Anything I can do about all this extra skin from lowering my body fat percentage 20+ to 17? Or am I doomed to high waisted bikinis for life
Anything I can do about all this extra skin from lowering my body fat percentage 20+ to 17...
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>white "women"
lmao, just keep cutting yourself sweetie.
Surgery or maybe fasting to trigger autophagy
Or, y'know,
I doubt you're at 17%, could lift weights and replace fat with muscle instead of just losing fat =)
to me it looks like something you could solve with some over-the-counter medicine or a cream
I'm retarded, how is that possible? You look fine in the first pic
Do you have to properly hunch forward to make it do that? If so I'd be inclined to just ignore
I am liftan :(
I didn't do a DEXA scan but 17 was the highest estimate from all the tape measure ones. I know they're inaccurate though.
It becomes apparent also when jumping or the natural abdominal movement while walking / sitting. Really sucks because chicks who are fatter than me have tauter tummies.
loooook at this dooooood
oh uh ohh ooh no no no
Try standing up straight
Buddy I've been on Veeky Forums for years you're gonna have to hit harder than that
and you still look like shit???
ooooh no no no
Firstly you should be very proud you lost weight.
Secondly it is not bad as other people's loose skin, it honestly just looks like normal skinny person's stomach when they bunch forward and they have tiny skin rolls.
If you're really self conscious I would think about saving up for one of those thermage treatments.
That doesn't look like loose skin.
But if it is, it's normal to have some after losing weight. Just give it time and it will go away.
Looks fine. You can train core if you don't like the look though.
Post upper arms relaxed, not flexing please
Not relevant
try not being so fat next time
Fasting/ Intermittent fasting for autophagy is your best bet imo
i want to cummy on your tummy
People generally look like shit when leaning forward or sitting, stop being such a confidencelet. Just give it some time and keep lifting.
it's a good way to see fatness/loose skin. esp your upper arms
Do a lot of ab work and you'll be fine
Start working your and like crazy. Do stomach vaccums too. Those will tighten everything up
That lack of pull string on your trousers is really triggering my OCD autism
do you memers honestly believe you have any idea what you're talking about?
I promise I noticed it too and I pulled it back out like half an hour ago friend
I mean I'll post them but they're not good. I've been eating a good diet and keeping my routine and I've definitely lowered my bf% 3-5% which i feel good about, but I don't look (and don't really want to look) like most of the women admired here.
Here's one shot
And another
I've got some over the counter cream thats good for your skin gurl
whats ur snapchat
Doesn't look too bad but there's very little muscle.
I dunno how fat you were at your max, but once you get there your only real option for loose skin is to get some muscle on you.
Also your elbow made me laugh.
It dosent look like skin at all
What was your highest weight ?
you'll always have some fat when you do this position... it's normal
Heavy movement;
>two 50lbs sandbags
>lift, carry, drag, push and throw
>for dragging & pushing, you should place the two bags inside a sturdy container (best to do this on soft ground)
>do this for 20 minutes, twice a day
Eating old school;
>a mixture of Keto & Caveman
>no flour, maize or any processed starches
>no simple carbs
>follow the 4 "S"
>Soups, Stir-fry, Shakes and Salads
>should be about 85% of your diet a week (the other 15% is cheat eats, but not too crazy)
With your bod, you should see results in less than 6 weeks.
can i have smells?
yeah it does look like saggy skin in the arms. I think you should trying to fill it with muscles or start saving for skin removal surgery (eve if it's so minal i don't even know if it can be operated). Maybe it will look btter if you give it some time to adjust, how much did you lost and how many time ago?
i bet you havent read a single study on fasting and you just dismiss it as a meme
go off yourself you ignorant dumb fuck
Lift weights you flabby Betty spaghetti looking cunt
Eh put on a bit of muscle and you'll be fine. It's not enough skin to justify surgery.
Make gains and that little bit of extra skin won't be noticed. Even better, you'll look and feel better.
I'd say you need a lot of sit ups and squats, maybe some yoga in your life. Light lifting on your arms will make you look less like you could be crushed by a small child.
But you're better than 80 percent of the world, so don't sweat it too much.
Cute bra, OP.
This. Except the surgery shit, no doctor is gonna accept you as a patient with such mild loose skin.
Moisturize and actually lift. Also, no way in hell are you 17% BF, you look like 22-24%.
You can wait for your skin to shrink, which will probably take a year for it to catch up with your new body, or you can, you know, lift some fucking weights to speed up the process you lazy fucking waste of a good man's semen.
Put sum orange hair on that shit
what are you talking about? if it only appears when you bend over you're doing great
>how come i got loose skin when i bend forward and scrunch up my stomach
holy fuck people are this retarded
i have visible abs and have loose skin when sitting with slumped posture
Never lived in anyone else's body m8
kys reddit
That's not 'loose skin'. Skin is supposed to do that. The fact that it creases like that is the reason you're able to stand up straight without ripping a great big hole in your midsection.
Yeah you're a retard
Stard doing crunches, leg raises and bicycle kicks retard.
