Can you definitively tell if someone's on steroids just by looking at them?
Can you definitively tell if someone's on steroids just by looking at them?
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i am very naive when it comes roid cases, i;m naturally a giant, why can't everyone be?
depending on the body, yes.
Elaborate, please
> Implying Lautner was on the juice to get those 14 inch pythons
>Just trust me assholes the answer is yes for no reason
t. jealous natty dumbfucks
Not really. If they're above a lean BMI of 25 (approximate natty limit), they probably are, but below that, who knows.
He was on test in the left pic.
It takes at least 1.5 years to put on that much mass and maintaining takes multiple hour workouts every week.
Also, look at his traps and shoulders.
It was a moderate dose plus something else. But he was definitely on.
Right looks so much better. He's gorgeous.
I don't know if you know, but consider that the guy was drilled from a young age to become a martial artist/actor by his superambitious parents. I'm pretty sure he even won a state championship as a kid once. I think his parents natty drilled him into shape and he just let go once he came of age and had Twilight money independence. That's my opinion.
>look at his traps and shoulders
What am I looking for that is strictly impossible natty
Lautner wasn't on anything if that's what you're asking
>If you tell me pic related is a roider for no reason other than looking at him, you are a jealous natty dumbfuck
round face-sized shoulders, low bodyfat + full olympic lifter-tier traps, low bf% enough for extremely defined abs, adonis belt, obliques and serratus with huge chest and huge arms, etc.
Taller guys 6’3+ have a harder time putting on mass, if your tall as fuck and you look as jacked as a turbo manlet you are using roids.
You realize the guy could have just been doing lots of OHP and shrugs for over a decade to get there, right?
Dude, he's on gear.
He is NEVER even slightly built or "toned" in any casual non posed shots.
Post body
So everyone knows that all Hollywood actors are juicing when getting ready for a role that demands them to get fit, but are the majority of Hollywood male physiques naturally attainable(excluding the rock obviously)
Nigga, shrugs are a "meme" exercise.
Every fucking person who hops on or is on gear claims that they got their impressive trap gains from all of those hardcore shrugs.
Those traps are a fucking SIDE EFFECT of steroid abuse. Not a sign of hard shrugging.
The lie is so pervasive and so completely trusted that entire generations of idiots are doing that stupid pointless exercise that will at best HELP exhaust already well worked trapezius muscles.
But you know, since steroids make any stupid goddamned bullshit workout work, so shrugs might be somewhat viable for the gear abusers.. And let's face it. Two big reasons that gear abusers lie about the gear abuse is that a lot of "guru's" one claim to fame is that the stupid bullshit training they do gets results, and secondly the people who do gear to look purty or genetically elite don't want to be seen as inferior lazy or lesser men overall for needing to do drugs to look okay.
Lautner has what any normal man that age can attain in 1-2 years of hard consistent training and or living an active athletic life or having a blue collar job while watching what he ate.
He doesn't have that body in reality because he's a lazy hollywood starlette and his job is to just LOOK like he's an active top tier fit male.
Get it? Good.
Some of the stuff like captain america and brad pitt and some of the ottermode or slightly over guys yeah.
That's attainable with 1-3 years of hard work and can be maintained and built upon indefinitely with little effort.
Even the guy in the OP is easily attained.
you're so full of yourself and so wrong at the same time, cocksucker. link proof that getting big traps is impossible naturally (LOL good luck with that, that's like linking me proof that biceps or calfs can't get big naturally)
Huge traps and 3D delts or traps exploding out of nowhere = steroid abuse.
You can get big arms and calves naturally. But traps getting super large and 3D delts are a side effect. And any extra growth happens exponentially when you start to actually train.
That is a fact.
That is reality.
>That is a fact.
>That is reality.
It's not a link to a source, though.
burden of proof is on you, brainlet
don't know if bait, but no natty on earth could get shoulders with that size + that definition, no matter how much pressing or how much weight.
with more bf% + strenght (aka strongmen) you could get a big-ass shoulder, or you could be ottermode and have a lot of definition, but both those attributes at the same time, impossible
Not even natty strong men can get shoulders that big.
