Sexual/Relationship Health

What’s the point of ever getting a girlfriend when you can just fuck hookers?

Girlfriends eventually turn into major bitches, but you can fuck a different hooker every weekend if the last one got on your nerves. Did we fall into some kind of trick that makes us think we need to have a girlfriend? It’s the ultimate con.

If you’re a successful man, whose in shape with a nice place and his own car why not just fuck a hooker instead of having some useless bitch leech off you for a few months? I’m not saying don’t try to hit up regular women for sex too. I think going to bars/clubs to meet women then fucking a hooker when you don’t score with the club sluts is the ultimate way of life for the normal heterosexual male. A lot of you virgin guys would beneifit a lot of you just fucked a hooker.

>TLDR hookers vs girlfriend

Try to stop being a social retard and get a gf that actually has a decent personality.

Sounds like a good idea if you like the idea of warts and growths on your dick.

Stay clean, Veeky Forumsizens.

Most hookers will be cleaner the your average club slut because their income is based around their sexual health. If her stuff is fucked up then she can’t make money.

I’m actually pretty good socially, I have people of regular girls I’m fucking but girlfriends are a scam dude. Women are psychotic bitches no expections.

Because I want to kiss woman's lips. And rub my face with hers.

went that route before my gf. i feel nothing, i have no qualms about it and i wouldnt really mind to do it again.

>Girlfriends eventually turn into major bitches
Probably because they're mad at you for being a beta and letting them walk all over you because you're too much of a pussy to properly enforce your boundaries, and you keep putting her above your own goals as a man, and you can't give her the leadership, stability that she needs to feel safe.

>I think going to bars/clubs to meet women then fucking a hooker when you don’t score with the club sluts is the ultimate way of life for the normal heterosexual male
What a coincidence, you can't get a relationship to work so you've now rationalized that the only option left is the better choice. You're like an incel "choosing" mgtow.

You get to choose between perpetual condom sex (which is like trying to eat a sandwich through a plastic bag), or literal aids. And in both cases the sex is meaningless and the person you're having it with at best just doesn't give a shit about you. And in the case of hookers you lose money and risk being caught in a sting.

Or you could fix your obvious emotional issues and have a normal adult relationship with another person.

Because if there is no effort, theres no reason to try.

Atleast for me, I love the "hunt" more than the prize.
And having sex with some slut I have no feelings for just doesn't do it for me

lol why would you let someone less than half as strong as you tell you what to do? Do you get bullied by midgets too?


Listen guys I’m telling you, hookers are the way to go. If you’re under the age of 30 there is no reason you should be suplicating to some slut. I’ve fucked a lot of women, women these days are disgusting. They will tell you one thing and do the exact opposite. If have close female friends you’ll learn the way they treat men and play with them is disgusting. A woman will suck a guys dick them come and kiss you like it’s not big deal.

As a young man you should be fucking sluts and making money, never catering to them. If you can get a bitch at a bar good, if you can find a high clsss hooker that’s also good it’s the same shit.

But being in a relationship is a scam a lot of you guys come here because you can’t get laid or find a girlfriend I’m here to tell you it’s not worth it. Women are horrible creatures. Just make money and fuck bitches by any means.

Cuz I have daddy issues, my mom was the tyrant in the house ;_;

>t. bitter old man
Pls don't shoot up a concert

>As a young man you should be fucking sluts and making money
>not having a gf/wife at home to support you
lmao what a pleb

>its yet another female obsession thread on Veeky Forums
>and surprise, by a guy who claims to be some stud with a harem of girls he calls each day to use like a fleshlight

this board is hilarious. could you imagine the type of girl who would fuck a guy on fit....lmfao

>They will tell you one thing and do the exact opposite
So you've fucked a lot of women and in that time you didn't figure out that they are simply different from men?

Men are logical, women are emotional. Big surprise.

They use words as vehicles for what they're currently feeling. Its not that hard to just read 1 or 2 levels deeper into what they say to figure out what they're trying to convey mean, unless you're a complete autismo.

You fully deserve to be the bitter jaded crybaby you are now.

The only things stopping men from fucking hookers regularly are: poverty status, legality, and the weird notion that club and tinder roasties are somehow more of an accomplishment than a pro who will give you a WAY better fuck.

You're on the wrong board

he can only pay prostitutes to fuck him. no woman of virtue would support such filth, marry such filth, and lay with such filth

>Men are logical, women are emotional.
Counter point. This site.

Sounds fun. What happens after your 40s? Die alone? Cool.

Why do normalfags act like this is a bad thing? Other people suck, women especially. All they have to offer is sex.

>want to try NoFap for super powers and more time
>I'm a fucking porn artist
>can't stop fapping because I have to look refs
why must life be so complicated

holy shit you're right what the fuck

This. He's already excluded himself from getting any woman of quality. Now all he has is a macho coping narrative to tell himself so he doesn't blow his brains out. He literally the male version of the used up whore whining about there being no "good men" out there.

