>get Veeky Forums
>still feel empty
>get good grades
>still feel empty
>get a qt nerd gf
>still feel empty
so when does one really "make it"?
>get Veeky Forums
>still feel empty
>get good grades
>still feel empty
>get a qt nerd gf
>still feel empty
so when does one really "make it"?
Lmao 2plate
I guess when you deal with your depression lol
When you give her children and find god
Elves are soy boys
Making it is a meme, you probably won't ever stop feeling empty...
do the last two really make you happy? sounds like you're spending a lot of time on what society wants you to do, and not what you want.
Finally, someone said it
Building a network of people who rely on you and you can rely on
When you finally get to kill shitskins,purge your country out of every filthy piece of shit and stand there in pool of blood laughing in the sky slowly realising that you did what's necessary for your kin to survive,yet the same kin will consider you a monster ,slowly developing same quench for blood fucking bath
h-how did you got a nerd gi ef?
also, are you an atheist ?
He obviously not too excited about ur gf. Also post body
At least you can still feel something
>tfw no feel
hurt yourself to see
Choose to be happy, stop drinking/drugs, go out side daily. This will make most people happier. The first thing is the most important.
when you finally come out of the closet.. its gonna suck to tell your dad
fuck man idk, i just wanna feel emotions again
he will suck after telling tho
i got extremely lucky desu, matched her on tinder and we literally had all the same interests
Emotions are feminine
You'll never find fulfillment in corporeal things. They all pass away.
Pretending that men don't have emotions or denigrating male emotions is a female practice and form of control to force men to release the strong emotions that we feel into monetary lucrative things. Like games, porn, and the internet.
Horny angry and want to dominate? That horny lonely bookworm with perfect tits who reads rape porn?
Don't hook up with her and absolutely sexually destroy her.
Watch sub shit tier porn then pay for a gym membership and work out till you're half dead then play video games then go to sleep then wake up and take stimulants of some kind to get the energy to work till you're half dead then do it all over again.
when you can sit in a room alone in quiet and find peace
>the foundation of Mexico.jpg
Horny angry and want to dominate that horny lonely bookworm with perfect tits who reads rape porn?
Don't hook up with her and absolutely sexually destroy her.
Watch sub shit tier porn then pay for a gym membership and work out till you're half dead then play video games then go to sleep then wake up and take stimulants of some kind to get the energy to work till you're half dead then do it all over again.
Wow user, you summed up everyrhing wrong with young men in the U.S. in a single post.
Not gonna lie I'm a little shook.
When you start eating her ass every night
>turning to ancient desert dweller garbage for artificial meaning
Prolly will get called autistic but self delusion won't help anyone
Go to an Orthodox Christian church and find God
When one is content with who they are.
You're a little bitch
finally someone said it.
When you're happy. You don't have to be reaching for the best but can look around at whats already in your life and be happy.
This man is right. I pray to Brodin every night and I feel like I've "made it"
try drugs, pure pleasure
Stop posting about my life
>never gonna make it
just leave now
>2 more who will never make it
It's all about life passion and status, my dude. A lameass with abs and good grades is still a lameass.
>"make it"
when you have grandkids who made it because you taught your kids how to make it and how to teach people to make it.
then you die.
May need a hobby or some kind of home project to work on. I find my mind gets frustrated if I don't have some kind of hobby or new skill to work on.
Drawing, learning an instrument, or even making improvements around your house can help satisfy this.
You could also try taking some kind of martial art, or minor sports league.
Never. Life is the resistance of decay into equilibrium. You keep going or you die.
We think we're meant to be happy but being happy never got shit done. We're meant to chase happy. The most unhappy troglodytes had the most reason to do something, and so they did the most, and now by the cruelty of nature we've evolved to be prosperously unhappy, damned to chase happiness until we collapse, leaving nothing in our wake but technological marvels and sprawling empires.
This isn't tryhard edgelord insta memes, this is Erwin Schrodinger and Arthur Schopenhauer. It's not fun and it's not tough and it's not noble and it's not that profound, it's just life and those are your options. Keep going or die.
There are many ways to Redemption.
Forgiving is not the only one.
>Unironically believing a man rose from the dead and saved the human collective because some book that was written thousands of years ago says so
>Believing this while also believing the stories of Zeus, Thor, Mohammad and the myriad of other religions in the world to be false because you just happened to be born into a time and region of the world that believes in Christianity
>Not realizing how retarded all of that is and losing your faith
Get it together Christcucks
Hey man, you need to be at least 18 to post here
Yeah pretty much
Those guys know the way
When you get over wanting to "make it" and realize "it" is just some arbitrary bullshit that means something different to literally everyone because it only exists how we perceive it.
Let it the fuck go.
Clean your room, go to Church. Pour out your life doing the difficult and arduous good.
When you learn to love yourself.
I know that feel man. I was exactly at your situation a while ago, I thought when I find the perfect gf things would change. Found a fucking 8/10, still felt the void eating me. But damn, the more and more I'm with her, she manages to pierce through my thick mental armor, and it does make me feel better as a whole. Just hang out with your gf more, the warmth and happiness will slowly creep on you
Ahhh, you are achieving superficial success and still feel empty inside. I know that feel. From my standpoint you have two choices; a sweet drug addiction to distract from reality or developing a relationship with God. Either works,I've tried both and definetly perfer the latter.
Just smile lmao, stop being sad!
Why the fuck are anons living the lives of other people and not following their passions. user is already Chad but just doesn't believe in his own values.
Clean your room, go to Church. Pour out your life doing the difficult and arduous good.
>entire worldview is challenged
>has no arguments against other guy's post
when you stop ejaculating, become a brahmacharin, and understand that women are the original meme
Delete this.
When you decide that your efforts have gained you just what you need and be content with what you have.
Jesus you really are trying hard.
When judgment day comes you’ll be the devils little cuck slave.
try ordering yourself so you'll be a good father and successful in your career. then so you start contributing to your family, town, state, country, ...
did you faggot ever stopped thinking about yourself?
help other people, do you have a shy friend? help him get a gf, do you have a friend that sucks at school? teach him.
desu this what makes me happy (nomeme)