Go take a look at a cbt thread.
Then go take a look at the fraud thread
You'll notice certain similarities between bodies.
Also...a lot of what I'm telling you can only be confirmed with experience.
Which you lack. But it's more like willful ignorance.
I mean, there are people who honestly believe that there are natural pro athletes.
What's with this meme? People here believe in bulking and cutting, and swear by it, but strongmen are doomed to be fat as shit forever like cutting doesn't exist? What the fuck are you smoking?
>a natty will maintain 100% of his strenght if he significantly cuts his bf%
Strength isn't size and I didn't say he wouldn't lose *some* strength/size in a cut, you turbo fucking retard.
I actually listened to this guy's interview about his training regimen. You can tell he's someone that was never doing it for himself, and just did it for Twilight.
>it's so hard you have to keep it up
Fucking disgrace, and a manlet on top of that.
I actually agree with you, but when i bring up how common steroid use is in hollywood and pro sports to my friends they think i'm crazy
what's with the baiting retard
then whats your point, you autist?
Strongmen can get huge delts and then cut to get cut-looking *slightly smaller but still huge* delts. They just choose not to because they're focused on strength gains, but it's possible
theres also cgi and camera tricks in those movies
you are a retard, stop believing in fairy tales.
natties: size = strenght. You cut, you loose strenght, you loose size. Simple as that.
I guess bulking and cutting doesn't exist. You're either bloated as fuck or a stickbug
it exists, only to a certain point, you fucking retard. Do you often see people putting on 100 lbs on a bulk to get strong as fuck and then cut, all that simply 'look good'? people bulk gaining 0.5~2lbs a week, usually not longer than 10 weeks, you sperglord.
You do it more than once
yeah mate, its totally doable, thats why every natty you see have big, defined shoulders. good day sir
They kind of do. Sorry you aren't one of them
>Strength isn't size
For a natural, that is incorrect.
You will gain size if you train for strength, far far less then if you trained for mass(which means includes lifting heavily with lots of setxreps).
But you'll gain size.
You'll not find a weak natural lifter who claims to be a bodybuilder or just fucking around in the gym who has impressive mass. Anyone who tells you otherwise has something to sell you. Or they are fucking retarded.
Oh they can, but you'll not find a natural strongman with steroid delts after a cut.
That shit doesn't happen.
Aren't most strongmen on gear anyway?
Idk, I like to think I can estimate roughly who is and isn’t on roids. I find the old rule of you can either have huge or ripped as a natty. If you’re huge and ripped you’re probably on roids. But some people’s bodies are JUST
It's usually pretty obvious
Most people who argue about this kind of thing are fucking imbeciles.
So, including you?
Brah, I'm looking at very possible natty body right now on the left.
This picture is not a great example unless we put some time context. Lautner trained since very young age. Also his is not huge here.
>mfw where's that Efron's Baywatch pic when you need it
>shrugs are a "meme" exercise.
I agree with you, man. Seriously in all that you wrote except the meme thing. Shrugs really kick after a few months. The problem is people quit the exercise after a while ('cause they don't see any progress) and/or nobody does it well.
Yes, even for that stupid movement people have bad form.
He still has the relative same mass just at a higher body fat %
Fuck me why are NY fags still here!!!
I'm not arguing. I'm dropping science.
Shrugs NEVER FUCKING KICK you imbecile.
They don't do shit.
You will not find naturals who built good traps only from shrugs. Not ever.
You're right. Most of that is achievable natty in 1-3 years. But he didn't. He does not live a life where that kind of body is the norm for him.
Dude gets on gear to look a certain way for a short period of time.
That's it.
That's all.
Accept it.
It's incredibly easy.
>mass, developed chest AND developed abs = steroids
It's physically impossible to have MASS, a developed chest, AND developed washboard abs all together. To have MASS and a developed chest, you would simply have too much fat on your stomach to have developed washboard abs. Can you still have abs? Sure, but they won't be very developed. Take a look at most powerlifters (that are natty), most don't have abs. Most big people (big arms, big chest, big legs) don't have abs at all, either.
