Any of you guys on Finasteride for hair loss? How were you diagnosed...

Any of you guys on Finasteride for hair loss? How were you diagnosed? I saw a dermatologist the other day because I've been losing hair more than normal. Still early, no bald spots, but easily visible scalp now. All the dermatologist did was look at my scalp with some glasses and prescribed 1mg propecia. Now I'm willing to take a risk on side effects but how can I be sure to trust that I really have male pattern baldness? I mean is it that easy to diagnose?

Other urls found in this thread:!po=37.5000

Part of the result of me eating 2 small red onions a day was improved hair growth.

No joke.

just shave ur head

>Taking Jewish pharma
>Not just using healthy and natural peppermint oil that has no side effects and proven to work better than Jewish pharma
Someone post the peppermint oil study for this hairlet.

Nigga just shave your head. It’s all going to fall out eventually anyway. Save your money for important shit like hookers and more hookers.

Don't have the head shape bro's nor the face. Shaving will definitely not help me make it :/

Literally all you have to do is not give a fuck. The only reason I ever get women is because I ignore them and they can’t handle it. Women need validation from everyone. As soon as you are indifferent to them, you are the only thing they care about.

I'm on pumpkin seed oil brah

>76 male patients with AGA received 400mg of PSO per day
How much is this in teaspoons?

Before/after pics?
TL;DR: peppermint oil showed better results than minoxidil (rogaine) when it came to inducing anagen (growth) stage of hair follicles

Damn, you weren't lying. Holy shit. I might have to try this. Not OP!po=37.5000

>just cut your arm off because of a small wound

On fin because my m8 pointed out i was going 'thin' on top, also taking tbol. Then my hairdresser said he was talking nonsense and it's a double-crown not thinning on top.

Still. Noticed nothing.

So if I rub at least 3% Peppermint oil and equivalent 400mg of Pumpkinseed oil, then according to these studies after 4 to 25 weeks I should have improved hair on my crown...

Except the Peppermint study was only on mice, and the pumpkin was only on the crown.

My hairline is the problem, I'm like a reverse Friar Tuck tonsure :(


I don't have any.
It was on the tip of my head.
So there are no pics of that.

I also didn't expect this result so I didn't document the "before"

The hair was uneven.
It's even now

mix it with honey and raw onion juice. take biotin supplement

do balam yoga

problem solved

Wouldn't the peppermint seep into ones head and affect their overall test?

Because peppermint lowers test massively.

can you take a pic to illustrate what you mean? like it filled in some patches?

And whisper grow grow grow

I went to a hairdresser and she said:

"Your hair is weird, it's very thick but very fine".

I should have asked her to clarify because to me, her saying that, makes me think she reckons I ought not be thinning and I reckon hairdressers would know a thing or two about that shit.

>one non replicated study on mice
>dozens of studies made on people
Gee I wonder what I'll trust lmao

>Tfw got a haircut yesterday and was self-conscious that the hairdresser might see I'm balding

One I went to started talking about guys wearing wigs to me.

Was not impressed.

>and not "oh it's fine lots of guys wear wigs"
>but talking shit about these guys wearing them, some politician or something

Still doesn't answer the question OP asked. What method was used in your diagnoses?

The moment you start feeling self-conscious about your hair is the moment you need to shave it off or buzz it. I used to be worried every time the wind blew in case my recession became visible. Since buzzing I haven't worried about my hair at all.

>Since buzzing I haven't worried about my hair at all.
Because you don't have any you fucking dumb cunt.

Guys, how much pumpkin seed is that in layman terms?

tfw dont know if it's just a widow's peak or I'm actually balding

The worst kind is slow diffuse balding, you don't know whether to panic or let it be.

Good hair days make it look normal but bad ones look bad.

