>that first post-workout puff o' the day
That first post-workout puff o' the day
I'm enjoying one right now while doing some low intensity bike riding. Feeling comfy.
>mfw no lung cancer
These threads must be bait. Just to fuck with the weak.
But fuck you. I've quit for two weeks, and I'm not giving in you faggot.
redpill me how addictive is nicotine? like compared to alcohol, weed, cocaine, heroin?
i've been drinking heavy for a while, another period i was "addicted" to weed, basically smoking every day, but i can tell you beating nicotine (snus) is the hardest of them all
its the worst because its so easy just to have one and no real tangible side effects in the short term
ben affleck has admirably worked hard to become the person i would most like to punch in the face
It's addictive as fuck but mostly because of the ritual you build around it (smoking after a meal, while driving, first puff of the day, etc) and it also has the fidgety hand and oral fixations attached to it since you usually do it so many times in a day. Nicotine is the big thing and is a bitch to kick, but at least there are way safer ways to get it if you wanna quit smoking, which can't be said for a lot of other stuff.
It's not like booze or heroin though where you can literally fucking die from withdrawal
my favorite part about dragging on a cig is the nic rush. It's like a fucking headgasm. Light up, take a nice puff, all the anxiety just fucking vanishes, man.
that anxiety is either entirely (or greatly exacerbated by) nicotine withdrawal. congrats on playing yourself.
For me it’s been easy to quit smoking, EXCEPT WHEN IM DRINKING THEN ITS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE.
Me trying to refuse a cigarette while having beer or bourbon is what I imagine heroin and ice junkies feel
Kicked the cigs years ago and decided to try vaping. Lungs feel like new, but I don't know if it's as bad long term or not. So much misinformation flying around.
I used to shoot heroin (clean for 4 years) but I cannot kick cigs. Not because it’s “harder”, but because the consequences are nowhere near as bad as dope. Might sound like I’m contradicting myself here, but the best way I could put it is that it’s easier for me to go days with out cigs than days without heroin (when I was using)
it's certainly no worse, though I don't know why you'd try vaping if you'd successfully quit years prior. nicotine is the worst part as far as the addictive properties of cigarettes go and you've just enslaved yourself again.
just bought a juul. shit is harsh as fuck and makes me feel sick
not FDA regulated
causes cancer
juul's are fucking crackpipes man, those things have WAY too much nicotine in them
Nicotine isnt really bad for you. Its the tar in cigs and the smoking fucking up your lungs .
Ironically one of the oldest people alive smoked into her 70s.
nicotine itself is a carcinogen, not as strong as tar but it still is
so even nicotine patch is carcinogenic
No I mean i switched to vaping a few years back and have just been doing that instead. thinking of just cutting it all out.
good luck mate. some people ween off with lower mg nicotine juice but I think it's best to axe it all. I chewed a lot of sugary gum and gnawed on toothpicks to get through
Right now it helps to curb my appetite while I'm cutting. I also recently gave up drinking almost entirely because I was afraid I was becoming an alcoholic, so this is the lesser of two evils at the moment. But I appreciate it man, we're all gonna make it
>the average age of lung cancer diagnosis in chainsmokers is 70
>smoking 1-5 cigs a day has been proven to not have any negative effects on health
>you can 'reverse' all the negative effects of chainsmoking cigs if you quit at 40, your life expectancy will be the same as a non smoker
this is true, not even smoker and not even coping
how about aging though? i don't want my beautiful face to age prematurely
I'm 28 and have smoked since high school and I've had clerks refuse to sell to me cuz they thought my DL had to be a fake. I also have an insane skincare regimen, perfect hairline, and never drink, so YMMV
>cigs cost a lot of money and even if you can avoid the health effects you will be more financially stable by not smoking
ben wants to kill himself im telling you lads
basically completely non addictive, except for the fact that no one gives a shit and it has no side effects so you'll keep doing it.
same with weed. not addictive just so easy to do.
never been super addicted but the cravings are constant and last for months which is what makes it hard to kick
Fuck sake are you literally me? I have no need for cigarettes sober at all but when i have a few drinks its fucking painfully hard.
I wish I'd never combined them. The urge is too powerful when drunk or stoned and you fucking KNOW a cig will amp your high up 10x.
I used to only smoke when i got drunk in the first place but of course its hard to stop then. I dont mind smoking joints but fuck i always need a cig while its being passed around shits infuriating.
I know you're trolling, but smoking is for stupid/poor people.
It's like really bad caffeine withdrawal.
so... fucking nothing?
That's one of the reasons I've never managed to quit either one cold turkey. So I started scaling myself back, with designated drinking and sober days. Really helps with meal planning desu.
Depends. If you go full deep ass pack-a-day style it is hard as fucking hell. I went from being full alcoholic to drinking moderately once weekly - hell at first but sustainable, quit smoking herb after 10 year all-day-every day with only being bored for two weeks, never had money for enough coke to get addicted and never touched dope because I want to live.