Well, in my opinion there is nothing wrong with you, but you can try fasting and lifting. Usually both at the same times gets good results quicker.
Also don't overdo it, you will fuck yourself up.
>should I ask my doctor about this?
>no, Veeky Forums will know what to do
Between childhood obesity (320 lbs at age 17), losing and gaining weight in my early adulthood, and finally going from 225 lbs to 170 lbs in my early 20's, my skin looks deflated and generally fucked.
Clothes never fit properly, I have a skin apron that I tuck into my pants, and if I go above ~18% body fat it is visible through my clothes.
You are fine. It will tighten up or it won't, but it most likely will. Just be glad you're not looking like a deflated balloon like some of us.
Okay the general consensus is just keep lifting and it should manage itself so I guess I'll try to ignore it and see how it changes as I get stronger! Thanks friends
Post more elbow
what's with all the girls posting pictures of their half naked bodies on Veeky Forums lately
are you female (boi) ?
Surprise, surprise, turns out women are insecure about their physical appearances too.
Fucking crazy, right?
Now here is the important bit, prove this wasn't just roleplaying by posing in the same bra as is in the picture holding a piece of paper with the date on it. One that does not look entirely photoshop'd.
the same reason they do it on facebook, because they're insecure and need the man to compliment them to have any kind of self worth
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Also take BBC
maybe she should call up her doctor and ask why her nose has boogers in it, too
And yet you still decided to make this retarded post.
Are you PMSing? Why the hostility here
Please start lifting. You have the luck that you seem to have favourable bodyfat distributions, as in you barely have any fat but you still have tits, so you have good potential for a nice set of abs. Plus it would fill out your arms. You are so low bodyfat, I can easily believe 17%, of course after having been heavier you will have that much loose skin, you need to fill yourself up with muscle again.
Follow Alpha Destiny's program for a while first, but add barbell hipthrusts because you're a girl and you probably want a good ass too.
>ctrl + f "bloat"
OP, as you know, the majority of Veeky Forums is retarded and doesn't lift. Your skin clearly cannot cope with the decrease in body fat. You're a bloat queen by birth. You cannot run from destiny. You must fully utilize your rubber like skin and bloatmaxx. You have to live it.
Pics of bikini.
I'm pretty sure your body will "eat" the extra skin if you don't gain any fat for a while.
source: my ass
My gf has the same issue. That fat is stubborn, but will eventually go. It's more noticeable in girls with smaller breasts.
Literally imagine being this narcisstic. You know you look like shit, yet you came on here to delude yourself into feeling otherwise by having a bunch of ugly betas compliment you. Honest to god, what even made you think this was a good idea? You have the body of a 50 year old woman who spent her life dining at McDonalds. I will never understand why women try so hard to pretend that things are fine and dandy when they aren't. Why not just fucking workout and stop attentionwhoring? What do you even get out of this?
Lmao at being this fucking pathetic.
Didn't know it was possible to flex fat
l o n g
You sound fat and jelly.
You have no muscle. Lifting will go a long way to filling out the skin. Between that and time I doubt you will have issues with it in 1- 2 years.
Yes, I'm totally fat and jelly of this flabby subhuman who has seen more of the inside of a mcdonalds than a gym.
I'm moderately chubby at best and I mog this slut to hell and back.
Did you just find out chad had been fucking 5 other better looking girls so you came to a fitness forum with a picture of your body to increase your self esteem?
You look like someone who works at McDonalds, so there's that.
>moderately chubby
Yes moderately. Not to mention that I'm stronger than you and have more muscle mass
Also fucking lol at trying to use racist "jokes" to impress your hwite whore "goddess" as she begs for the attention of literal subhumans like you and the countless manlet incels here.
Just fucking lol at you and your entire life.
your standards are fucked if you are trying to call that user fat desu
Wow. No wow. You really are a desperate little imbecile aren't you? You just couldn't help yourself. Your boyfriend isn't giving you the amount of attention your solipsistic woman brain craves and so you figured "hey I know, I'll post this mundane picture of fucking literally nothing pretending like there's something wrong with me to get attention from other males on the internet!".
You are repugnant. Truly. You are such a slave to your female instincts it makes me want to vomit. I hope a tractor hits you and rips half your face off so you can live long decades a scarred, hideous, undesirable freak. Maybe then you will develop the introspective capability to understand why you're such a worthless human being.
> fucking lol at trying to use racist "jokes" to impress your hwite whore "goddess" as she begs for the attention of literal subhumans like you and the countless manlet incels here
>hey guys, white nationalist here!
cute bra
>> repugnant
Who let the 12 year old near the thesaurus again?
You're retarded
Oh look, another woman fishing for betas to pump up her ego. Not pathetic at all. I know, go cheat on your boyfriend, that will give you enough validation to keep your shit together for another few weeks.
Question: how do morally bankrupt whores feel when they kiss their children with the same mouths they blow strangers with?
Anyway, nice chatting with you - come back to Veeky Forums anytime. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
Don't be jealous, nigger.