>a severe depression smashes me like a fucking hammer
>feel incredibly bad on the inside, wonder why it's not affecting my body at all
>then it happens
>after 3 months of feeling bad, I wake up and see my bed covered in hair
>scalp bleeds when I get too anxious
>hair falls like I'm sick
>other symptoms not related to hair, like 24/7 feeling tired, face looks like I'm fucking devastated, can't even smile properly or open eyes at 100%
>memory loss, have trouble speaking sometimes
>can't focus and can't barely read a page from a book
>breathing is hard
>ears ring and hurt like I have otitis
>see shadows running sometimes
>when in darkness, see lights
>3 years have passed and I'm on the same boat
>not bald but can tell my hair has thinned quite a bit since then
am I balding or is it just anxiety

Fuck user.

You doing anything to get better?

Meditation? Vitamin-D? Magnesium?

I started doing exercise and I'm going to start going to a gym
I just started browsing Veeky Forums two days ago
that won't cure me but it's gonna help a lot

If you suffer from stuffy nose and frequent colds you need to look into your diet. Reduce inflammation by any means necessary.

I found out that garlic caused blocked nose during the night and I couldn't sleep well because of it.

luckily I don't suffer those
I want to change my diet to an extremely healthy one, at least for a while, and see what happens

What if you're a 22 year old guy in 2nd year of college and you witnessed your girlfriend and her friends making fun of balding guys and you're actually balding just hiding it with tricks.

sure why not

If you're lucky to be of the slow balding type, consider FUE. But since you're 22 and already balding that might not be the case.

>Start balding because shitty lifestyle
>Get life on track
>Start working out
>Get back in college
>Fall in Love with a girl like I never thought was possible
>Healthier life style
>Still balding
>Start using minox
>Can see small hair growing feeling great
>end up with girl
>My view on life has changed
>I realised some things like I've been let on a secret
>Stopped using minox
>Summer time
>One day run hand through hair
>No hair left on my hands
>Usually there's always hair
>Do it again this time harder
>Still no hair
>Start yanking on my hair daily to see if some will come out
>None does
>Happiness overwhelming
>Do this for a month and no hair falling out
>Then it all comes crumbling down
>The life I was building for myself burns Infront of my eyes because of some shit that came back to bite me in the ass
>Girl eventually leaves me because I was a mess and didn't even tell her what's going on
>Bummed like never before
>Hair starts falling out like never before
>In the last 3 months I lost more hair than in the last 2 years
>Starting to get life back on track hoping it has an effect on the hair

A lot of shit can help and hurt you when it comes to hair loss it's so retarded

>I found out that garlic caused blocked nose during the night

What's that?

>>The life I was building for myself burns Infront of my eyes because of some shit that came back to bite me in the ass
Go on...

>tfw don't know if i have a double crown or just balding

Follicular unit extraction, works best if you don't have aggressive balding. Robbie Williams claimed to have had it and he didn't even need it. He just wanted to fix some weak spots.

On the other hand, if your balding is aggressive then it's a losing battle, you'll never have a youthful hairline even after 3 FUE's.

I have a garlic allergy. It did the opposite of what it claimed to do, by increasing inflammation and histamine.

here's what God thinks about her:

>23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

>24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

>5 And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.

just kidding, they were mocking a prophet of the Lord.

anyway women are meant to be led. by their husbands. i hope you aren't practicing fornication and making whores
>Hebrews 13:4 (KJV) Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Thanks for reiterating my point in case someone missed it

I was 21 when I decided to buzz. I got a lot of compliments and I felt more confident, it was one of the best things i'd done. You don't have control over balding but you do have control over your response.

balding dude here. 28. starting to get closer and closer to friar tuck status.

i want to shave it the fuck off but my head looks kind of shit with a shave. my attraction level has gone down roughly 90% and it kind of fucking sucks. i was used to having women kind of check me out and shit and now they kind of just are indifferent to me. it fucking blows.

it's not the end of the world though. i'll probably start shaving it soon and getting fit makes a big difference. having a good body is enough to keep me getting ass regularly and that's the important thing right now. it's almost like God took my hair to force me to get cut and ripped to have a great body, because i might have never taken care of it for real otherwise. so fuck it. im done crying about my balding.

for a few years i was almost seriously fucking really, really depressed about it. but now im done with that shit. it was eating me up, ruining my life. fucking with my head. seirously.