DO NOT DO IT user. Tobacco doesn't even get you off like the other substances mentioned it's just a ritualistic habit maintained to keep you feeling normal.
honestly quitting anything is really hard for about a week
occassionally i'll quit smoking cigs for a week just to prove I can do it
dat post-workout vape, bois. Rip for Zyzz and mr pianoman
depends on the person, most people will get addicted, some more hopelessly than others. I was chain smoking Lucky Strikes when I was in the military and chewing on dat Redman everyday but the day I got out I dropped it cold turkey. I did the same with Alcohol and then weed.
>mfw the toughest thing for me to drop completely is fast food
same here so I just stopped doing both
haven't had a cig or drink in 5 months
feels great
Just dip while you lift user that way you wont have to wait.
Too cold to go outside to smoke.
I made mad chest gains, the warriors lost, I'm gonna have sex tommorow and now I'm gonna sit back relax and have a dip
depends on what your drug of choice is
it is if you just take niconeine gum, fucking do it
Cope wintergreen master race
Bullshit. My grandfather quit smoking 50 years ago and he just recently was diagnosed with COPD that was directly linked to him smoking.
I love smoking cigarettes not the nicotine
>Go all week without a drink or cigarette
>This time im really quitting!
>knock off on friday
>neck deep in jack daniels and smoked half a pack 2 hours later
snus är fan hemskt att sluta med. slutade april 2016. hemskt.
>Been smoking all september to see how addictive smoking is
>Feel nothing from smoking
>quit after a month
>No need to smoke whatsoever
If you cant quit smoking you are a pathetic human bean . Smoking addiction is a meme
You don't understand scientific studies do you
>financially stable
Good goy, stop enjoying things, save all your cash in the bank you'll start enjoying life after 65! You'll be the coolest grampa around
>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?
>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?
>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.
>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?
Vape daily at home
Have a smoko when drinking with the lads
The patricians choice
I smoked a whole summer back when I was 13, almost a decade ago >edgy, they were called "black devil" and had a nice vanilla taste(chocolate ones sucked)
smoked a lot of them and never got addicted
going to cuba next year and I want to try some of those cuban cigars but im pretty sure im going to die coughing from it since last time I had a cigarette it felt like shit
Not gunna make it.
Daily reminder that smokers are stinking dumbfucks with a highschool mentality. Avoid like the plague
>flat brim
yep he vapes
that may be the case for most people, but for me personally i know that my lung capacity dramatically improves after a week without smoking, as do my sleep patterns. i also have less urge to have a drink with dinner if im not gonna have a cig afterwards, and just generally i feel better day to day
but hey, that's just like, my opinion man
It's not that addictive. Lazy fags just tell themselves its addictive to justify smoking all day.
Also roll your own cigs taste much better.
>smoking's so cool, guys
Are we being raided by Veeky Forums?
me too faggots
probs cause u look like a child
Smoke fags errydae
I've chain smoked for a few months while doing coke like every other day
then I suddenly just got bored of it all and stopped without a second thought
its all in your mind
>every old person I know that had "smoking related health problems" only had them after they quit smoking
really makes me think
Nicotine is more addictive than any other substance on the planet. Just because how your brain becomes addicted.
Anyone who tries to claim it isn't addictive didn't smoke long enough.
It has a relapse rate higher than heroin user.
You can have cravings years after, the withdrawal effects can last for months.
how long to smoke like 3 whole years to get addicted ?
see my post
>no real tangible side effects
except coughing
smelling like shit all the time
spending stupid amounts of money on that shit
being anxious if you go a few minutes without smoking
I could go on...
compared to other legal drugs yes it is more addictive
practically non addictive when compared to heroin IME
Have you ever done heroin friendo?
Nicotine doesn't have that compulsive redosing urge like the big boys.
And if you think the physical dependence from nicotine even comes close
to rivaling those of opiates and benzodiazepines (especially benzos) you're
an absolute moron. I'll take being a wee bit grumpy over 5 days of the
worst aches and pains, vomiting, diarrhea and mental turmoil to be followed
by months of extreme depression or 2 weeks of the worst anxiety I've ever
experienced, seizures and a sense of impending doom to be followed up by
possibly years of anxiety anyday, bucko.
>TFW post-workout methamphetamine
Alcohol: 10% of regular users will develop addiction.
Heroin: 25% of regular users will develop addiction.
Nicotine: 25% of regular users will develop addiction.
Just for fun,
Crack cocaine: 3% of regular users will develop addiction.
Note that I'm using 'addiction' in the colloquial sense. Cocaine is not medically addictive, unlike opiates or benzodiazepines. All figures are approximate and subject to large measurement error.
I think that was the point of that post
>good goyim waste your cash on cheap thrills!