Buy the book. Love life. Fuck you. Pay me. Edition
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Jim posting is worse than that new sonic meme that normies won't stop spamming
Can't you put the proper title in the OP?
Have some discipline.
Take a few capsules of Plazma, stop program hopping and have some discipline
Wew lads right on time. Haven't been on in five or six weeks, unironically running 5/3/1 fullbody right now, baby is due six months from today. What are the hot memes and drama I've missed out on?
What does /plg/ think of GSLP?
It's a fairly generic beginners routine. It'll work but it does inherit the same potential flaws as the stuff it's based on. Those may or may not be relevant to you.
It's fine, it'll work, bench monday and friday.
My baby boy Lucas is due four months from today. Congrats, bro
Thx lads
How do I get into power lifting meets? I’ve been lifting since November (been running SS) and currently I’m at
SQUAT: 210x1
Deadlift: 240x1
Bench: 150x1
I’ve been lifting RAW too if that helps.
pls b in kg
Honestly this
Gonna hold off on looking for benis but all the women with their women intuition think boy. Cheers.
Run SS harder, and do HGMOMAD. Unless you weigh like 145, 210 squat for one is just.. not enough. Why are you hitting singles?
You sign up and you compete.
Local meets generally don't have any entry requirements (beyond being a member of the fed if its a sanctioned one).
So, I started lifting some months ago doing SS as prescribed. My form started breaking down, but it was okay since it’s expected to have some form breakdown when you’re going for a PR, which is every session.
Except I started failing and wasn’t getting any better. I took a week off and deloaded 4-6 session’s worth increments, bought proper Adidas shoes and decided to incorporate hook grip. Plot twist: knees still caved in.
So, I decided to take 10 days off, re-read the SS form chapters, and work my way up from scratch
TL;DR is this a good accelerated non-linear progression up to my previous 5RM’s? Form is perfect now, but I’m only up to row 3.
i dont get what the point is if youre lifting babbyweights
To find out if you actually like powerlifting, usually.
Start doing some high rep goblet squats, focusing on keeping your knees out. 5 sets of 10 after squats once or twice a week.
anyone here do jefferson deadlifts?
if so, what's your competition/jefferson ratio?
>you likely don't train jeffersons as much, but ok still
If your strength has improved and you're having technique trouble, time to start modifying. I'm not saying you should do this exact program but I am saying you should read the article and take some notes.
Do some paused squats.
One day they will be KG. They’re in LB
I weigh 148 6’2. I was hitting 3x5 til today (wanted to see where I was in terms for 1RM.) thank you did the advice
Thank you for the advice
I've got some good news and some bad news.
Good news: Currently, you will literally tower over everyone in your weight class.
Bad news: You've got a lot of weight to gain if you're going to take powerlifting (or any strength sport) somewhat seriously.
>efferson deadlifts?
What's wrong with pulling the bar off the ground in front of your body with your legs inside your hands?
Okay, stick to it and eat like you mean it. Dead serious about HGOMAD, especially given your h/w. Do your main lifts as prescribed, pick and upper push and pull and a lower accessory and do them for three not too hard sets.
E.g., finish your squat/press/dead day and knock out dips, facepulls, and leg curls, or DB bench, chins, and abs.
its harder
I mean I'm loving the Wendlerposting but he's actually perfectly fine with sumo.
Wew might as well become a trap.
Thank you for the advice I’m currently trying to put on weight also. I really want to get into power lifting.
Thank you for the advice. I’ve been finishing my main lift with accessory workouts (dips, pull ups, ab work, quad & hamwork and claves and forearms)
Never said anything bad about it.
If you're defensive, it's for a reason.
Good, stick too it Satan.
Very fair point Mr. Wendler, I'll try harder in the future.
Eat more. Stop being a faggot. Do the program. Stay consistent.
5/3/1 is the best program you could do right now. 60lbs on your total in one year. 20 weeks laid out for you. Stop thinking. Buy the book. Fuck you.
No amount of acting like a faggot is going to uncripple you.
Honestly this lmaooooo
Did our wendlerposter get hurt on 5/3/1 or something?
One of the wendlerposters is sean being a queer.
>Never said anything bad about it.
>with your legs inside your hands?
when you go out of your way to to specify one of the two competition variations over just 'competition deadlift' what does this imply?
>what does this imply?
I implied that conventional deadlift is a conventional deadlift.
That was my second guess.
I'm the 15 seconds guy.
Can confirm that it's actually not that easy to set up a proper side plank to me. Kind of hard to get into the right position to I feel my abs.
Have to roll over far enough, push my hips trough and then kind of relax my legs and my lats, otherwise these two muscle end up overtaking the whole stabilization.
Hard to explain.
why did you specify conventional?
I’ll order the book rn thank you
Because when people imagine a deadlift they don't think of sumo.
arent you a powerlifter?
