What are these called again?
What are these called again?
Twink brands
>not knowing Thor’s Trail
Sex handles
cock arrows
All wrong, it's called an Apollo's belt
They're for your boyfriend to hold whilst he ploughs your little boipussi
Actually the adonis belt
His name is rich piana
Both are used, though Apollo's belt more often if I remember correctly
ALL of you are wrong.
It's called the iliac furrow
Prometheus paddles
Neptune's Trident
Grimnyr's girdle
Aphrodite's saddle
Anyone else think these are disgusting, it makes the body look weird
Zeus' ziplines
Pantie Droppers
Forni's fannypack
Damn nigga so close to the sixer
Who got it anyway?
Cum gutters
Regret and bottles of wine.
>t. fatty
you remember wrongly, buddy-o
dick lines
vagina bones
They are gotten by having low body fat,and training your abs ,most specifically the obliques.
Do alot of hanging leg raises,and you should have it.
Also its partially genetic I think.
As far as I've heard,I have those lines,but they are very small.
Hip bones might play in the shape of it.