Times we got ghosted and know the reason why.
Also fit related, loosing weight but stomach expanding, anyone have any similar problems?
Times we got ghosted and know the reason why
You're too boring and you talk about dead cats
You're welcome.
>What's cooking good looking?
That opening reeks of soy 2bqh
>what’s cooking good looking?
I got ghosted, the girl I like just so happened to decide and play hard to get with me. I proceeded like normal because I didn’t want to be immature back. That was a mistake,
We would talk and she would randomly stop replying or ignore me, then hit me up days later. Maybe I should have taken it slower? Idk man. It really bothered me because we got along so well in person..
>texting girl
>ask her if she wants to meet up
>tells me she will
>chat a bit more over text
>get tired of chatting
>so are we going to meet up or not?
Don't care. No time for chatterboxes.
Texting is the most absolute pathetic fucking thing in this world, I will never have more than a 3 second conversation over text, stupid cunts just get off to their phone buzzing with their bullshit instant gratification fetish it disgusts me. Fuck this world.
It took me a long time to understand what I like to call the make or break pattern. A girl will only flirt with you for so long before she moves on and you lose ALL chance of getting together.
I cringe when I look back on what are now obvious signs that a girl was into me and I was either too scared or oblivious to make a move.
Women want decisive action. I started using the three interaction rule.
If the first interaction goes really well I get a number. Then two text or phone conversations (usually phone cause I'm old and this was years ago) then I ask for a date. The point here is to be decisive but not appear desperate and also vet them. Crazy is fun to fuck but there are consequences.
Also, when you ask a girl out have a plan already. The conversion should be.
> Hey, I was thinking about (insert activity) and thought maybe you'd want to go.
Decisiveness at first then once the relationship is established you can have the fun "where do you want to eat?" "I don't care." conversations.
cringe as fuck. jesus you're a retard OP
>message/text with girl from OKCupid for a couple weeks
>Tons in common, good match
>Meet for date, lasts 3 hours of good conversation
>ghosted anyway
My profile pictures are recent and not from meme angles.
This is why I never give a shit when women pretend to have guy problems. Any girl has so many guys chasing after her she won't hesitate to ghost a fit guy that she gets along great with and has common interests.
For the stomach thing, your body fat is probably increasing as you lose muscle mass, as for specifically the stomach, how much beer do you drink?
You're boring OP. Don't ever text a girl you haven't fucked to see how her day is going. Text her to plan a meet up(sprinkle in a joke or two also) and that's it. Anything else makes you look like a boring fuck that has so much not going on that he's trying to hold a text conversation with somebody he's never met/hung out with.
its ok op, i never have anything interesting to say to women, i speak very bluntly and come off as dismissive
what did I do wrong here Veeky Forums?
Not being Chad
Boring, uninteresting and generic question
YOU didn't offer to roleplay raping and killing her
>be me, depressed after long term gf cheats on me
>develop crush on barista that seems to be into me but not sure if she’s just doing her job
>tons of chances to ask her out but I don’t
>months later I see her outside of work and ask her out
>she says yes and I’m ecstatic
>cancels right before the date
>stops responding to texts to reschedule
>bummed and feel like a creep I avoid her work
>date other girls
>see her at a party once while I was with a girl I was dating
>she’s friendly, don’t feel like a creep, but we don’t talk much
>Facebook keeps suggesting to add her so I do
>single at the time so start a bit of small talk
>ghosts me in the middle of a convo
I think it’s my lats, I have decent insertions but they aren’t very thicc. Suggestions?
just say sorry and move on, its obvious shes uninterested already, no point in annoying her
She ghosted you because you didn't touch her at all or show physical attraction during the date. Girls don't want to just have a conversation with a guy, that's being a gay best friend. You need to sit next to her, softly tap small of her back when you both laugh, not be afraid to hold her hand or put your arm around her. For example, on the first date with my gf we went for a walk and make jokes like we're already in a romantic escapade together. When talking about tattoos I'd say sarcastically "Hey, a great tattoo would be getting user's girl here" as I rubbed where a tramp stamp would be on her. Take a selfie with her and put your arm around her. This is crucial to letting her know you're into her, and without it she's gonna lose interest.
thanks guys will try these next time
What app is this?
No problem... just remember to bee confident.
This quite literally
Do you think if some male model hit her up with that line she would say the same thing? Not saying you have to be a male model or anything, but youre just not attractive enough.
I feel like you didn't really do anything wrong here
Do you guys really not understand that women ghost because they found a better dude for the moment?
Fucking lmao what a loser
Why do they do this to me Veeky Forums?
Weighted pullups
Yeah if you dont kiss a girl or touch her at all the date is a dud.
She's shit testing you dude. When girls say shit like this she's trying to see if you respond like a soy boy or not.
>Wrong answer. You look like a dahmer fanatic. I'm not killing any cats for you.
Just say yeah i can, i have ed
Fucking women
Look at this fat beast get some fucking standards you pathetic piece of suit
Because being a fat chick is like being a dude, you gotta work for shit and you're desperate for sexual affirmation/
lmao i just right swype nigga she messaged me.