I compete in powerlifting but "powerlifter" is not my preferred pronoun.
nothing's wrong you fucking faggot, doing B doesn't imply there's anything wrong with A, and you have absolutely no information on whether I do both (but, given the context, any sane person would assume that I do, in fact, do both)
>tldr fuck off jim
>I compete in powerlifting
and you are not aware there are other valid variations? or even worse, you worry about what the opinion of 'people' outside of powerlifting is, that would have no interest in what rule set you follow, on what a deadlift is
thats weak m8
>nothing's wrong you fucking faggot,
I assume you deadlift less than 550 lbs. Otherwise you wouldn't be so defensive about a circus deadlidt.
I dont give a shit. I pull conventional because that is a deadlift. Nobody teaches sumo to football players. Pull how you want.
Just bought a sports bike and had to drive it 100 miles to get home, the past few days my lower back had felt SUPER tight and semi painful. It just felt awful.
That was the most painful and sore 100 miles of my life.
But now all of a sudden my back feels nimble and loose and pain free
Guess all I needed was to stretch
Cool blog
> Nobody teaches sumo to football players
and what does this imply?
also this isnt an NFL general, so bit of a pointless post, should we also do some quarterback drills to peak for a meet?
Where is Jim #2 to call you a faggot when I need him?
be a man and stand on your own feet
and take responsibility when you are called out on your shit instead of crying for help
>be a man and stand on your own feet
You're being an insecure bitch about pulling sumo. If you pull 600+, own that shit. If not, shut your mouth, and keep working.
What's the minimum wilks before you are allowed an opinion on lifting here?
wow, tell us more that was really interesting
Afterwards I got a MacDonald's and met up with a few friends. I ordered a mcflurry and asked for extra chocolate sauce and he filled it to the brim.
>calls others insecure bitch
>disregards people that lift a certain way because 'people' dont think its a deadlift and their opinion really matters
whos really insecure?
i dont even pull sumo, im shit at sumo, doesnt change what counts as a deadlift
>doesnt change what counts as a deadlift
Whatever counts to you and makes you proud. Don't worry about me.
>Whatever counts to you
no mate, what counts to powerlifting
this is a powerlifting thread
if you said you compete im sure youve read the rulebook
what did the rulebook say counts? not 'people'
>this is a powerlifting thread
sure thing laddie
this post shows you are in the wrong thread
>this is a powerlifting thread
Do you compete?
>thread subject says plg
>that somehow makes this a powerlifting thread
dont play simple, weakness is never a strength
almost 70 posts in, maybe a half dozen are about powerlifting
makes you think, huh
so does anyone here actually run 531 or do you all shit on it like everyone else on Veeky Forums? I don't fucking want to squat more than once per week
stop doing 5/3/1
>half dozen
ive posted more than that myself about the rules of a comp deadlift
you also dont understand a general
>rules of a comp deadlift
>not doing rpe
>current year
god, your pathetic.
>does anyone here actually run 531
I do.
I've run it. It works fine as an offseason approach.
That said, you do have to do some tweaking. The base program does assume you're accumulating a fair amount of work doing athletic shit so if you're not (and this is /plg/ so we can safely assume it ain't happening) you almost have to work with one of the harder templates or stitch together your own.
ha ha
Band pullaparts or face pulls or rear delt flyes. which is the best for increasing bench
>I don't fucking want to squat more than once per week
Well you're going to have to if you want to be any good at squatting, dumbass.
Also let's add if you don't want to be a low test soyboy.
if you have to ask you need to add several sets of facepulls to every workout you do
Best deadlift variation for C6W? I pull conventional and I'm running it for squat and deadlift going into my meet.
Where do you fail heavy deadlifts at?
Haven't failed a deadlift in over a year, my upper back tends to round a little bit though so I was thinking snatch grip deads?
r o w s
i'm sorry for your loss
block pulls/pause deadlifts if you have trouble locking out. Stiff leg deadlifts or RDLS if you lookin for something more for hypertophy
That's probably a good choice.
TSA9W > C6W & 5/31
People want a program that will add 40 pounds to their bench in eight weeks. When I ask how much their bench went up in the last year, they hang their heads in shame.
Why do I hate watching Mike T front squatting?
On a related note, how does the SSB compare to a regular barbell for back squats? Does it feel any different?
Wow you are wrong
Anybody who cannot put 15 lbs on their squat by running c6w and trying real hard is a gde
Then why can't you switch 200kg right now?
I haven’t run candito since August I got bored
Tsa9 week is a shitty peaking program and 5/3/1 is a joke
Also i am a self proclaimed gde so what you said is literally irrelevant
Is that pounds or kilo?
Looking for a low ish volume squat routine with plenty low rep sets for my strength blocks. exhausted TM and smolov, nuckols and the others I've seen have been too high volume for what I'm needing. My strength blocks last 3 months.
Will someone help?
Stop program hopping. Have sex. Love life. Buy the book.
Just run madcow if you want low volume but you will stall especially on bench
the 5/3/1 shills are faggots that program is terrible