
What does Veeky Forums thinks about calisthenics?

I have recently started with this as guidance:
plus abdominal exercise and hicking to a near hill for legs

would you add any corrections or a progretion to move forward?

Other urls found in this thread:

Calisthenics are great.
There's no feeling like doing a flag or a handstand and feeling all those muscles you just worked out lifting weight finally doing something that feels natural.

I'm a calisthenics fag

I luv calisthenics

Im currently working on improve my muscle up. I can do about 3-4 muscle ups but I wanna do them with perfect form.

Start with the bascis

can i get the barebones basic calisthenics version of SS? should I just watch op vid?

Weightlifting is cool, but you aren't going to impress any chicks
Muscle ups and handstand pushups at the park on a hot day, your sweaty body twirling effortlessly over the bars? You'll have to fight the bitches off of you.

do you know any source to take new or different routines/progressions so I don't get stuck on the same basic ones?

damn chloe got big

Calisthenics has no deadlift equivalent and no spine compressing exercises. It's sub-par at best. Also you will never gain any significant size, you can forget about being pic related.

You can try the routines from MadBarz

op here, I don't do it for the muscle size tho, I just want the strength and a "basic" fit body

I beggan with calisthenics becouse I wanted size, but now I just want strenght and definition.

I do (weighted) calisthenics for 2 years now, I highly recommend it, especially for beginners. Better for joints and ligaments and builds functional strength (inb4: functional strength is meme).
Start off with the basic exercises and move up on progresions and/or add weight.
You can definitely look really good (ripped by normie standards) in a few years.

Also can somebody recommend a good exercise for lower back? Is there a decent substitute for deadlifts? I looked and looked but I only found meme exercises like bodyweight deadlifts.

I have a 25 kilo weight-vest and 10 kg dumbells. Pls I'm desperate for some lower back gains.

>that muscular THINN in the middle

Just do Leddit's bodyweightfitness starting routine
Join a gymnastics gym near you if you can, learn to do standing backflips to impress the shit out of any girl you want

hyperextensions with some weight + norwegian curls

I don't do weightlifting any more. I do yoga every morning.
I miss squats though.

Back lever

norwegian curls are for hammies tho?
Weighted hyperextensions are my best bet, I just don't really like doing them on the floor.

My arms give up first there.


I knew calisthenics was for douchebags but jesus christ those tattoos are fuckboy level horrendous

They have their purpose.
As long as you are not sitting on the couch and are getting active, it doesn't really matter what you do.

>no deadlift equivalent
Bridges and hyperextensions.
>spine compressing exercises
The last thing you want to be doing is compressing your spine.
>you will never get big
Your point? Not everyone works out with the sole purpose of getting big. Some people just want healthy bodies and calisthenics can provide that.

thanks m8

>jesus christ those tattoos are fuckboy level horrendous
agree desu

I started with calisthenics and browsing Veeky Forums since the beginning of this year, I don't really care about muscle mass that much I just want nice abs and being able to workout wherever. I'm suprised how fast I'm noticing improvements in certain exercises.

You can use this app called Thenics if you want to improve Strenght Skills like back lever, front lever etc.

Its very usefull, but dont forget about the basics.

No broblem




>Bridges and hyperextensions.
pls, they don't work shit, it's like saying train a backflip to get muscle
>The last thing you want to be doing is compressing your spine.
lol retard do you even know how a spine works? compressing your spine under increasingly more load strenghtens it, caliesthenics offer no spine compression since you never actually lift anything
>Your point? Not everyone works out with the sole purpose of getting big. Some people just want healthy bodies and calisthenics can provide that.
>healthy body
>no core exercises except for the abs
enjoy your weak lower back

alternate cooldown and goat flex program

Nice! Thanks user

Is this a good routine to start with?

Whole body exercise, utilizing multiple muscle movement is great. Especially when weighted.

no, its meant for fat fucks, who've never moved in their lives.

You can get like that by pulling and pushing 500lbs+.
>rocks and sandbags inside a container, on top of a tire-less shopping cart/converted sled (welding needed)
>pulling it with ropes/chains
>pushing it with sled/cart handles
>doing this on top of soft soil or gravel

>You can get like that by pulling and pushing 500lbs+.
>>rocks and sandbags inside a container, on top of a tire-less shopping cart/converted sled (welding needed)
>>pulling it with ropes/chains
>>pushing it with sled/cart handles
>>doing this on top of soft soil or gravel
so using weights? the opposite of bodyweight?

I fugged up. I guess it's technically not calisthenics. It's a hell of a workout that will sculpt.
>doing this workout while on tippy toes
>Hulk calves commence

Back Lever does not workout your lower back wtf lol?


"The work done to achieve the back lever develops the coordination of varying muscle groups – pectorals, lats, biceps, triceps, abdominals, low back – that are sometimes at odds with one another in other actions. In the back lever, you learn how to use them all together to make a solid position."

Not a calisthenics fag but they do work the lower back, in the same fashion that flutter kicks will work your abs

currently doing 1-Arm Negative Pullups, any advice on how many negatives to do in a set? Right now i'm doing 2-3 on each side for a set, idk if i should work on increasing reps or longer lowering time. Tips?

3 sounds fine.

Aim for 4-5 reps, then move to partial reps.

thanks, gonna get this shit in no time

Calisthenics is the best way to train your muscles a way weightlifting never could. If your only goal is size only weightlift. If you are looking for athleticism, do both.

Thanks to you. I been training one arm holds but is time to work negatives per sets.

You can lift for 10 years naturally and you will never look anything like that
You'd be lucky if you did it with roids assuming you have good genetics

gymnasts are like the worlds more ripped dudes tho

Awesome, but after you plateau start weighted calisthenics and throw in some weights