Hey Veeky Forums what's your favorite cereal?

Hey Veeky Forums what's your favorite cereal?


I normally just eat a family of kyke infants as my pre-workout meal, however it's really decreasing my insulin resistance.


I mix nuts with dryed fruits and oats, fuck cereal jew

Grape nuts

>statue of a horned animal on the shelf



None - because I ain't a grain faggot.

Peanut butter & Fruit ftw

I don't get it?


fuck you fuck you fuck you. I've been doing keto for almost 3 months now and i have wet dreams over sweet chocolate cereals. Thanks for fucking up my day OP

Shouldn't that be post-workout?

Too much protein imho.


Satanism and a curiously Jewish looking man.

What's wrong with decreasing your insulin resistance?

Adresse dieses Sojajungen?

>Red apples next to them.
Oh man I'm starting to see it

I don't eat cereals. You, Americans, are gross

Rye is my favorite cereal. I also enjoy barley.

>Europoor can't even afford cereal.
If only those quads could translate into money.


>HHAHAHA fuck soyboys

you pathetic vermin virgins will never have sex EVER!


>mouth wide open
is this a thing?

Look up "nu-male face"

At some point Veeky Forums noticed the phenomenon that nu-males always make an exaggeratedly excited face like they're yelling when they take a picture with something

There's theories why. I think it's that you want to look like a fun and exciting individual but not really in a way that could offend anyone. I also think it gives you an opportunity to distort your face which you're likely insecure about"

I'm not just being a dick to people but it's fascinating how true it is.

Pic related. I eat it for a snack.

All bran, oats

t. Soyboy

>eating sugary carbs covered in estrogen juice
We can’t all make it I guess

Eggs and bacon

was cookie crips ever good?

tried it recently and it tasted like a really bad french toast crunch.

werent the cookies bigger? and had actual chips

if i ever eat cereal its that vector stuff

When a man is said to be wearing the horns, he is a....



mini whats>>> shredded wheat