Soyboy meme debunked

Soyboy meme debunked

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i wonder who founded that study
oh thats right the soy industry

you're never going to convince us, soyboy

No one actually believed this shit to begin with? It's a meme.

But soy-based foods are all highly processed and disgusting and therefore should be avoided anyway in favor of less processed foods that aren't disgusting.

Get the fuck outta here you /leftypol/ queer.



>soyboy justifies being soyboy
fuck off

Pulling another Dr Jamal aren't we
rly makes u think

Silk has also been paying people to combat the soyboy meme online

>t. soyboy

Soyboy-posters BTFO.

Back to /pol/ with them.

>he knows he’s a soyboy so he makes a semantic argument instead of one in his own defense

NO ONE SAYS THAT SOY ALTERS TESTOSTERONE. THIS IS A FUCKING STRAWMAN. It is undeniable that soy mimics estrogen, so they push out this “it doesn’t affect testosterone” line. It classic jewery

The fact is that it doesn’t even matter if soy causes soyboyhood—the condition is a well documented phenomenon

>well documented
>we have one study


The copypasta DESTROYS the soyboy-posters.

Phytoestrogens and Disease: tinyurl com/hfxu23q
Phytoestrogens and Heart Disease: tinyurl com/zg2nh7a
Phytoestrogen and Kidney Disease: tinyurl com/jtwyanb
High soy can result in 59% less breast cancer study: tinyurl com/j8ywsra
Soy yields 13% lower LDL/Bad Cholesterol Study: tinyurl com/hhf4weq
Soy and Men Hormones Study: tinyurl com/hsu4wqk
Meta-analysis on men, soy and phytoestrogen extracts: tinyurl com/ja5s9k2
30-50% of men get manboobs: tinyurl com/zb58cbs
Phytoestrogen content of various foods: tinyurl com/z3kpvsw
220 women over 2 years soy study: tinyurl com/z4tbb7d
Meta-analysis on 47 studies no estrogen change: tinyurl com/hsm6ctb
Soy being fine for men: tinyurl com/zwddamh

Think of it this way: An estrogen molecule is like a jumbo jet that attaches to the Jetway of an airport. It discharges passengers into the terminal, which is suddenly a busy, noisy place. Phytoestrogens, being weak estrogens, are like small, private planes with few passengers and no cargo, yet they still occupy the Jetway after landing. When phytoestrogens occupy the cell, normal estrogens cannot. Plant estrogens do not eliminate all of estrogen's effects, but they do minimize them, apparently reducing breast cancer risk and menstrual symptoms
>The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.
>The intervention data indicate that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men
>These recent studies in men consuming soyfoods or supplements containing 40--70 mg/d of soy isoflavones showed few effects on plasma hormones or semen quality. These data do not support concerns about effects on reproductive hormones and semen quality.

The fact that the soyboy archetype exists is proof in and of itself

>betas exist
>must be soy
Listen to how retarded you sound.

Again with the semantics

so what youre saying is soy is actually a natural estrogen-blocker...

>be fatfuck mc/pol/fag
>blame soy for being high estrogen
>weaponize autism and post anti-soy for two months straight 16 hours per day
>pretend in my own little world that I've won some sort of prize

Everyone that isn't 10 years old in these threads sees the copypasta and learns the truth about soy. It's funny because you're just teaching the masses that soy is fine and that milk gives you bitchtits.

But you haven't really learned that by now, have you? Why do you think nobody has told you yet? Kek.

>you've played yourself

inb4 twenty autistic >ur mad >ur a soyboy >attempts at discredit without plausible evidence

I don’t understand a word you just said Soyim

No wonder dairy is dying. I guess people are finally seeing the truth. It seems dairy sales went down by 13% in 2017.

Then how do you explain the soy boy aesthetic?

>shitty discredit without any addition to the conversation
>see above
>see above
>see above
see above
>muh big plant milk lobby

Is this /pol/?

That’s you on the left


>ur a jew

Point proven again.

Consider suicide or fucking back off to /pol/.

You think to yourself "HOW DOES HE KNOW MY FAVORITE BOARD IS /POL/?!?!?" when every inch of your lack of argument, lack of brainpower, and hilarious mental gymnastics make it clear as day. You're a lowIQ, DYEL /pol/lard and it's obvious.

You're not fooling anyone with the proxy either, kek.

Stop trying to make this about politics, plebbitor, this is a board for discussing fitness and general health. I voted for Hillary

check em