I got a flat secretary ass from sitting at work.
Will waking on an incline actually make the flat spots go away?
I got a flat secretary ass from sitting at work
Just work out your ass, it'll go away.
Source: I also had a flat ass with the same problem.
No you need to lift weights.
Go to youtube and look up buns of steel
Do that while eating a normal diet of veggies and clean meats and only water and black coffee and tea.
Do the instathot booty workouts on instagram. They work.
You'll get an ass that will make chad thundercock push women out of the way just to ogle and will make black guys walk into traffic.
Maybe cellulite? Pics of you are needed to tell tho.
Workout more, im not sure the level of incline has anything to do with anything or why you would think it did
thanks. can you be a little more specific about workouts though? I don't know what instathots do
Look up Bret Contreras and start there
You’re going to have to lift weights or you will end up with a flatter dimply ass.
I’m not even trying to be a meathead that believes everyone should lift, but you want to add more shape (muscle) to your ass and lifting weights is the proven method.
Squats, straight legged deadlifts, lunges, hip thrusts. Walking on an incline isn’t worthless but if you think walking is enough to change the shape of your body you’re wrong. That only works if you are overweight.
Romanian deadlifts
Goblet squats
Hip thrusts
Hill sprints
Occasionally do stripper pole dancing for full body workouts. No seriously, those serious stripper chicks are fit as fuck.
It isnt flat because you sit at work all day. Its because its all fat and no muscles. Lift.
as others have said it's a result of fat deposition, also probably trapped bubbles from braps
not best quality
Go to the gym
This OP
Ive got his book and its helped a lot so far
Doesnt look like cellulite to me, just no real musle mass. As the other posters have said do some squats, deadlifts, lunges, etc.
Also moar
5 replies before someone request pics
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
Sit on my face instead of the officer chair?
Anyway, Romanian deadlift is the GOAT.
We didn't want to see the ass if it looked like the original pic. But it doesn't tho
Glute Bridges, Barbell Hip Thrusts, Romanian Deadlifts, Single Leg Deadlifts, Fire Hydrants, Cable Hip Abduction,Donkey Kicks, Cable Kick Backs, Jump Squats, . Check out Abby Pollock, Whitney Simmons on Youtube for form and more info and look on pinterest for workouts.
>You're level of damage control
Just come out of the closet already
my ass looks amazing from the side but bad from straight on. is it just fat?
The original pic ass looks like a flat man ass straight out of the burn unit. I'd be a fag for liking it
post pics, only way to confirm 100%
Do you have a pic on all fours? That's probably the best position to see what needs working.
>I got a flat secretary ass from sitting at work
no you got a flat and flabby ass from being skinny fat
Spanking helps it grow according to a study
The only thing that will fix this is
3xf squats on my face
5xf facesits supersetted with ass eating
lets get to it op
This is good advice.
You're just fat you fucking disgusting hog
I don't know what your talking about office ladies in my chinese cartoons always have nice butts