but fuck that. im done with that. i can't control it. its not my destiny. what is crying about it going to do? i am going to get ripped, shave it, and deal with my existence on my own fuckin terms.

hairlets can live how they live, i'm not one of them and i am done playing the game like they do.

really getting hair loss forces you to do a re-evaluation of things. i am going to use it as an opportunity rather than something to lose my shit over. ive done that fo years now.

im just going to change my style, personality, to match who i am now. i'm a tougher guy now. my test has gone up over the years. i'm less of a pretty boy, more of a man. far more of a MAN. and honestly women used to be so into me and shit and i never capitalized on it that much, whic his what pisses me off. i was soft.

but im not going to fucking look back. women are still into me, and maybe even more than they used to be, beacuse they see that im a fucking man and that's what makes them wet.

>willing to take a risk on side effects
There's no side effect unless you have a hormonal issue underneath.

I've been taking it for the last 5 years.
No bad effect on my lifts.
Libido still high (I need to get activities in order not to fap).

Yeap, Jewish shit perhaps but hair loss have decreased a lot.

Yeah and I know a guy that smokes but doesn't have lung cancer.
The side effects are real and you're not only at risk if you have a hormonal issue.






>be 29 and balding
>turn 30 and feel a little bit better about it

Get on finasteride, minox is like 50% effective. I got on fin and regrew a LOT of hair, especially around the hairline, and you can't really tell my hairline has receded at all. Lifestyle is definitely a big part of it, but at the end of the day it's genetically-inherited follicular sensitivity to DHT, and unless you address the root cause you can't expect to change much.

Any drops in strength/progress?

Tons. I've literally started growing bitchtits too.

... so why do you still take it?

Because I want hair?

So you'd rather look DYEL and not progress in the gym than be bald and ripped?


pls post physique/hair pics

I'd say it's definitively anxiety and stress taking it's toll.

I struggle with the same crap and more. I managed to get a lot better these last four months or so after some major effort to turn my life around, thank God, but only after 2 years of hell previous to that.

Ears constantly ringing and the occasional sharp pains in them are mostly gone. I can breathe normally, sleep without constantly waking up or never falling asleep in the first place, and on topic, hair doesn't feel nearly as thin, and I don't seem to wake up to a pillow covered in hair anymore.

Unfortunately all the advice I have to give is, lift, eat better, and start dealing with the small problems that plague you before you start looking at the big ones.

>Be 22 and thinning

>be 16 and thinning

20 now and my hairline is fucked

>be 13 and thinning

Get on my fucking levels scrubs. I'm 30 now and somehow I still have hair, but my hairline is fucking devastated.

>13 and thinning

jesus and I thought I was bad with a receding hairline in highschool

If there is a god it's clear he seriously hates me.


>hairline got fucked at 16
>now 18 and hair is thinning agressively
>baby face and retarded skull shape so I can't "just shave it off lmao who cares" without looking like some numale sjw soyboy leftist

Why lift? Why even live? Pic related, should I just wear one of these 24/7?

>not wearing a sallet with bevor

Just wear full gothic plate armor while you're at it

Everyone looks like a faggot soyboy at 18 user. Just keep lifting and testmaxxing and you'll be fine.

Most men start balding at some point. They will all most likely marry a man who balds, so the joke is on them. My dad started balding at 22 and he got so much tail back in the 70s. Even as a kid, when I used to visit him at work to have lunch with him, I could tell the women in his office were heavily flirting with him. He didn't even shave his head, just kept it mildly short, but had the hair on the side and back. It's all about attitude my dude. Don't give a fuck and you'll be fine. I'm 28 and I just noticed one corner is starting to thin a little, my mom's dad still has most of his hair at 90, so who knows what will happen, but I'll roll with it whatever it is.

armet only patrician choice of helm

when you say small onion can you give a more specific size or something

t. someone who has never purchased an onion and doesn't cook much

wow you look like shit

Post your pic.

