Holy shit, guys
It's even confirmed in official, clinical studies
Why aren't you on CPAD (Cigarette Pack A Day) yet?
Holy shit, guys
It's even confirmed in official, clinical studies
Why aren't you on CPAD (Cigarette Pack A Day) yet?
it's OPAD, fuckboy
This shit is right up there with DNP threads.
>literally poison that will KILL your ass
Delete thread, kill yourself
>taking advice from chink scientists
Hope you enjoy your lung cancer
for our next act we shall demonstrate that gambling is anabolic
obviously, alpha -> more likely to smoke, and not smoke->become alpha
I am, its not so geeat desu.
Yeah for your wallet.
Why not you know take actual steroids so you don't have to deal with lung cancer and idk ACTUALLY GET A MEANINGFUL TESTOSTERONE BOOST?
Jesus, even worse than the onion faggots.
No thanks. I'd rather not have my hair, skin, and clothes smell, waste thousands a year buying them, repulse women, have to brush my teeth seven times a day, and potentially get lung cancer later in life.
I think I'll just get 8 hours of sleep a night and eat leafy greens daily instead.
Does weed count?
Winning is anabolic.
>he wants to have a long and fulfilling life
DNP is a mitochondrial uncoupler when used in moderation gives a tremendous boost to daily calories burned.
It's like anything, retards will abuse it and die
By that logic why aren't you a fatass? Doesn't pizza and soda taste good? You're not gonna live forever! Maybe try some heroin too?
Lets take a look at the benefits of smoking:
- to some people it tastes good
- you might look cool (to teenagers)
- it might very slightly raise test levels
>Mitochondrial uncoupler
>Inhibits one of the most basic and important processes
>Not a poison
>By that logic why aren't you a fatass? Doesn't pizza and soda taste good? You're not gonna live forever! Maybe try some heroin too?
I'm bloatmaxxing
also i do shoot heroin
fuck off twink
All I'm saying is enough of anything will kill you. Anything is poisonous in excess and will cause body functions to fail. The LD50 for DNP is just very close to the therapeutic dose
Stop trying to use logic you non-smoking low test BETA
why do you carpet munchers feel the need to post this cigarette shit every day? you don't have anything else better to do?
I stopped smoking 5 months ago, was smoking for 10+ years
bad breath
yellow teeth
dry skin
and god knows what else
I can't imagine anybody is that desperate to lose weight so super fucking fast that they resort to dangerous and expensive DNP
trying to justify their addiction
"if you don't smoke you are soyboy! it raises test! here guys see this one study I found"
Ok guys, how about nicotine gum? Will it get all benefits with zero drawbacks?
Because test is illegal but cigarettes aren't.
Im on two packs a day and im quitting fuck coughing and general low energy
Ran it before, worked well. Super expensive? I got it for about a 1.50 per 200 mg and it produces better results at a lower price then clen/t3