
If I put protein powder up my asshole, will my body absorb the protein better by going into my blood stream and running through my muscles rather than just digesting the protein in my stomach?

You need to snort it you fucking retard, it goes straight to your brain so you can double dip brain/muscle gains.


the mucus allows the protein to breakdown into amino acids straight to brain gains and muscle gains

Do u know da whey?

I just cut down to 62kg from skinny fat. Would bulking up to 66kg and then cutting down to 61kg then rinse repeat until happy be a good plan?

Please anons. Show me the whey.

this meme is dead already

I just finished taking a shit and apparently shit out some blood too. Enough to visibly tint the water pinkish/red and to leave a similar color mark on the first wipe. I feel no internal pain but my sphincter might have been cut up from previous visits as it does sting a little. Is it possible for the sphincter to leak enough blood to cause this?

Focus less on the numbers on the scale. Focus more on performance and how fat you look or don't look.
A bulk with a certain goal weight makes no sense. You don't know what your bodyfat percentage is going to be when you hit that weight. Could be too low, could be too high.
A cut with a certain goal weight makes no sense. For the same reasons.

Could be ass cancer. Seriously.

It's probably not, but it's the kind of shit you want to get checked out (no pun intended)

eat more fiber / magnesium

Newfag here. Do you use a spreadsheet to count your calories or a phone app? I find the apps tend to have quite varied calories for the same item.

At what weight should I start trying to bulk I'm 5 foot 8 inches at 148 have some muscle but fat on my stomach and tits. Should I cut down to 140 or just try to bulk from here?

Use a app that lets you inter your own items, gets kinda tedious at first but it'll be more accurate and the organization is really badass

Could be anal fissures if so have fun putting magnesium cream up your ass

its a good question and many people can be confused about this but
yes, yes you should put the powder straight into your ass for maximum gains

nihilist memes have been dead for years yet people keep posting them. this shit deserves to live if that other garbage deserves to live

Thanks. What you said does make sense. I've gotten down to 61kg before I messed up on diet and have a solid idea of how lean I look at that weight. But I've never bulked before so yes, I'll go by the mirror and performance. Thanks again

Just realized my question was answered I'm a retard

No, retarded memes for xanax soundcloud artsy political epic Veeky Forums teens do not deserve to stay around. Fuck off.

Im on holiday in India, what nootropics should I try over the counter?

Have pain in my index finger knuckle. Two days now. Hurts more when I move it. I'm 33 and both my parents have arthritis. Should I just kys myself? Is it something else?

>on holiday in India
More like POOtropics, amirite?

What lunch do I get if I'm going to be at uni all day and it'll be sitting in my bag

whats the deal with Hammer Strength Deadlift?
never used it.
sometimes i can't be bothered for area deadlift to clear, and set it up

Need some help friends. I've been cutting for a bit and lifting Simi regularly and need some help deciding if I should keep cutting or start trying to bulk.

What is this bar called?

what would you eat if it only sat for 1 hour?
because i've eaten plenty of lunches with tuna salad or egg salad that were made at 8am, eaten at 12 or 1pm

Hammer curl bar/tricep bar
Sounds retarded but it really is

Is 4 scoops a meme because I did that last night in the morning I could not poop

If i make a protein shake w/ oats in morning is it safe to drink in afternoon? Or will milk or oats have gone off?

Start actually lifting properly, jesus. And keep cutting, you're still fat.

Cut, lift regularly and lift big, and eat more protein. Get yourself good for the summer and then do a proper bulk near the beginning of fall.
>That way you won't have to suck your stomach in.

Just put the oats and protein in the shaker without water. When it's time to drink, just add water.

Is homemade bread bad?

prob better as you can control what preservatives and chemicals are added (hopefully none).

Anyone with /beer gut/
I'm a retard that been abusing beer every weekend for 5 years and at 21 most of my fat goes straight into gut.
Any tips?

what should I do to prepare for military? so far I'm doing 100 pushups, squats, situps, and max pullups, trying to improve my form and doing as many in a set as possible. I'd run but it's freezing outside. is what I'm doing decent or should I add anything?

Dear Veeky Forums
do you prefer barbell bent over row
or dumbell bent over row?

stop drinking it and switch to liquor. beer will give you tits faster than soymilk ever could

Do what you're doing, but man up and go run. It's the most important part.

I feel lilke I get a much better stretch and activation with dumbbell

If you're not baiting, the answer is no. Most digestion occurs in your small intestine. Hardly any in your large intestine/colon

ok fampai

I stopped, no tits thought, it all goes into belly.

Also I'm underweight (180cm but 70ish kg) but look skinny except belly? Should I get rid of it first or bulk to 80 kg and then cut?