There's a recommend daily calorie intake for men. So fat men, skinny men, tall men, and short men are all supposed to eat 2500 calories?
A lot of that is probably wrong. Looks like that image was created to provoke idiots
I my dinner is big tasty, 2 double cheeseburgers, baked fried and filet o fish
Drumpf knows nothing in gains.
>inb4 the_donaldfags come in to defend greatest ally
Trumps 6'3"? Any pictures of him height mogging other world leaders?
Nope, depends of your level of activity and current weight you count your TDEE. Read the sticky faggot.
As a brown guy, I literally have zero respect for white liberals as "people"
In fact I struggle to even classify them as people since they are so self loathing and care so little about personal preservation. We should just reclassify them to lemmings.
Hes 188cm. Im 189cm which is 6'2". Something doesnt add up
>t. butt hurt mudslime
There is no such thing as Palestine.
We kafir will never bow before Islamic worms. White phosphorus for all proPalestenian demonstrators.
kill yourself you stupid fucking retard
only thing more pathetic than a pajeet is a self hating pajeet
Nothing he said was wrong
Nope, I'm 6' 3 and my presence intimidates manlet beta bernie bois with weak beards all day. Fact: no one on earth hates themselves more than a white liberal.
I don't give a shit. You can say lots of things that aren't wrong, but that doesn't mean they make any sense in context. Why the fuck is he telling me that? I didn't write the fucking article.
who said anything about height? youre projecting a bit their bud :/
Leave the house more
came here to post this
this is a good fitness related thread
/pol/ hasn't tainted Veeky Forums at all
everything is well.
kill yourself more
You're a kike? Leave plg
>mfw im a jew and hate israel and want a 2 state solution
nah I just enjoy watching commie brown people get white phosphorused
salam my yahoodi brozzer, may us ahlul kittab prosper in the face of deceivers from both of our beautiful religions :)
Gotta eat big to get big, right babe?
he's 71 and still seems like his test levels are through the roof, so he's doing something right.
Brown conservatives are the pinnacle of cuck, don't kid yourself faggot
Irritability, not exercising, and a wife that won't fuck you are signs of high test?