Ok so my gf gave me one of these split shakers for Christmas and I cannot think a decent use for it even if it depended to save my life.
Can you give me some ideas please?
Ok so my gf gave me one of these split shakers for Christmas and I cannot think a decent use for it even if it depended to save my life.
Can you give me some ideas please?
save your cum in the other side and recycle it
can't go losing protein like that if you wanna make gainz.
put vodka in one half, lean in the other
Maybe try to Google the product, it might mention an intended use
Water in one protein powder in the other
This obviously. No clumps if you drink it nice and slow
then blast the dry powder in your mouth and drink before you choke
sometimes I drink the water before and then pour all the powder in my mouth for maximum anaerobic gains
Post workout protein shake in one side,
Electrolytic sauna drink in the other for your post-gym sauna session
Delete this
I do the same thing with sandwiches, it tastes much better to make the sandwich in your mouth
same with tea
save the protein shake part to sip on throughout the workout
the other side is for water that you can drink plenty of and refill frequently
Boiled eggs on one side, water or Dr pepper in the other
>spaghetti in one, coffee in the other one
gotta confuse your stomach for bigger gainz
coke in one side, mentos in the other
Think of the bright side. If you guys ever get stuck in the wilderness and you only have that to carry the last of your Mountain Dew with you can easily split it up equally to ensure one of you isn’t being cheated.
>drinking from a plastic container
enjoy your endocrine disruptors
God that image makes me feel sick. The amount of shit that will be in that stuff
Read the package noob. Literally zero grams trans fat.
I laughed for about a minute straight at this, not even that funny
i used to eat them dry. i would just sprinkle the seasoning over them and munch on them, like 3 of them in a sitting
>a cold sip
>protein shake
Intra workout in one like bcaas, glutamine & creatine. Pure water in the other. Saves carrying 2 bottles around the gym.
vodka/orange juice
Still looks disgusting
Put Protein Shake in both sides
water in one protons in the other
flucking nigger
Dump the stupid bitch
cum in one
BCAAs in the other
the non-meme answer
have someone fill one side with water and the other with vodka
go lift and have fun on your first sip
I guess like a intra workout shake and a post workout shake in one
but that does not look big enough for a decent shake of either
looks really pointless.
pwo in one, protein shake in the other
I tend to put the mayo in my mouth first and the bread last once I have salivated enough to not choke on the slices.
Wtf kind of gift is this
Does she not work?
preworkout in one side
bcaas in the other
one for ketchup and the other for mustard
Protein shake in one side, sips in the other.
Yur gunna git ripped brah
Green tea and black tea
t. manchild
You aren't supposed to give 'big' gifts on christmas
This. user we love you, but that girl is retarded and we fear it's only gonna get worse. Next it'll be beats headphones, wrist wraps, and an inflatable squat plug.
Fill it with cement, wait for it to get hard, then bash her over the head with it.
What makes you think the lad doesn't already have a BPA free squat plug
The obvious answer is orange juice and chocolate milk
What are a tide pod's macros?
this one is actually good
Red onions on one side and sweet vidalias on the other
came here, opened up this thread literally to say this
>t. newfag
pic related. its (((you))). OP BTFO
How am I a newfag?
It really makes you rub those two brain cells of yours doesnt it
russian frodo is getting a real ass after some drinks
Is it meant to be for 2 people? I guess you could put pre-workout mixed into water or something in one side and plain water on the other side.
Pre-workout/sips in one end. Then your proprietary intra-workout blend of eleven different amino-chains and pixie dust in the other.
Fuxking lost it hahaha
best answer