I love pull-ups, is it true wide grip targets lats more?
jesus christ the eyes
I don't get it Veeky Forums. What the fuck are you supposed to do? Like are these whores just there thinking "what's this thirsty idiot going to say", and there is some magical formula to get them to think what you say is something what nobody else would say? How can you be entertaining with the sole purpose being to entertain? This is why I never do this online shit, all these jaded fucking whores
coffee meets bagel
wasn't interested in her but penalized for not messaging matches which explains rolling
nah she wasn't
>2/10 at best.
You're better than that, bro.
Keep in mind this is the best picture out of 300, and doesn't even show her rolls
Oh man you just had to respond like a bitch.
wtf? You did what you did? Im gonna need some context
yea I didn't bother responding lol.
Yes she was you fucking autist.
Stop pretending like you know how to get laid when it's obviously a farce.
Hot girls shit test guys constantly, it's how they filter out the pussies from the actual men.
Just stop posting if you don't want advice and stay incel.
tfw giraj
her profile indicates she's trying to find people to tutor on dating or something and be friends with them? I'll post in a sec. That's why I shower her the screenshot with her stupid opening message
I wasn't interested in her but had to message her
teach me your ways your dahmer line was very good
Did I fuck up?
you really showed me
This place is something else.
You waited like 12 hours
you're retarded you should listen to him he obviously knows way more then you
And after reading all this, you still thought it was a good idea to try and hook up with this crazy bitch.
Some girls are not worth the effort dude.
It wasn't good, still better than what the fuck you said.
Stop posting, go meet girls outside because it's your only hope at this point with your fucking texting ability.
>you’re like my baby sister
Bruh what is you doin
Makes me wonder if there's a board somewhere where women like this complain about feels like we do
you literally can't read, can you? was not trying to hook up with her
or maybe I'm being memed
pick one
not the guy who posted the picture i'm genuinely asking you for advice
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Don't even bother saying anything. I have a list of restaurants/bars etc I want to try. I send them
>want to have an adventure? Time, place
If they show up I have some nice company etc, if they don't no skin off me, I still get to try whatever I wanted
Women, by and large are pack animals. They just hang out together. No need to be online. Maybe Facebook.
"what you said" different guy, pal, although I can tell you're replying to yourself by the reddit spacing
>literally posts explanation and proof that I had no reason to try to actually get with her
>hurr durr you tried really hard and failed, if only you'd brought up a dahlmer you would be getting laid right now
She didn't stop talking though. She is still interested.
you're retarded. you really should stop posting you're only hurting yourself further
Wow if she's not full of shit that's a good opportunity. Why the fuck would you ask her about serial killers? Holy autism.
Tell her you'll buy her shots when she comes to wing you at the bar this Friday. How many depends if she's good or not.
okay i laughed
We we can't be sure unless we actually watch their date, but agreed.
There's a huge huge difference between acting like a guy that wants to fuck her and a guy that wants to talk to her. Any guy can talk to a girl.
You can't just be another guy. You can't just be average. You have to spark it. Flirt, kiss her, be stupid. Make her feel something. Just don't be clingy and boring.
Of course big difference between a girl you want to fuck and long term girlfriend, but you can tell that when you're talking to her.
No no set up a time and place
>Orbiting Girl I was in love with for about 6 Months
>She notices my gains and becomes more interested in me in that time
>Ask her out on a date, she happly agrees
>Few days before it she completely ghosts me, doesn't answer me or anything
>Find out she got together with her ex during it
>Made up for it by fucking her best friend and breaking her other two friends hearts
Not my proudest moments
How do I open up with her Veeky Forums?
>Ching Chong What’s up bitch?
>no hookups, just looking for something real
Why did you stop messaging her and not try to meet up?
God she might as well have just said no lmao
classic hoes
I got nervous once she started to show interest. I’m on bipolar medication, I have a lot to be insecure about
Too autistic to understand that one line doesn't make a girl fuck you I see. Just being undeterred by shittests and able to get a short conversation going is way better than using tried lines and asking Veeky Forums what to say. It doesn't matter what you say, it's the way you come off when you say it. Ask yourself, would George Clooney look like a pussy if he said this? Don't say it if yes.
Women suck at conversation but if you turn this around and make her laugh she might date you
>obvious signs that a girl was into me
list some of them pls
Message her back and try to meet up. If you want to not just fuck be real with her about why you were nervous. If she isn't alright with the reasoning she's probably a cunt anyway
>I think it's my lats
Are you being serious?
please stop spacing things like this.
do you see literally anyone else here doing this?
Lats are extremely important dude
>no hookups
that's what every grill says on tinder not to feel like a slut. I'll just ghost her after.
What's wrong with 18? I'm 18
now help me out motherfucker
lats are crucial, friend
fucking madman
I'd be proud of it
You know that's fake right, she's posted all over this site cause of the kpop autists
>stops being a mormon after having moved to NYC
goddamn kikes
I hope you like Albert Fish, because I eat ass