How many inches is a 'big' arm?

How many inches is a 'big' arm?

Depends on height.

I’m 5’7 with 16 inch arms and I’m low bodyfat.

My arms are huge to the normies.


I'm 6' 15% BF

What's a good goal to aim for?

16 is when your not dyel anymore

arnold had 22 inches, so that's something to go off of.

Arnold is too muscular. Girls don't like that


>still lifting for girls
>2019 - 1

why else would I lift? I have a Chad face so I need a good body to support it

>not lifting for girls

found the cuck

You're right. I lift for other guys on a Bruneian paperweight creating site to look at me and judge me.

I lift to model shackels for a Slovakian sex trade and political debate forum (no girls allowed)


weeb get out

hakurei, the only fucking 2d animaniac I like

Anime is a soy boy stand out.

I am almost 17 but I still feel small as shit

>almost 17

how tall? also inb4 b&

mine are 16 and at 6'2 they look very small

Mods, I...

post pic before ur banned

I have a 'brother' who is almost 17, who feels small at 6'1, ~72 kg

Newfriends or b8? Lifting for anyone other than yourself is the most beta thing you can do. The girls just are an added benefit. How long you been working out? 4 months? Tryna tone up for summer, eh? Fuck off my board

>I have a 'brother' who is almost 17

what did he mean by this? I guess we'll never know

brother [female]

>his brother is male

i don't have a brother

are you the [female]??

what does he/she mean by this????

>He doesn't have a brother

when are they not fatceps?
but im fat. (not a flying squirrel, there is muscle)

a cucks entire existence is dedicated to pleasing women

he means inches


>this is him saving his own skin after he googled the commandments of the site

I'm 16 inches but they look skinny more often than not. I think 17 would be a good number but it's so hard, especially when I can't do pushing compounds and it's really fucking cold in my garage and the bar frostburns my hands even with 2 heaters.

Why does everyone in this thread have 16" arms? I just broke through as well. Gunning for that 17 now of course

16 inches because it’s 40 cm.

No he didn't.


Come back when you are 18yo

Its relative to your height. stop trying to prove yourself.

>16 inches because it’s 40 cm.
For women maybe.

Even at my most auschwitz I had 38cm arms. Now, having my last 'arm day' in April 2016, I have 44 cm arms and that's not even close to 'big'

Depends on height.
If you're 6'+ then 17inches is the cut off point.

If you'r 5'5"(true cut off for adult men) then you need between 14-16 inches.

But if you're lean and fairly vascular then the presentation of modestly large arms is more impressive.

But to tell you the truth...I miss having 19+ inch arms as a natural. But the creatine bloat left after I stopped taking and most of my workouts centered around bicep and tricep training ever other day.


How to measure?
Pumped or unpumped?
Flexed or unflexed?

>pic related

If you want to measure for yourself then it doesn't really matter.
You can see growth or shrinkage or fullness of flatness. Use that as a guide to see if your workouts and what not are working.

BUT since you want to show off with the big boys, then you do it flexed.
If you really want to lie to people and yourself, do it after a quick workout.


see you next year