I don't see any science in your post. Broscience, maybe.
He's clearly natty you dumb fuck
Farmers walks unironically better for traps than shrugs
You really just need to walk around with heavy shit in your hands and your traps will grow
If they are within the natty limit no.
No he isn't you faggot.
There's no broscience. Just experience coupled with common sense.
>that change in hairline
>a 5’9 170 lb guy at 12% bf is impossible natty
Dude just off yourself
if they have any more muscle than this with lower bf% they are using something, sorry
Now I know youre trolling
>Scientific PubMed abstract: things are this way because I saw it and it just makes sense you dumb fucks
It depends. An MMA fighter at my gym has done some modeling and 100% looks like he roids in pictures. If I posted him on here everyone would say he's cheating.
In reality he's natty and 5'4", ~140lbs. He looks TINY in person. In pictures he looks like a god.
yeah but I'd rather not walk around looking like a fucking retard at the gym.
I'll continue doing my shrugs/DL/face pulls/bent over bb rows
>Still falling for the "if they aren't huge they're not using gear" lie that steroid users peddle
Yeah...fuck reality.
I don't understand. Are you admitting that you're a fucking idiot by relying on cheap memetic weapons like that faggot in the picture you just posted?
>no pics
By the by, guys like that live active strict lives and can be well built as naturals.
Guys like the guy in the OP do not.
He's geared up for every single role and genuinely dislikes physical fitness.
Sure is a whole lot of science in your post.
>I don't understand
I'm so shocked.
Yes once you take juice it's like being a gay person you get like a juice gaydar and can see it in people's eyes
>>Still falling for the "if they aren't huge they're not using gear" lie that steroid users peddle Imbecile.
>rouding for a physique that is completely attainable naturally
For what purpose
>yeah...fuck reality
Not my fault youre at the absolute bottom of the barrel genetically speaking and label anyone bigger than you on roids
This for >6'1.
Manlets can get a bit leaner while being this muscular tho.
>For what purpose
Because he's a lazy out of shape faggot and he wants to look like an active fit normal man in less then a few months.
Gear is a shortcut.
>Not my fault youre at the absolute bottom of the barrel genetically speaking and label anyone bigger than you on roids
user...I'm bigger then him and I've never even seen steroids.
The dude did gear.
>Costanza pic
I should have just called you a faggot and ignored you on pure principal.
Not all humanity are insecure weeb foreveralones who use lifting as an excuse to get away from our problems. Perhaps Launtner is a normie.
>Because he's a lazy out of shape faggot and he wants to look like an active fit normal man in less then a few months.
Gear is a shortcut.
“He took his first karate class at the age of six.[2] A year later, he attended the national karate tournament in Louisville, Kentucky, where he met Michael Chaturantabut, the founder of Xtreme Martial Arts. Chaturantabut invited Lautner to a camp he held at University of California, Los Angeles.[2] Lautner trained with Chaturantabut for several years, earning his black belt by the age of eight, and winning several junior world championships.[8] He appeared in an ISKA karate event televised on ESPN in 2003 that was later lampooned on the sports-comedy show Cheap Seats that first aired in 2006.[10]
In junior high, Lautner—who was involved in karate, baseball and hip-hop dance—won the award for "Best Smile" and played in the school's Turkey Bowl American Football game.[11] He went to public school in Valencia, California at Valencia High School until his sophomore year.[12] Chaturantabut, who once portrayed the Blue Ranger in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, suggested to Lautner that he take up acting.[2] For a few years, the Lautners flew from Michigan to Los Angeles for auditions when his talent agency called, and returned to Grand Rapids for school sometimes the same day.[2] Lautner balanced karate and acting with being on the football and baseball teams at his school, and taking up jazz and hip-hop dance.[13] After that became tiring, Lautner and his family decided to move to California for a month, to try it out, before moving to Santa Clarita, California, permanently in 2002.[2][13]“
Lol you’re full of shit
>karate and hip hop dance are criteria for being Veeky Forums
>user...I'm bigger then him and I've never even seen steroids.
