If you only do 3 ab exercises what would they be?
If you only do 3 ab exercises what would they be?
Other urls found in this thread:
squat deadlift ohp
sit ups, eating less, deadlift
Squats deadlifts abroll
Inb4 retarded mongoloid meme squat and deadlift meme answers. Post your abs I bet you can't see them because they are underdeveloped and you are always bulking right, Lmao
Only correct answer is cable crunch
Hanging leg raises
Bicycle kicks
Planche front levers and v sits.
for the first ab exercise I would wish for unlimited ab exercises
for me its the L sit
Crunches, Plank knee ins, and ???
I only do cable crunches tbqh the way candito explained
how do I develop abs, non meme answer please
will my abs develop from a calisthenics routine ?
those fuckers always have god tier abs, should I treat abs like any other muscle, becuase doing 1000+ reps seems to be retarded
Dubs of truth
You're welcome faggot
Fuck you weren't supposed to think of that
Ab roller, ab roller, ab roller
for me having abs somehow feels better if they were built doing compound exercises
Oblique crunch
>that thigh thickness
Autobot rollouts, hanging leg raises, crunches
windshield wipers
side bend
l sits
Came here for this
situps planks and lying legs raises
Kitchens, kitchens, kitchens.
I will just embarrass myself if I try any of those at the gym
planche for abs?
v sits are more hip flexors, less abs, don't you think.
L sits are v sits
yeah especially if you are grunting like him. But they seem very good. I wonder if the poster has actually tried them
what do they call this semen demon in moon language?
db levitation crunches on incline
Hanging lifts
Russian twists