let's see em
Fit ideals
I just fell in love with you desu
>semi fit
>ok hair
>bad fitting tshirt
at least your taste in women doesnt seem bad
Are you Persian?
Goose wouldn't accept just any qt fit
Clothing doesn't seem consistent
solid, like the simple/basic style, 9/10 girl's a lil memey
very nice, good work put into it. the body in the bottom right of the quadrant looks out of place there tho 9/10
need to update/clean mine up, but here it is for now
funny, the girl's a new addition. I tend to prefer blondes but she seemed super cute, and I like cute.
rate others, you goons
Template for others who haven't made theirs yet.
I don't wear the same thing everyday, I like to change it up.
6/10 I just don't like Taylor
Which quadrant? Hemsworth is a forearmlet but what guy doesn't want to literally be Thor?
Also Jenna Fischer is the embodiment of "qt you wife and make a milf".
Also rate others
Nerdy hipster girl/10 but you seem cool.
OP here, will rate to satisfy cool, never really got what the big deal was with that guy. He seems cool though.
4/10 not a fan of the women or lumberjack style
body is a mess, Anderson Cooper?, suit's banging - 3/10
6/10 - chick in grey is hot, good style
strong. bod, hair, chicks all on point. style high respectable. 8/10 - grils bringing it up.
5/10 Dexter mode respectable. hair is awful. chav mode good for the keks, chick solid.
Its not KKK, It´s the Holy Week garb, ignorant friend.
pretty good
A milana fan, my nigga
traditional but good
props on that style bro
5/10. I don't know, I think you have to be really handsome to make that hair and style combo work. A regular guy who wears that will just look like he's in a mid 90s time warp. That's the hair and clothing of a Seinfeld character. (I don't entirely dislike it, though).
8/10. The Goose is alright by me.
6/10. This is an improvement over the old one with the dad bod and blah clothing but you could narrow it down a bit. Now it feels like you're all over the place.
Is my old template. Apparently I have a fan; how flattering. 10/10 taste, senpai.
8/10. Great physique goal.
Rate others.
Nice goal bod. The gold jewelry is a little gaudy, but then, gaudy is something I can respect.
>I think you have to be really handsome to make that hair and style combo work
I am
I'm also in a mid-90s time warp
It me
3/4 Who is the top left girl?
>Who is the top left girl?
Leo DiCaprio
Solid Body and hair, the waifu doesn't look probable with the style though. 6/10
Nice body, hair, girl, but are you going to cut those T-shirts yourself? Just go to shop.broscience . com 7/10
You'll have paper cut nightmares, also your girls... Preggo or just Thicc? 6.5/10
I hope you don't want your pecs to be that small, but other than that good stuff 8/10
All around excellent stuff. Nothing to complain about here 9.5/10
Style is an eyesore, this one wreaks of the early 90s. How old are you user? Not to bad though considering. 7.5/10
While the body is fine. What are you going for with the hair/style? Will you live in a house? Sortof the old Trainspotting style. This girl is good, except the dog, what is up with that?
Luke Cage/10 Nice!
8/10, simple and clean.
7/10, I'm lukewarm on the girl choice.
9/10, I can appreciate the style
9/10, classy
6/10, I think I'd have to see the style in action with the body for it to click with me
Refining mine
Goose/10 nice
8/10 good women
Why is there a little Spanish girl there?
6/10 faggy hair and slav
Classy, but a modern suit is better
why the fuck would you want to be bald
It's not bald, it's shaved, nigger.
Most people who use bald pics are already bald and just looking to cope with some kind of beard or whatever.
I'm not bald, I just like wearing a shaved head and a beard. It's comfortable.
>if I shave my head I´m not bald
my dude what
It's a number 0 cut, not like I took a fucking razor to it.
whould you get offended if people would call you bald though?
I mean it is hard to tell desu
It's not hard to tell a buzzcut from a bald head IRL.
People are going to call it bald regardless
I don´t mean in a negative way, it´s just the fastest and easiest way to adress that kind of hairstyle
I've worn a buzzcut for 8 years and have never been called bald. It's just a buzzcut or a zero.
My hair is already like that and I already dress that way. Funny you mention trainspotting house because my house is pretty much run down. She’s not a dog she’s Fern from Arthur and she’s for loving.
Maybe it´s just a cultural difference
where I´m from theres not that many words for those hairstyles so most people just go with bald. Or maybe it´s just the people I know
Why do you want to be bald?
I'd wish you luck at getting out of your run down house if that is what you want. I would be willing to bet that the living conditions are not conducive for gains.
I assume you can't get out of a situation like that though because of your circumstances. You seem young
I want a qt with Fern’s personality. I’m renovating this house actually, have about $70k cash to spend on the renov. I’m at 80% of my goal bod, just want bigger lats and to cut back down to single digits.
Good for you! Sorry for doubting you. Best of luck with the reno!
Thanks man, we’re all gonna make it brah
Who's the hair guy? That's the hairstyle I'm going for, but I find it hard to find pics.
if you have a receded hairline or are going bald what other choice do you have? you arent going to aspire to have a full head of hair lol because its not possible, and no one wants to rock the reverse mohawk look. the only "choice" of hairstyle you really get is shaved head
I have a really full head of hair. No baldness genes in my family or anything. I'm just more comfortable with a buzzcut.
It's simple and looks better than a lot of these faggot wavy longhair deals.
>oks better than a lot of these faggot wavy longhair deals.
show us where the longhair manned touched you , user