What physique do I need for a gf like this?

What physique do I need for a gf like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.fr/maps/place/14 Rue de la Monnaie, 34000 Montpellier/@43.610365,3.8768868,17z


Personality will get the girl. As long as your physique isn't anorexic or fat, and your face is half-way decent, you'll be fine. A good physique is just the icing on the cake

What if you don't have a good personality? What physique/bank account do I need

be tall and wealthy
nothing else matters, really

>people actually believe this

Ottermode should be able to overpower and rape her

How do I make money gains?? What routine? There is any steroids I can use?

t. Short, ugly, poor person

Crypto currency is steroids for money gains user.

that girl has tits and thats it

she will look like a freckley old fuck handbag in no time

All about the face user. Marlon Brando was 5'5 and nailed everything 9/10+ who crossed his path.

I won't fail in this Jew trap. Nice try Goldenberg.

How do you know?


He was 5'9 senpai

not just face, also demeanor and body language

5'5, 5'9, who can tell the difference 2bh

Get arms, delts, abs and a thick ass. Be confident and interesting, yet still mainstream cool enough to retain status. Hang out with attractive people and act cool, not like a soyboy. Have a passable face and don't be a manlet.

Boom, you are now fucking girls every weekend.

anybody who isn't helen keller

A whore who can't bother to dress decent enough not to show her thong to the entire world?
You probably just need to insult her until she cries, then she'll do anything you want since you remind her of her father.

>yfw you realize manlets overcompensate and it leads to motivation and success
>yfw tom cruise, mark wahlberg and sly stallone are nearly the same height
>yfw the richest kikes on earth are sub 5’10

How do i become a manlet? The whole ‘i thought you’d be taller’ thing is not a meme.

It's hard to tell the difference from outside the pit

How to find attractive people to hang out with?

You can get a gf with money. You need to be handsome if you want to actually enjoy the relationship without deluding yourself, though.

Most fuckers out there with relationship problems don't seem to realize that their bitch simply doesn't like them and only stays with them to not be alone.

How do I make my face passable?

just b urself bro lmao

Marlon Brando was 175cm tall. Please don't use untermensch units here.

That seems Italy, so you have to be Italian.

at a closer look, it's France. ( Montpellier, google.fr/maps/place/14 Rue de la Monnaie, 34000 Montpellier/@43.610365,3.8768868,17z )
Then, anything will do.

are you a wizard