get other people sick. I also love how intimidating I look with one
Thanks man. How are yours coming along?
These pictures are from months ago. You still only take carbs in dextrose form before and after workouts?
I love oats too much to skip them completely. I could do without rice, pasta, bread, etc but oats...
where's y'alls adonis belt and core? bearmode is about a thick core/back and treestump legs and glutes.
you're just an otter, never gonna make bearmode at this rate.
I'm 250lbs lmao but no I'm not bearmode and neither is OP
Just during and it's usually just simple Gatorade. I swear by the pump though.
Roided delts. FAggot.
You have to live it
Started taking ZMA three weeks ago
I have since gotten acne and have had to shave twice as often, also killing it in the gym
Is this a meme?
So what else do you eat? Eggs and beef and green veggies?? [spoiler]:3[/spoiler]
You mean a natty you.
this looks like a twink shitty physique ur waist is so small i could fucking snap you in half beta
You have to live it
I assume he is training for athleticism and not strength, otherwise he’d be doing 5-8 reps.
So you know this general is and always will be gay, right? I'm cool with that.. just wanted to make sure you're aware
That's fine. Most twink-bears are bi
you have to live it
What does training for athleticism even mean retard kek
>twink with bodyhair
Looks strange desu, just shave
Its "different" and "unique" though. That's what women (and gay men) like
isn't that an oxymoron?
You have to live it
dude, how do girls react when you carry them and shove them up your cock
I stopped clean shaving my chest.
>body hair is a sign of high test
WRONG. It is a sign of high DHT, which is created by test. You can be hairy and low test
You have to live it!
Also OP, doesn't bear=chubby gay guy? So aren't you projecting your jailhouse gay tenancies that are brought on by a mix of R9K women hate and crippling social autism?
>lean bear mode
Holy lmao you’re actually retarded
why the filter faggot?
is this instagram?
I'm pale and filter attract more slags on tinder
I'd like to lick your chest
>no homo
>image of manliness
you guys need some real fucking manliness, not this manufactured bullshit
is this tinder?
you asked for a opinion dude
should post the real pic
also, how many sloots have you pulled so far on tinder
4 that led to fucking
Maybe 7-8 total. I live in a relatively small city (300 thousand) so i run out of swipes quickly
I just want a smart and cute girlfriend desu, but i don't think tinder is the right choice for trying to get that
Cutting to 13% bf. Am I gonna make it?
>tfw will never be bear because no hair
probably. if you lose all the fat.
obliques are missing
You legit have the exact insertions I have. What's your diet and routine my man. I've seen you post here before and you're always my goal. I'm probably 20-30lbs lighter than you for reference.
I’ll admit that pic is about a month old since I got sick over christmas and lost some weight/strength. I do a 4-day push/pull routine focusing on one or two heavy compounds plus higher volume isolation work. diet is pretty repetitive, lots of meat, eggs, milk, veggies, and greek yogurt (weekly in-n-out if gaining though). just make sure you eat enough to gain strength and therefore size
>that guy
Op looks better than you dumbass
your only source of carbs is dextrose (gatorade?) eh? I was considering this.
very impressive
What's the point of doing that?
Thanks for the response my man. Found a pic to do a side by side with for comparison.
improved insulin sensitivity.
ah damn I was skeptical but you definitely have that narrow waist and wide shoulders, lift heavy and you’ll be aesthetic af lad
Making it?
Ty Dad.
what's up with the paraplegic legs
do squats
Are you dumb?
grr very angry
just do your squats
Did greyskull for a while now doing texas method. I lift for strength with some accessories on the side
hahahaha omg everytime someone points out this dude has chicken legs he freaks out
But I'm not a dweeb. Just a sucker who can't powerclean.
He's never gonna make it.
*Lifts your girl up because of superior physique*
You litcherally sound like rich piana dude. Do you wear makeup by any chance?
no, and it's spelled literally* by the way.
Do you have a lisb?
Answer my question with another question, chicken boi.
i already did retard
I didn't ask you to again. Simply pointing out how much tranny cock you suck. Only thing you need to do again is leg day.
Show your body faggot
your legs are great
>manufactured bullshit
>being athletic and hairy
>somehow becomes manufactured bullshit once you label it
Stop posting anytime
I haven't even responded once, nice samefagging you autist
new year fags
What do you do for chest? You generally look really good, but your chest is way disproportionately developed/better than everything else.
Let me lick those nips Daddy
Let me nurse on those big tiddies Daddy
(no homo)
Thanks man. I fucked my leg up like a year and a half ago squatting and couldn't squat or deadlift for like 6 months. They would have caught up to my chest already but it's still something I'm trying to work on next time I bulk. For chest I Bench 2x week,
Incline db press
Incline db flies
Thursday I just bench
What about rep schemes for each exercise? How long have you been lifting?
>unironically being a curlbro
For a sec thought this was one of those seemingly normal pics with the nips shooped off
My rep scheme is pretty simple. Bench is 3x5-10. Once I can do 10 reps, add 5lbs and start again at 5 reps.
Incline dumbell press 8-15 reps, same concept
Incline flies 8-15 reps, much lighter weight than what I'll use for dumbell press
Dips 4xmax
Training for almost 2.5 years. Here's a back shot from when I started and now
your core looks like that of a weak 15 year old boy
would be hilarious to watch you wrestle and get your body folded in half because you can't twist for shit lol
great chest, great legs, good shoulders, good traps, underdeveloped arms and core/obliques
seriously tho mirin that body if you can grow chest hair you can be a /bear/
That's just called otter. Different from ottermode
this guy looks anorexic for some reason....
I think the pic is shopped to make the guy look smaller than he actually is
Thanks user, I grow more hair on my fucking nipples than my chest sadly lol