How do we stop it? It just keeps getting worse.
Obesity Epidemic
These kinds of things have a tendency to work themselves out user. Don't worry about it.
Either enlighten people about dieting and metabolism properly (fucking unlikely because of the consumer market). Or just encourage eating till all the fatties drop dead. Honestly I think it's a problem that'll rise and then fall with time.
Think about it like this; in your parents time there were people who were telling everyone smoking was killing them, yet everyone kept doing it anyway. For a long time it was even considered healthy, and its only the last few years its become markedly more unacceptable to smoke. Eventually it reached critical mass. So many people were now dying from cancer no one could ignore the health implications of it.
Obesity is the smoking of our time and people will wake up in their own time. And next generation will have a new way of people killing themselves and history repeats on and on.
Damn chris jones went a little bit too far with his bulk
>next generation will have a new way of people killing themselves
who cares
>Obesity is the smoking of our time
he became the couch
>tfw used to be an extreme fatty at 5'8 224 lb no muscle
>gf breaking up with me puts me in shit mode
>try to rediscover myself through hiking and excercising
>now a moderate fatty at 5'8 at 170 lb with some fucking muscle to help
I live in constant fear of going back to full fat mode. got the stretch marks for life.
Put them in camps
But reaching critical mass with obesity is a black hole.
we also got an epidemic of people who unironically save photos as .pngs
or.. OR fucking ORRR we stop paying for their healthcare
pngs are higher quality dingus
>5% increase in quality for tenfold the size
>not posting images all the time to make not-moot pay for it
What are you some sort of frigate?
Yes and no.
More and more 'conveniences' discourage people from moving their bodies and encouraging them to sit around.
More and more 'automatic' things so people don't need to learn to do things themselves.
Steroid abusers making a mockery of fitness, artificially raising the bar to the point where most people won't even try anymore.
The world we live in is in a piss-poor state socio-politically, depressing as fuck, many people will do anything to escape it and feel good (like eating)
Food companies formulating foods to be as addictive as possible to increase sales revenues, ensure repeat customers.
* poor food choices are encouraged, too many carbs and fats, not enough protein
Food is easy and cheap to get (comparatively speaking to previous eras) -- TOO easy and cheap. No struggle to get enough to eat, people eat too much.
Exercise is unpleasant and not immediately rewarding, and too many people have too little patience and too little discipline, so they avoid it like the plague; not even PAYING people (brits tried this) was successful at getting them in the habit.
I don't know how to fix many of these problems. Some can be legislated but not easily in a capitalist free-market economy model. You can't legislate what people eat and whether they exercise, not at ALL, unless you're willing to suspend civil rights and human rights, more or less destroying the world you're trying to save.
If it was an easy problem to solve then there's better minds than any of ours who have been trying to for DECADES and have thusfar failed.
Why not both?
In the UK I feel younger kids today are not as fat as the previous generation. I think due to the rise of social media they feel they have to take better care of themselves. The previous generation were just thrown into the social media circus and didn't know how to handle it.
they will someday be stretch marks of swole user
It really is an addiction when it comes down to brain chemistry. How do you stop an addiction when its food? You cant ban or regulate food consumption.
It needs to be shamed and taxed. For every one bmi you are over normal weight should increase your income tax by 1%.
More fat shaming and fat tax, see asia
So they got fat?
Tough love. Stop treating Type II Diabetes.
They were already on the way when social media took off.
>obesity is the smoking of our lifetime
No. This is dumb. Smoking is a mixed bag. Some people live to a very old age regardless. Obesity? Not so much.
why should we care? Let us spread our genes while their lines die out
I’m 28 and I unironically think that today’s teens in general seem less faggy and useless than my own generation. Alot of my peers virtue signal thinking it’s cool, when i certain that teens make fun of them for being SJWs (source: my little bros and their friends)
The real question is why should we stop it?
The more obese people there the more your value goes up in the dating market. Less competition, really.
When they start dying from obesity, the remaining fatties will quit eating so much.
Sadly not entirely true. Teens are less faggy, but they're getting too lazy.
Because with the taxes you can fund proper public education, and an educated populus is a more health conscious populus
>How do we stop it?
We don't, evolution will.
Fucking bingo.
Think of it this way. Countries with universal healthcare don't have fucking fatties, for this very reason.
Educated mid-level income housholds also have a tendency to vote for more leftist economic policies, usually being able to see how they would likely gain more from public healthcare than what they lose from higher taxes. This wouldn't neccessarily be the case for the educated, but high-level income families, but still.
In the US, people tend to vote accourding to party identification on a life-long basis though,. so it might not affec the US in the way described. People in multiparty, proportionally representative systems are way more inclined to switch parties accourding to their situation than those in two party, "first-past-the-post" systems.
Create a national fitness test in which you will get a tax break if you pass.
The more people are fat, the more exceptional is my physic going to be compared to the median. Let the get fatter I say
UK begs to differ
this, my friends, is why not everyone should have a right to vote. This guy is mildly to completely retarded!
Tax soda like cigarettes. Put pictures of death fats on the boxes with giant warning labels "over consumption of this product will lead to this".
We have to find a vaccine for the poptart flu.
We have super high taxes on (imported) sugar already. It's why companies put HFCS in everything, because the American sugar industry in SE Texas, Louisiana, and South Florida can't produce enough to keep up with American demand, but for whatever reason, the sugar industry has convinced Washington to put tariffs in place to protect American sugar from Latin American competitors.
>In the US, people tend to vote accourding to party identification on a life-long basis though
That is entirely incorrect. California consistently voted Republican through 1988, and the South was entirely Democrat through 1968.
Technology combined with processed foods is what got us here. We don't have to really "work"for anything as a species anymore. I am not saying we give up cars and social media, but we need to get back to a society with more manual labor and growing our own food.
We're fat because we can be and still live.
Yes, but that's an intergenerational change, not an intra- one. People, through their own life time, mostly stick to their party, but of course when the Republican party became conservative, progressive people (Young, urban, in education) were somewhat inclined to change party to match their actual beliefs, but people are also good at just "sticking to their guns" (Adhering to party politics) automatically.
Why do you want to stop it? Just stop helping those people or, in case of private-only health sector, raise their insurance fees. I have been saying this my whole life, might as well say it one more time - let the stupid people fucking die, stop helping suiciders, junkies, obese cunts and all the other people, who voluntarily destroy their own health. Let them take responsibility for their own actions.
In addition, in 1988, California only went Republican by 51%. The same actual people still mostly stick to the same party, even though there is miniscule variatian from year to year.
>but for whatever reason
It's called f*cking bribery. Pure and simple.
How do you think ethanol got in our gasoline ?
>drain the swamp
The literal swamp, because sugar is produced in swamps.
>this, my friends, is why not everyone should have a right to vote. This guy is mildly to completely retarded!
There's tons of articles on people living to 70 or older even though they're smokers. Granted, they might have lived longer, but my point stands. Maybe you should look it up next time before replying. And no, I'm not a smoker nor do I support it.