Grip strength

I was deadlifting the other day, and almost lost my grip. I wasn't lifting very heavy, 120 kg for 3 reps. I have been lifting on and off for two years. How can I improve my grip strength? Or do I have to buy straps?

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Goddam dem titties

Farmers walks for time or hanging from a pull-up bar for time work well. My favorite is a rack pull where you lift 3-4 inches to lockout and hold for 30-60s for 2-3 sets. Once you hit 60, up the weight.

Are you doing mixed grip? Or hook grip?

>Farmers walks

Are Farmers walks about the distance you walk or the time you hold that shit? I'm a home gym guy and I don't have a lot of space to walk around.

Do this.

I used to do farmers walk, but the gym I go to now isn't big enough them. I will do the hanging from a pull-up bar, I have one at home.

I have only used normal grip normal grip so far, maybe I will try hook grip.

Walk in a circle

Walk around yard circling the house.

Ask the guy working the desk if you can walk down the street and back with the weights, or around the parking lot.

I work out at a 24hr gym, mostly at night, and the front desk is only manned for 2-3 our in the middle of the day. I don't think they would allow it anyways. I might buy some used kettle bells or something so I can do it outside at home.

If nobody is there, who is going to stop you?

The other people there? And they have cameras. I don't want to risk losing my membership. It's would also be a bit tricky just bringing the weights outside, there is an airlock to get in and out.

get on the treadmill for keks.

>264 freedom units

Just buy some chalk OP.

>doesn't know how to read yet

Do this

-Grab loaded barbell at thigh height in rack
-Use rack to hold on to and brace yourself
-Lift barbell with white-knuckle tight grip, holding until failure

can you read

'I wasn't lifting very heavy'
Illiteracy seems to be a big problem in burgerland.

Mixed grip works wonders, it feels so unnatural the first time before you start the lift but as soon as you start that all goes away.

what a fag

Shoo shoo

Chalk is not allowed at the gym I go to. But that wasn't the problem, I used normal grip and the bar rolled out my fingers.

I'll try next time at the gym. Should I switch grip between sets or between workouts?

I will try that, thanks!

>"grow, grow, grow"

yea, what a fag, for going outside gabbing freezing cold metal bars with gloves

if you use gloves to exercise, you better be working out in about 40 below zero weather.

>doing mixed grip
I'd rather not snap my bicep tendon.

that you are such a pussy that you cant handle a slightly cold bar, which will heat up by working out by the way, is not my problem

I like doing finger curls. I wouldn't do it with dumbbells though because I struggle to do double overhand with 275lb for reps and I got up to 80lb dumbbells before I was able to get a proper burn from the reps and it's a bitch to find DBs higher than 120.

>being so much of a pansy that you make excuses for other people
what the fuck

>Should I switch grip between sets or between workouts?
If you want, I personally don't. I don't think it matters at all really.

Retard not realizing that it's winter, the fucking
bar won't heat up by you grabbing it for a few minutes.
You should get out sometime.

>giving a shit that a bar is gonna be cold to the touch
I've had my bare fingertips wet and freeze to the sides of trailers at work and I didn't give a shit. I think it's something to do with my body heat being high enough that the outermost layers of skin bring cold didn't really affect the actual meat underneath.

point is, if a bar is cold, just fucking grab it and stop being a punkass bitch. while you're up there, do some pullups to get the blood pumping. you should be training grip on pull days anyway.

holy fuck my sides

never have I seen a more fitting filename. well done.

Superior hook grip