Any recommendations for "snack food" that is low calorie and can be eaten in massive portions?

Any recommendations for "snack food" that is low calorie and can be eaten in massive portions?

Basically looking for "cheat" foods that aren't shitty potato chips or sweets.

I'd like to compile some recipes or ideas that I can munch on during my 2 off days per week.

The higher volume of food the better, veggie/chip dip recipes are a plus.

Rice cakes with peanut butter

popcorn is pretty dope

a 1/4 cup portion unpoppoed of that fluffy ass shit usually leaves me satiated

Oranges, bananas, grapes

Seaweed is tasty but you'll have horror farts.

my current go-to for Saturday snackage to start

250g light cream cheese = ~600 cals
3 cups salsa = ~240 cals
1 can of chili = ~500 cals
90g shredded cheese = ~240 cals

baked in the oven for until its a creamy orange goop. Dip a whole bag of Special K chips(~450 cals) in it.

Total is about 2k calories for a massive bowl of chips and dip.

Skinny Pop is pretty good. It’s 47 calories per cup if you’re looking for carb snacks

Celery is the old standby for high volume and low calorie

Anything below 300 calories is a snack.

Get these pita chips called "crunchmaster." Sounds gay but they are ultra healthy.

Air cooked popcorn
Buy a popcorn machine and blend popcorn. Also smoked paprika to sparkle on it

Dried seaweed is an amazing sub for chips.

Good so long as you live alone.


Any local Asian mart, my grandma just hooked me up with some today :3. Other than that, you could buy some from amazon or from like an H or G mart website

Veggie straws

oh these look good too, 130 cals for a whole bag too.

spinach, broccoli, celery.
Although they aren't 'snack foods' they are extremely high volume and better for you health

The Quest chips are actually pretty good. The Cheddar and Sour Cream ones are about 80% as good as Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles.

dried fruits are a must

dried fruits are calorie dense as fuck tho

I like cooking up some frozen veggies and literally just adding hot sauce on it, sometimes ill add some brown/mixed rice. Surprisingly good and satisfying.
>chop up banana and throw it in freezer
>get bowl of nofat greek yogurt
>add frozen banana slices
>drizzle honey and sprinkle cinnamon on top
Top tier simple dessert, works with other frozen berries as well. Good luck OP

Buy a $10 air popcorn popper and a pound of popcorn kernels costs $2. A pound of kernels can feed you for a week but I buy 10 pounds at a time. You’ll want to buy some floss too.

Sunflower seeds

>Flour and sugar
>Ultra healthy

Nice marketing
How much you being paid?

They sell enormous bags at big box places for cheap too

wrong this

One of the best parts of fruit is the high water content that fills you up and makes you feel full.