Nofap is a scam too

>be OP
>complain about how women are whores and bitches
>yet him being a male whore going to literal prostitutes and club whores is fine

this board is something else

How would you suggest a man goes about getting laid then? Take a girl on 5 dates while during that time she’s fucking some nigger drug dealer behind your back? No thanks.

Men can be whores, women can’t.

Show us your work.

>Take a girl on 5 dates while during that time she’s fucking some nigger drug dealer behind your back?

what the fuck is wrong with you people on here. do you have psychological disorders? mental illnesses?

Counter-counter point. Men are being pumped full of estrogen.

Lol I have female friends they literally all do this. In fact my closest female friend is doing this to a guy right now which is where I get the reference from.

Deny it all you want, but fact of the matter is that women are scum that can’t be trusted. The only things that matter in life are making money, getting fit, and dying.

the problem is we like to think that life isn't nothing but shit, and that somewhere out there is "the one."

Oh i fucking keked

>trying to be even-handed about male and female sexuality.

Do you people ever interact with anyone outside of your ideological reddit SJW meme bubble?

hahah le reddit libcuck sjw soyboy numale xdddd

Shadman is that you?

He may be a deluded loser, but he is right about the average woman's sexual activities. The Thottery is strong in 2018.

Exactly this man gets it. Most people just end up settling with the least smelly piece of shit they can, in reality you’d probably just better better off alone.

Don’t be codependent on sluts for your emotions.

>Wants a pure society.
>He is not pure.
What did he mean by this?

have you ever tried not being low class scum?

>Other people suck
imagine being this guy

Just treat women with respect

I am merely saying how ridiculous it is to complain that other people are whores, like it makes them degenerate, when he then voluntarily, intentionally acts like one himself and he's just squeaky clean.

It's one thing to recognize the "unfairness" of male vs female sexuality. It's another to intentionally act like a whore then degrade others for acting the same

>makes assumptions about what someone wants that has nothing to do with the context of the conversation.
>is wrong
Maybe you're just stupid?

underrated response

however, women should be independent as they are and not mooch of us real niggas

>so she can feel safe
not my responsibility
>enforce boundaries
nobody should have to enforce shit its respect me or gtfo
>give leadership
what is an oxymoron?

wip of something I'm working on right now. Also this is SFW, they're mushrooms so no worries
hope not
It gets me on fire and I cum loads if I tell myself I'm gonna do it, but I only last a few hours

Is that what I said? No, I said that if your closet female friend is fucking random drug dealing niggers than you are mostly likely a disgusting poorfag. Stop taking your cesspool of a life experience and extrapolating it onto the rest of us.

Okay fair enough, valid point.

I honestly feel sorry for you. I met my wife when she was 12 (I was 14) at a gun show (her father is a seller). My dad and her dad got to know each other more via hunting (they connected because both are vets). If you haven't experienced passion and true love; having a woman begging for you to make love, nibbling on your ears & neck, feeling her breath, I pity you, son.

Bless your heart.

Have you considered getting an normal job instead of drawing this trash?

>Wuuuu wuuuu women are whores.
>Proceeds to be a sinner of the flesh.
Maybe you're a hypocrite.

Hookers don't cuddle and hold you close at night.

I have this theory that women seem more emotional because our current society allows them to be and even encourages them. Meanwhile men need to bury their emotions deep inside unless it's anger. Also if you ever look at women from the greatest generation or the third world, they're stoic as fuck in comparison to most millennials today.

I'm not that guy.

I'm just pointing out that you can't call men whores.

Fuck that shit, she will divorce you and take half your shit

They do if you pay them enough dumbass.

Because scenarios like this won't happen:
>come home from work
>gf chilling there, wasting time on the internet with internet fools
>after unloading gear and grabbing a snack, stand in front of her with a look of disdain
>she says 'gotta go' to her pals
>knows it's her queue to run to the shower, get a clean shave, use that shampoo you like
>meets you in the bedroom, she starts sucking, you start licking
>fuck her until she comes 5 times, nut wherever you want.
>make dinner and read a book, or workout.
C'mon OP, VISUALIZE what you WANT

This lol

It’s called a gfe or overnight visit.

scruffy seconds

this guy acts like it's okay for guys to not want a girlfriend, but if a girl behaves the same way because she doesn't want a boyfriend, she's a whore



Sex with hookers isn't actually good. There's no emotional connection.

Never said anything was wrong with it, but if you try to make a whore into a house wife you’ll get burned. All women are whores, I’ve fucked women with boyfriends and husbands alike.

Just wanted to say i'm with you OP. Been preaching this to my friends for quite some time but I don't think it's reached them.

Good share, this board needed to hear that but I know they won't listen.

But hey, change has to start with something and I think this was a good start.

A lot of men are emotional.

Probably most actually. Look how triggered these alt-right plebs get. There's no logic to it. Same with the extreme left.

People are emotional.

