Un-ironically how do I into Connor McGregor mode

un-ironically how do I into Connor McGregor mode.

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Try mma you fucking idiot

>playing a sport is equivalent to the training

Are you smaller than him? Eat more and lift more. Are you fatter than him? Eat less and lift more.

Step 1: Be born in UK
Step 2: Be arrogant and rowdy
Step 3: Trashtalk about something you don’t like
Step 4: Get beaten by Mayweather

Step 1 and step 2 is redundant

>be 5'9
>be lean at 170 lbs
>have lanky arms
>be able to grow facial hair

>be a manlet
>cut to 70kg lean
>fake an irish accent
>walk funny

>Go to manlet center in india
>tell dr poo that instead of lengthening your legs you want longer arms

that'll get you 90% of the way there

>how do I look like MMA fighter?
>uuuuhh do mma lmao
but in all seriousness be a angry manlet leprechaun and you should find your way from there

by Veeky Forums standards he's a bit of a basic bitch desu. lift heavy for 1.5 years, keep up with your cardio, and be at 16% bf or so, you'll be there.

what people dont understand is it's impossible to replicate another persons body. you can have the exact same amount of muscle and bf and look 10x worse than he does.

work to be your best self not to be somebody else

>Step 1: Be born in UK

you trying to trigger me?


basically only do shoulder and core exercises

maybe some back too, those traps look taken care of, but the guy is basically all shoulder, which is a good build for throwing punches

>lift heavy
>have no chest
>have no legs

obviously these bodies are purpose built, I'm not sure why anyone would have a goal body like connor mcgregor unless they were actually doing MMA, in which case the appearance comes secondary to the function.

wew you're fucking stupid

>Be born in the UK
I have never before been so triggered

lel the muscles he has built are literally used for fighting and you get it from training to fight you retard

you can lift weights and mimic his size but you will never be as thick as him unless you use those muscles which again requires you to train martial arts

>Start skelly
>lift for 6 months

as an asian guy how do i choi mode?

And how do you think MMA fighters train. Among other things, by sparring a lot

>playing a sport

what did he mean by this?????

>search 'braphog' in youtube
>this comes up as one of three results


oh my kek

That flexibility is unironically impressive for someone as big as he is

Why would you be triggered? Ireland is UK clay.

oh yeah. Even though his lifts are fucking weird, he is also undoubtedly strong

Alot of upper body/core exercising, Prodominately a lot of brazilian jiu jitsu exercising is what I imagine would make you look remotely like mcrgrundie

First off is the hip escape its a really enduro based exercise that works your core and gets your hips moving like fuck

Link > youtube.com/watch?v=yiA-UfMxq8s

Next up is the russian twist, This can be changed in difficulty to how close you hold your legs in the air to your body, The closer to your body the easier it is

Link > youtube.com/watch?v=wkD8rjkodUI

If your looking to increase bicep - tricep strength theres a few things

First one being this Biccep trainer without equipment
> youtube.com/watch?v=kzohU7hbN9I

Next up is the same guy showinghow to do triceps if your going to focus on a little size, Dont over do it because a common thing with boxers is that size can actually slow, So alot of MMA fighters will actually prefer the middle in the weight division because its purely a great mix of power and speed,


Next thing you need is a little (but if you over do this you will actually make yourself look like a spastic)

Pectorals need to be visable to a degree, you need to look good without looking like a fucking 'roided gym junkie,


Thats a video which explains the mechanics behind a pectoral muscle and the different mechanics that go into play here, Be mindful that you can litterally do the same exercise he is in the video with bottles of water if you are unable to buy exercise equips

Lastly make sure you are working your calfs and quads


theres a routine to stick to and to make sure you expand upon till you are happy with results, Good luck user you fat lazy shit

train everyday
do mma everyday
have good genetics, professional team consisting of 5-10 people
do it for a long time

He is Irish.

Anglos out

imagine he would do a cut

Isnt pic related that pokemon rom hacks youtuber???

>Ireland is part of the British Isles


>"how do I get rugby body?"
>play rugby XDDDDD
fucking retards, the guy doesn't get a body by playing rugby itself, but the endless hours TRAINING to play rugby

>join mma club
>trainer forces you to fight constantly the entire 1,5h every session
no john you are the retards

I'm a bodyweight fag and my body is similar to his, maybe a bit bigger

5x chin chongs
10 x ling longs