>be me
>started losing weight
>my mom is fat (not obese)
>so far, i've lost 11lbs
>the diet is going good, i feel awesome
>"are you still doing your diet? you are so skinny" (i'm 200lbs now)
>offers me fast food and chips/some sugary shit nearly every night
>she wants me to get more fat
why is she doing that?
why is she doing this to me?
Be me
she knows she'll lose you when you realize how much of a bad influence she's on your diet
If you don't kill her immediately you're never gonna make it
A) Your progress reminds her of how fat she is, which she doesn't like
B) She's literally warped in her thinking to think her kids are supposed to be as fat as she is
if her own son makes it, she cant claim muh genetics anymore. Your success complete her failure. Dont let that put you off though. Hopefully she will remember that you're her son and she should want you to succeed. Hopefully it might eventually drag her ass out of her cesspit. Lift to inspire Brah. Fuck yeah, were all gonna make it brah
i'm sad that she can't lose weight, because she has no willpower. She's been starting and failing new diets every week, and this is my first time i try to lose weight and its working
She does want me to succeed, but she always trying to make up things about why omad is bad and i should stay as i am
Sorry dude but her words don't match her actions, and actions speak louder than words.
Literally the same thing here. She always wants to go out to eat fast food or buy me chips. It's crazy but I love her
>i should stay as i am
Have you heard of Peterson? Have you heard when he speaks up Oedipal family dynamics? You are dealing with that now.
yeah it's sad, but i'm not going to stop and i'm going to make it like the rest of us Veeky Forumsizens
deny the fast food if you really want/need to get fit man.
I can see why someone would say OMAD or IF is bad. My parents are pharmacists but they still rely on old science they learned when they were younger, not anything new that has come out. I tried to explain IF to them but they wouldn't have it.
In the case of offering fast food, that could be a number of reasons already listed. IMO you're a big guy so you can handle it since it sounds harmless.
I'm guessing your father isn't around, OP
yeah, thank god she's not forcing them on me, or forcing me to eat. desu i would do waterfasting, but i'm not 20 yet, so puberty is still in work i guess.
he is, but he's against OMAD too, and he's eating whatever mom cooks
Do OMAD for 2 months, and show them what you can do.
I guarantee you they will change their ways.
As nice as you think your family is, they all are against you when you're losing weight. Even if they are skinny themselves they still unconsciously try to make you fail. Try not to talk about your weight loss too much, since everyone has their own opinion on losing weight. Keep going and just ignore the suggestions and comments they make.
Just get big like 200 lbs but muscular, what are you on about?
I am sorry user your mother is a gains goblin
If you make it, she'll know she was a bad influence on your health.
As a double-whammy, it'll make her jelly, because she'll be mirin'.
I know i will make it, i don't have to worry about it.
i'm not letting anyone here down
Good on you mate, you got this.
Fuck yeah dude. Don't just do it for us though, as much as we wanna see you succeed. Do it for you man. You deserve it.
thanks guys, i've been recovering both phisically and mentally, and this really helps
My wife is the same way
If you don't want to hear comments from your mom then how about you move out you fucking tool
>still living with mummy
Get a job pussy, move out, lose your fat then eat heavy with lots of protein, take 500mg test whilst training like a demon, make it faggot.
Leave the bitch, better yet kill her, jump on test and dbol eat and train heavy, get big make it.
This. You either have to move countries and get a new idenity or you can kill her and take her inheritance. You're gonna make it
its always A dude, parents are humans too. they can be your best friend, enemy, coworker or god forbid girlfriend
Moms do this for a variety of reasons:
Excess body fat tells mom (and everyone mom knows) that she's feeding you "well". The only thing mom wants fatter than you is her own ego.
Being overweight/obese keeps you from getting attention from other females. A sexual/romantic partner will siphon your attention and emotional availability away from mom. She knows this and will keep you fat to keep that from happening.
Related to the above, being fat also limits your social opportunities in general, which keeps the household nice and quiet as you masturbate in front of your computer screen instead of socializing.
Since babies are naturally chubby, keeping you chubby also keeps you easier for mom to think of as her baby.
Mom, much like dad, is far more lenient towards her offspring than she is of others, and will hold you to lower standards for the sake of your emotional comfort as well as hers. She would think of you as a fat loser if you were some other woman's offspring.
It's always good for mom to have someone around that's fatter than her so she doesn't bear the dishonor of being the fattest person in the household. As a woman past her prime, she's extremely susceptible to just that fate. She will sacrifice her son's health to make sure it doesn't happen.
Just a few examples.