Stop working out for a month

>stop working out for a month
>lose all my gains
Is fitness a scam?

roids are

No, you're just dyel.
You're looking at a photo taken immediately post heart surgery.


>stop working out for a month
Surely you could have done pushups and pullups to failure every other day to maintain some of that muscle.

This was post rhabdo and a 6 week hospitalization. Somewhat disingenuous.

Stop taking steroids.

Yeah no shit.Your body adapts to whatever stimulus you give it. You workout , you become strong and grow muscle mass. You lay down fap to porn and play vidyas all day , your body adapts to it and you turn into a soyboy. feminine skinny fat cuck. That being said you are fine with up to 2 weeks, perhaps even more without working out before you body starts to deapt

I got stupidly sick.

For a month? Damn sounds harsh. Never gotten sick for more than 3 days, and that was in my childhood.
No other choice then, eat big and try hard to make up for the lost time. Hope you are OK now.

And whats your excuse now ? Stop shitposting. Its suprisingly easy to get back in shape after a layoff. You can build back all your muscle even while on a caloric deficit aka getting leaner in the same time

I believe it's 6 weeks with light workouts and sports and 2 weeks bedridden, before you lose gains. Keep in mind that all lost gains is "easily" reattainable in a few months.

Also try and weigh yourself. You probably haven't lost that much, your muscles just aren't glycogen pumped and ready at the moment.

Basically once you start lifting you're doomed to either do it forever or stop and start looking like a saggy deflated muscle balloon.

That just means you never had any real gains to begin with

I'm on it, but I'm still on the period where I lift way less than before getting sick. I don't even feel like I'm working out before I lose all my energy.

Never get serious pneumonia kids.

Bench presses will kill your body if you give them up for one second.

you need cold showers after work outs, if you lost your gains is because you only had inflammation

Something tells me, he'll be back

He lost THAT MUCH in 6 weeks???

Wow. Never touching that fucking shit.

What happens?

Thats not how skin works at fucking all.

>underage kiddies waking up to the fact as you get old you get ugly

>Why even bother starting
Because I wont stop lifting :3

What is "rebound muscle growth". If you get really swole once, then it will always be easier to get back in shape no matter how long you take off.

Have you ever seen Arnold in his off season during his prime? He was relatively modest sized when he wasn't blasting massive grams of gear and doing 2 multiple hour workouts a day.

If you don't do something in your day to day life to maintain your mass and strength(being active, doing a sport, having a job where you're very physically active)then your body will regress.
Without the artificial stimulus of exercise your body will simply ditch all of those adaptations because they are not needed and place an unnecessary strain on your body.

The effect is worsened and happens faster if you're a neophyte lifter who's been going hard for only a 1-2 years.

This is disheartening as fuck isn't it?

However, you can build that muscle back faster and easier then you thought possible.
It's called muscle memory. Not to be confused with the phenomenon where your muscles remember an action and you can act on it unconsciously.
Muscle memory is where your body remembers the stimulus and will rebuild the muscle faster.
My reasoning is that the body simply remembers the strain for the rest of it's life and wants to be prepared to do whatever dangerous or arduous task it did before and adapt to it faster and easier then before.

The art of maintenance.
That is something that everyone who trains or exercises should learn. It's something that people who don't even know what the inside of a gym should learn.
I honestly wish I knew about it in my going hard as fuck, balls to her clit "I can get as big as ahnold and flex wheeler! They didn't need drugs! I'll just work harder" days.

You only only only have to do ONE single Set of ONE exercise to TOTAL failure ONCE every 7-14 days to maintain strength and mass. You can even build on this.
As for cardiovascular?
A single 5-10 minute session of Hiit or burpee ladders or tabata bodyweight circuits or anything that seriously stresses your cardiovascular system once every 5-7 days.

That's all it takes.
Easy isn't it?

Unless you get mr.olypmia fuck huge by consuming ungodly amounts of roids and then completely stop lifting weights for 10 years, then there is no way you're going to get loose skin from weight lifting.

Weight lifting is also the best way for ex-faties to help fill out their loose skin.

Do people seriously freak out that they have to devote one hour every two days to lifting weights for "the rest of their life" to maintain muscle gains?

Thats roughly 3.5 hours a week. How many hours a week do you spend farting around on social media or watching tv? You're telling me that 3.5 hours a week is a massive time commitment?

>Do people seriously freak out that they have to devote one hour every two days to lifting weights for "the rest of their life" to maintain muscle gains?

You litterally don't need to do that.
One set taken to failure for every bodypart once every 7-14 days is all you need to maintain strength and some mass.
That's it.

Also becoming more active in your day to day life will help as well.

Although it is kind of fucked up that I have to remind people that those impressive bodies of chads and athletic people who don't workout are built from being active and doing strenuous things.