/fph/ /fph/ FAT PEOPLE HATE
Going to post something nice to remind us as to what we're fighting for.
inb4 everyone freaks out even though it isn't real
i wanna see the finished product
I saw a woman who had a rocking body like hers at a bakery recently. She was gorgeous
This thread is like Groundhog Day. It's been exactly the same as long as I can remember.
It can't be helped.
she's just playing castle-builder
Reminder that all fats are subhumans:
is he actually getting sweaty from that?
That show - My 600 pound life makes me feel no remorse for fat people at all. Especially that fuck Steven
These threads keep me motivated in my weight loss, even though I'm not remotely close to being as big as the fat cunts in this thread.
Same for me, also checked.
hey gotta find something else to do w/ the expensive hydraulics that lift you in and out of bed
Lmaoing at that awful ropework. 10 single column ties and a half assed diamond tie is still only barely hoisting that whale. The way she just fucking ties a rats nest onto the carabiner makes me wonder if she actually is just trying to commit suicide.
I was in this thread. fucking lol'd so hard
>be a fat hamperson
>clogging the toilet
>because I'm alpha as fuck
>be fat
>have constipated shits
>s-sorry ma'am... b-but I clogged your toilet.
>h-height, face, f-frame
You are free to post new stuff.
Threads like this give me the motivation to stop being one of... Them.
>women can scent that
of course they can scent a fucking clogged toilet you idiot, but that doesn't mean they like that
i want a girl like this
but i don't want a thot
what do?
You want a man, then
oh my god i couldnt be more jealous
>>Just big bones
>Uploader has not made this video available in your country
based TLC not letting shithole countries watch our media
>New Zealand
you're probably right yea
She's so delusional. Happy people don't feel the need to go around seeking validation from total strangers.
Could always be worse. At least you don't live on the west island.
>she hides tears while washing head
fuck I know it's wrong to laugh, but she did it to herself
I can watch it in Russia :^)
Guys how do I not eat McDonald's today? I've eaten fast food for the past week every single day.
Don't go to mcshit you fatfuck
>how do I not eat McDonald's today
1. DonĀ“t go near a McDumb
2. Eat other stuff or start fasting
don't go there. how is this that fucking difficult to understand?
We're not fighting for the objectification of women ya dumbass. We're fighting to not have to see and be affected by disgusting obese slobs of either gender.
She'd probably be cute as fuck if she wasn't drowning in fat :(
That shit is worse than "How to Basic"
which episode is this?
Imagine being able to say you've gotten a legfuck before
never mind i found it, season 5 episode 11. im 12 minutes in an can already tell JAMES plays the "woe is me" card for the cameras but is a hostile dick when not filmed.
>that guy on the plane
wew laddo
Yeah he should have just told told her to shut up.
Savage edition: youtube.com
Wow i was able to get through it this time
But fat people do eat shit like this
Alsp this food had 30,000 calories....
Anyone got a link to a autopsy of a buff dude?
Would be quite interesting to see the difference
It's funny and I love it
Fat hides the beauty they have
What kind of pathetic creature wastes time drawing crap like that?
She's not really a "beauty" though, she just looks good comparatively and after shaving her moustache and dressing her up. I mean it's good, but dont pretend she was a super model in hiding
pretty believable trap, they must be getting better at transitioning
kys you retarded roastie degenerate
Got some rhinoplasty done too though it seems
This is the 'hot topic' moment of this meme. It was supposed to be that the virgin had traits that were somewhat common but not talked about and make people self-conscious while chad had the comically extreme opposite of that trait (e.g. yelling in all directions at maximum volume constantly as opposed to being quiet and withdrawn). Now it's
>virgin does things I don't like
>chad does things I like
found the soyboy
>We're not fighting for the objectification of women ya dumbass
wrong, roast
The Chad was supposed to do exaggerated and ultimately harmful behavior (either to himself, others or both).
Listen up, you fucking biped. Have you ever been in a wheelchair before? Have you ever looked up at a set of stairs and realized that you are going to have to drag yourself up like a fucking limp snake? I shit into a plastic bag and then have to pour it out. You have no idea what its like for me so FUCK OFF
This is what happens when normies get their hands on a meme
A chad
>The wood breaks
Gets me everytime
This picture irks me.
The tire isn't metal. The bottom of the tail isn't metal. Sparks are burning metal shavings. There should be no sparks at all.
They are presumably going forwards. That means the wheels are turning counter-clockwise from the camera's perspective. That means the top edge of the tire is moving to the left. That means if there were sparks, they should be going towards the front of the bike.
Also the rear isn't even close to being compressed so much anything that shouldn't touch is touching, and that's obvious.
Our hatred for fat people will never fade away, like a beacon foreverer shining light into the nebolous fat of beyond. Ever bright, as if stuck in time itself.
thanks for this
Take me as your apprentice, bondage master.
>I've drawn shitty memes, chad is literally me btw so I must be chad
The virgin memer vs the advice dog chad
based user
shit i would like a link of this as well
this is why i never read long screenshots
Te joke is that the pseudo woman is so fucking fat the suspension can't hold her and the wheel is grinding so hard sparks are coming out. You may have legit autism.
is this what a meta joke is?
ohh what that poor doggie have to see and smell