I would literally kill anyone that stood in my way of enslaving that booty and making her my prized breeder
FUCK shit needs to hit the fan already

>not my responsibility
Safety and security is the basis of female sexuality, so if you want to have a sexual relationship with a woman, you have to make her feel safe. That could come in the form of literally protecting her from a physical threat, simply being the big spoon when cuddling, or telling her "no" when she's testing you, because they will constantly test you to make sure you're not a beta.

Also responsibility is the path to a meaningful life, don't run away from it.

>nobody should have to enforce shit its respect me or gtfo
You have to earn respect. Not putting up with bullshit is a good start and its something that most men can't do because they're afraid to risk losing their current girl because they don't have the skills to find a new one reliably.

>what is an oxymoron?
What are stupid word games and autism?

I'm not rich enough to regularly fuck hookers, even if I wanted to.

Right, but guys communicate in a logical fashion. If you ask a guy to sum up a movie they just watched they'll cover what happened, who the characters were, where they went and what they did. Ask a woman to do the same and she'll tell you how it made her feel.

I'm not saying men aren't emotional. i'm not saying women aren't capable of logic. But each sex is clearly more driven by one of them.

If you'd ever had a relationship that wasn't shit/toxic/loveless/boring, you'd know the perks without having to ask. Cheap sex isn't even in the same ball park

>All women willing to sleep with me are whores*

ha fuckin gay

I bang hookers because I'm not attractive enough to bang hot girls, and I don't feel like putting in a shit ton of effort to get 6's.

I have literally gone on dates with girls who I find out later end up chasing my more Chad-like other friend, who I know for a fact is dating like 4 different girls at the same time. Like holy fuck these girls will literally throw themselves at a Chad who is dating multiple girls, what am I supposed to do? Not have sex for the next 5 years until I can have his leftovers?

The easy answer is just "hurr just become more chad yourself" but obviously it isn't that easy, just look around, nobody in the world wants to be Chad more than this collective group of Veeky Forumsizens but less than 1% of us actually are. Again, what am I supposed to do, just not have sex? You could die tomorrow, might as well have sex today if you can, even if it's with a hooker.

hmmmm. no

OP here

This is how I feel except I’m actually good looking. Ask your Chad friend how he thinks about women and he might feel similar to how I do regarding women being whores.

Looks don’t matter though Man, you can be butt ugly and bang stunners just stop being nice to them and treat them like shit. I don’t take girls on dates until after I fuck them.

Second this

The reason Chad gets away with dating multiple girls is because he’s honest and doesn’t give them that much attention. Bitches love attention and if they feel like they aren’t getting it from you they will chase you.

do you live in a country where hookers are legal?

Want me to tell you how I know you guys are virgins that have never been with women?

No such thing as beta and alpha.

exactly my nigga

The words alpha and beta exist and they are commonly understood to convey a set of recognizable traits and behaviors.

The way I can tell you're a virgin is you accuse other people of being virgins on the internet, and you're a pedantic faggot.

I do not, I typically just do it overseas

ad hominem

nice way to rebuttal bro

Scroll all the way up the page and read what it says you cheeky fag.

>u virgin
>no u
>ad hominem
great argument guys


How fitting

he called you a virgin. its up to you to interpret it as an insult

I'll fuck your mom for you. I'll make sure she gives you extra tendies every time you leave the basement and try to talk to a woman IRL

neither of those people are me

who hurt you?


I did that for over a year and was fucking primo college puss the entire time. ALL OF THEM were fine with not using a condom because i told them the test injections i get make me sterile.

I was creampieing that qt you see walking to class every morning and living it up. I probably plowed close to 25 different chicks. It's fucking crazy man, you wave $300 in their face and promise to see them a few times a month ($1200 total) and theyll do whatever you want.

I stopped that life back in August when I met my gf. She's asian and im pretty much just in auto drive till she graduate from college and gets a high paying job.

None of the chicks I banged were wife material (obviously) but I was glad I got that out of my system and met my current. Its a system that works now because im relatively young (29) and relatively wealthy for my midwestern college town. But I dont want to be the 40 year old weirdo looking to fuck college age chicks. Gotta settle down and snatch up a good one before it's too late.

A bitch

What is your career field?

Accountant ;)

>29 years old
>still has to get girls in college because no women his own age can stand him
>uses the excuse "snatch up a good one before its too late", which should really be "snatch her up before she loses her naivety and sees what a shithead i am"

and i bet shes also one of those sheltered asian girls too lmfao


Nah. I've date a few women my age. Truth of the matter is people that have gotten married young are getting divorced. People that wait run in to fewer and fewer viable options.

At my age, I am left with pretty much single moms. All of the women worth a damn leave after they graduate because no one can really make any money in this town.

I've just found a loop hole. Don't hate. It's working for me :)

Nice I enjoy math I’m currently in college and haven’t decided my major I might go that route.

>t. Virgin

You are an inspiration to me. You’re a true boss, don’t let these jealous incels get you down. You truly made it.