The dude who responded and talked about bitch tits isn’t me. I’ve noticed no effect on strength/ lifts but I’ve pr’d since starting fin. Lifting, recovery, building strength all feels the same. I’ve noticed no side effects except alcohol is no longer enjoyable/ don’t experience the euphoric effects. Would definitely recommend, feel like it gave me my youth back, and if you experience side effects you can stop because they aren’t lasting.

Someone posted this study yesterday
Bought peppermint and jojobaoil and applied it for the first time today for 30 minutes. This shit smells fucking nice.

Also drinking peppermint tea as a DHT inhibitor, stopped taking creatine as well. Im willing to do shit but im not taking fin and ruining my life with irreversible brain fog and turning into a woman.

>le mice study

Mouse studies are worthless. Seriously research them, they are literally worthless

I don’t have much to work with man. At least I keep my mouth shut in pics. It’s the best of a bad situation.

Yes, but I would look even worse with just a few sprouts on top.

>Also drinking peppermint tea as a DHT inhibitor, stopped taking creatine as well. Im willing to do shit but im not taking fin and ruining my life with irreversible brain fog and turning into a woman.
But peppermint, as I said elsewhere in the thread, massively lowers test.


>Im willing to do shit but im not taking fin and ruining my life with irreversible brain fog and turning into a woman.
>but I take substances to reduce my male hormones anyway

the important thing is that stress will kill you, let him have his privacy

All the first guy needs to do is gain weight. Reminds me of Kev from Shameless if he dropped 100 lbs. Easy.

Second guy needs to groom the beard. Keep it neat.

Third guy needs to go all the way, nothing left on the sides. Maybe change the glasses and put on a straight face.

Fourth dude needs a clean shave, groomed eyebrows and new glasses.

It can be done.

thanks user, those are some wise words

>mouse studies are worthless
Won't hurt either way, that study has been cited a lot as well. Google "peppermint oil hair loss".

>peppermint, as i said elsewhere in the thread, massively lowers test
by the same logic, there are no human studies about this, only rats. And as we have seen, onion man didn't get the effect of onions even though it worked on rats.

I have alopecia areata, what should I do bros?

reminder that meat contains creatine that raises DHT and causes balding


Apparently in south korea researchers have discovered a potential cure. This was within the last month or so.

I can't link due to being on a shity phone but just google south korean bald cure.

It seems like a cure is right around the corner boys.

There's always a "cure right around the corner" it never comes.

creatine only increases the rate at which balding occurs (as does all testosterone) if you're PREDISPOSED TO IT genetically

Why is there still constant back and forth debate between people saying Fin has no permanent side effects and people saying it does all kinds of crazy and irreversible shit to your body? Shouldn't we know conclusively after all this time what the fuck that shit actually does?

Finestride side effects are too gnarly. Id never take anything that would fuck with my dick unless I had to do it to live. Rather just shave it all off desu and I think I'm heading there even though I've had long windswept locks my whole life

>immortal hairline
>thick as fuck hair
>hair's curly as shit, becomes unmanageable when I grow it for more than one month
Guess I'll rock the buzzcut forever

noticed my hair receeding on the front and i tried betacarotene pills , coconut oil twice a week , diet etc , it didnt seem to do much , tried rogaine foam and i saw my hair growing back again as fast as 2 weeks in , being using it for 6 months now [ 35$ per 3 bottles each last 1 month used twice a day ] and my hair is full and beautiful again , 35 for having my hair back is a bargain , i work out 4 times a week and im 31 , every guy i know at the gym for years now are already loosing half their hair while i walk around with hair so long it reaches my back [braided viking style] , i wish i could grow a beard so i could have that viking vive going on .

tl;dr try rogaine foam , 35$ for 3 bottles in ebay , they are blue foam cans , apply twice a day on the front and the top , seems like the moment you open them it have a 1 month shelf life before the foam turns into a watered cream so apply to all your scalp so you wont waste any .

Minoxodnl x 6 days a week
Derma roll 1.5 mm scalp on off day

what do you think everyone in this thread is dealing with?

unless you study on identical twins, everybody reacts different

this sounds too much like an infomercial