>The dude did gear.
>>Costanza pic
>should have just called you a faggot and ignored you on pure principal.
Lel implying you lift
>Make an entirely false statement
>begin back tracking when you’ve been proven wrong
Typical brainlet tactics at play
Are these thighs natty?
Shit, signing up for karate ASAP to get swole
Still posting "advice" in Malaysian gooch sniffing boards when you can't even rep out 200lb squats.
He litterally says that he hates working out and training.
Look, there are a ton of kids who play sports who simply do the bare minimum and struggle through training while gritting their teeth.
They do it for reasons other then being fit or to be better. They do it to compete and stick around.
He's the kind of guy who was only able to compete because of his age and decent genetics but will hop on gear rather then put in the work to GET GUD when he has to work hard at it. Simple as.
He is actually on gear.
If you can find one single picture of him that isn't on set or photoshopped(lol they're still passing around that pic of him plastered on a body double) where he's even SLIGHTLY in shape I'll say he doesn't take steroids to look a certain way for films.
Till then. Eat several dicks.
He kind of looks like shit in the OP desu. There's a pic for you
You can obtain a high level of personal fitness with years of dedicated training and diet. If you are natty, the proof is at least 4 years of constant steady progress, evidenced with gradual progress pics.
The problem is the time frame. Tons of these fake natty's pop up out of nowhere and the last body pic they took was when they were 15. Muscle just doesn't work like that.
To put how fucking awful the natty gain is in perspective, look up the max amount of muscle a Natty can gain with perfect diet, nutrition, stress, and sleep. It's honestly pathetic. Once you see the numbers you will realize that people who LOOK like they lift have either the capacity and luck (time / finances / genetics) to be extremely dedicated, or are cheating.
>Chad eats pizza because his TDEE is over 9000
>thinking everyone who replies to you is the same person
Actually the average man can look like lautner on the left if they just do basic calisthenics a curlbro routine eat well and are relatively active.
They can look even bigger if they are honestly dedicated too fitness and training.
What you mean by natties are people who do simple routines a few days out of the week for a few years and then do nothing else. Of course you aren't going to explode like the gear heads.
That's not how it works. It was never how it worked.
I agree with everything but shrugs, I do both barbell and dumbbell shrugs, and my traps connect mid neck (cobra hood 24/7) and my shoulders have that bulging egg shape in the middle (rear delt needs work though...) As another user said, people just fuck up a simple exercise.
>hold weights away from your body
>grip tight, arms limp, brace core
>pull up with shoulders + back
>hold at the top 1...2...3
>down is one rep
If you are doing rapid shrugs then you are a clown. If you are doing shrugs close to the body (barbell being obvious exception) then you mind-muscle connection is off.
Bro, shrugs are a meme trash exercise.
If you are a natural, then they are a nice accessory to actual exercises that work the entire trapezius muscle.
If you're on gear, well, fucking anything will work.
Like I said you got shit genetics pal
id dis guy nat/ he dbigger than me n must be taking somefin
>DYEL or dat-fuck detected
You outed yourself user. Have you never cut before? Dropping 20lbs fucks with what I am able to lift so bad I spend most of my cut fucking miserable, dreading the gym. But I usually fast and/or suicide cut to be honest so...
>Two faggots in a faked relationship for the camera
>Implying they would't look their best for the cameras
Cope with your shitty genetics however you want
Will do.
>starving refoogee mode but swole
user... you know you aren't supposed to get all your info from this site right? Veeky Forums is a lot like school. You study elsewhere, and come here to take the test. When OP eventually shows himself to be a faggot and asks the answer to a(ny) question you either tell him the right answer because you studied and know better, or shitpost and give him the wrong answer because you studied and know better. Our anonymity is what makes the joke hilarious. No one knows who is who.
Yes, but the guy in your picture on the left does not look like it.
So you clearly can't tell.