Hanging out with coworkers outside of work

>hanging out with coworkers outside of work

>company events


>Talking about politics, religion, or money with coworkers.

>so glad i don't have to do that shit anymore

> Telling your coworkers about Crypto

>being told "you're always so quiet"

I run a dungeons and dragons game with my coworkers. The CEO used to play in college and lets us use the board rooms.

Working at an all christian company when you're an atheist, and you have to bite your tongue and pretend your a christian every day. Been doing it for two years now.


I'm quiet at work and say just blunt work talk because if you're not PC normie you get reckted by all the Feminazis and Nu males and get written up and then talked to.
Like any decent observation is meet by Bert stares and 'Just Wow' vibes.

>Unironically buying into the nu-Veeky Forums Christian conservatism meme

Provide an example of one of your "decent observations"

>group work everytime a new coworker joins to help him fit in

Work for a smaller company, and you won't have this problem. Plus, if you're like me, you can provide value to the owners far beyond what would be recognized at a large firm. Obviously depends on your field, but yeah, no Feminazis where I work. Maybe a few Nu males, but they keep quiet and get shit done when you tell them to.

>group pep talks

That's me.

I hope to transitioning to full time crypto trading by 1Q 2018.

Lol I did this.

>I can’t afford a bitcoin if they’re $7800!
>hey user how’s your BITCOIN doing
>how is it money
>how do you spend it

>surviving around 'jesus hugged the sinners out of the temple' tier nu'christians'
Haha have fun fedora

>unironically believing he atheist religion of “nothing cane out of nothing”

>coworkers tell me about crypto

It's not totally bad stuff. Like simply talking about how China is trying to make moves on the global market is seen as bad. Any and all generalizations are completely taboo even though generalizations is simply pattern recognition.
Like one time, I was talking about how Android was far better than Iphone and the people got offended. I was like 'did your boyfriend design the iphone or something' and she got even more pissed.

>hey user I heared you know about those crypto things there and I wonder how you could make money with that
>haha you probably have some secret club with all your insiders like on reddit
>do you go on reddit user