Veeky Forums, what is your profession!?
Veeky Forums, what is your profession!?
Its completely fulfilling. I love every second
Croupier at an online casino.
I get to play around with one of these.
God I love my job.
I cryptotrade and apart from that i play vidya, gather resentment from my old highschool friends and occasionally go to the gym because i have periods of extremely low sense of self worth
Neet weeb
Software engineer boring but at least I'm a turbochad compared to the other faggots I work with
Digger reporting in
IT tech at a run down casino in Atlantic City.
code monkey reporting.
neet attending lectures at my local uni as a free listener, thinking about med school
Circulation Desk at a Library. It's nice, the older women at work are very thankful I can push carts filled with books.
Systems engineer coop nigga
USMC Scout Sniper. Rah.
Highschool teacher
Electrician master race
Welder apprentice Veeky Forums as fuck
vagina tester
hahahahha get it guys!?
Air Force fag. Currently work with nuclear missiles, don't inf it fulfilling and hope to retrain to special operations eventually.
Are you the USAF user that diddlies 4pl8 and fucks the base thots?
is it true all welders are psychopaths or is it actually a pretty rewarding job?
Hacky self taught programmer, going back to school for electronic technologist. Gonna work on the bots putting everyone out of work.
Rewarding is a bit of a stretch, but it's a "fun" job, a lot of cool and chill co-workers. The job it self is somewhat physically exhaustive though which kinda fucks with my lifting
my nigga
Electrician. It's like being a physicist, athlete, and artist at the same time.
hello fellow coop user, aerospace coop whats pippity pip pip fuckin poppin
pic related
easy to stay fit through that.
Director of a company I just founded
Feels good but stressful. Pretty sure I'll sell it in about 10 years.
Shit I wish I was though.
Roofer, I do the most dangerous, hardest, most hardcore job in the US.
Same, easy to stay fit hard to bulk tho.
Nice kit btw
What do you do, user? Currently in my second semester of a 2-year RN program. Wanna be a hospice nurse, but probably gonna get experience in oncology first.
Chemist (not a fraud tho)
Neet. Master race. My life is better than yours, sweetie.
Paralegal at a law firm. On ass for 8 hours per day feels bad man
I keep supply rooms stocked in an office tower
I have 5 supply rooms that I would defend with my life
My duties include
>counting pens to see how many are missing
>counting other office supplies to see how many are missing
>moving large volumes of office supplies into place
I started to become Veeky Forums because at 120 lbs I couldn't really lift the 48 lb boxes from the paper companies
I am now around 130 lbs and much better at carrying my paper boxes from the mail pile to my cart
your job is not badass and your daily routine involves mindless bullshit and no real action. no-one views u as a war hero. you will die for the job one day and be forgotten.
you've misspelled deep sea fisherman
Infosec. Work is easy and the career prospects booming. Thanks China!
yea it kind of sucks sometimes
you ever procrastinate for some reason when yu know you shouldn't???
What's your rifle?
Why do you post on Veeky Forums?
this is unfortunately, the truth.
what country you are from?
that picture doesn+t show me or any guys i know, just one i found online but yeah they are also Panzergrenadiere so it doesn´t give or take much.
Bulking ain´t a real problem for meso far, i just buy some extra food that i can keep in my rooms fridge or in my locker and snack that stuff throughout the day, only military excercises are harsh on that count.
No you don’t
Fuck you if you're the guy that keeps getting our barracks banned on Veeky Forums.
>Why do you post on Veeky Forums?
I've been coming here since high school. I think /v/ and /tv/ were my original boards of choice. Like my senior year I kind of extroverted myself and stopped hanging out with friends and became really depressed for some reason. Started lifting to try and relieve some of the anger and frustration. Here I am still trying to do the same thing 4 years later.
Not really. Roughnecking, deep sea fishing, and logging are much more dangerous.
I work at the Federal Reserve
Amazon warehouse worker
Please I'd rather fall off a boat then fall 3-4stories and if I'm not lucky to die be a gimp cripple for the rest of my life.
Yes I do, what's more badass then carrying a stacks of heavy shingles up steep slippery plywood when it's over 100degrees out risking falling to your death for 12hours 6 days a week?
Bullshit, rough necking sounds gay, those guys are pampered, do you know how much more deep sea fisherman and logger get then me? They get paid double if not 3times more then me, oshaa is on there case so they get all these nice safety stuff that a company like mine doesn't give a fuck about, not to mention they get ample rest and breaks, they don't get worked like dogs. Those all sound like jobs for pussies
>working on relieving anger and frustration
>working with nukes
Ayyy same
I'm sure you'll make it though
>your daily routine involves mindless bullshit and no real action
In the end, all of us do mindless bullshit that will lead to nothing in the greater picture of this world.
So might as well have fun shooting some dunecoons :)
literally everything about your post tells me that you base all your life decisions off the acceptance/approval/validation of others
Drive a train
In Aus
It is the easiest thing I have ever done and the most pay
Great for lifting as I do nothing all day so I can kill it at the gym and be sore at work
Artilleryman. I love my job but I will probably switch for something easier on my back later on. I just really love the fitness culture that combat arms have desu
sophomore student athlete at UNI
McDonald's Crew Trainer lol
M40A6 big dog.
Lmao what, there banning your bricks for what?! I dont know what yor talking about ?
God I wish the NEET life was really like that, this shit fucking sucks
Currentyl NEET and probs gonna join the ADF soon and just do it as a gap year, not sure if i want to persue pilot career or just join the clergy and live as a the mountains of new zealnad/scotland
Going into fire?
What's up interns. I'm full time aerospace engineer at a prime contractor
Butcher, I play with dead animals and your food.
I'm a part time childrens group leader at church and my day job is an RN
i hang lights
Saving America
Same here cunt. I’m seasonal now since I’m at school.
>work overnights
>drink egg whites constantly
>dem free protons
>be neet for 6 months
>depressed as fuck
>get job
>happy as fuck
>everything going well in life now
I'm a bartender and soon to be student as well.
weeb is not a profession
but same
It’s funny because if you ask anyone who’s been on both sides of this for an extended amount of time, like me, will tell you that NEET life is most depressing pathetic boring existence one can imagine. NEETbux is barely enough to even stay alive
Everyone looks up to a roofer...
lots of drug addicts, alcoholics and degenerates in that line of work
Security Guard and Bouncer on the weekends
Cashier. It's enough to pay the bills, gym membership, and protein so fuck off.
i'm an electrician on one of these
marine electrician here. when are you guys gonna take the boatpill?
Dat e5 pay
Ayy what base mate,
>Lavarack reporting in
>tfw only an e3
not disputing your point but you have no right to be this assmad that you didnt get to tag along in this generations great war and blow some shit up.
how can you save america when youre only 5'6"?
He just lives in an extra big house
you get to play with asian men.