Got a health question for you guys, my 3rd toe got red and swollen and really painful a few days ago...

Got a health question for you guys, my 3rd toe got red and swollen and really painful a few days ago. My regular doctor is out for the long weekend. Ended up going to urgent care clinic and after like 5 people looked at it hey decided it was cellulitis and put me on an Antibiotic and told me to follow up with my primary doctor if it does not improve. Been on the antibiotics for like 24hrs but im also doing hot foot soaks and not putting my feet in show, seems to be getting better, certainly doesn't hurt as much but I don't really think it was cellulitis. Mainly because you need a cut in the skin to get i and I haven't cut my toes. The 3rd toe nail looks a little rough but that was from me checking to see if it was ingrown (it's not). Plus how would my second toe get red and swollen if its cellulitis and it never went up my foot?

Anyone got any ideas? This is fucking up my lifting

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pretty feasible to get a cut on your foot and not notice it

just fucking leave your feet alone. take the antibiotics for a few days

I guess but it would have to be a cut on both toes, I really don't see how that happened.

I am living them alone and taking the antibiotics, they told me to soak in hot water every 4 hours or so.

Looks like toe cancer user.

they probably want more blood to flow to them so the antibiotics can work. if it is feeling better after taking them that's a sign that it is an infection.

is it cold where you live user? that shit happens to me in the winter, I'm pretty sure it's just because of poor circulation

Sure I get that but I question if it's really an infection and not something else

It is cold here but I've never had this before and I have good circulation. I can feel my pedal pulses fine

>take antibiotics for no reason

people like you are the reason why we are already seeing antibiotic resistant bacteria

>antibiotics for better circulation
fucking retard REEEE

OP just wait for a few days, the nail has grown a bit into the surrounding skin. It will be better in a couple of days.

The best sign of someone living in a third world country

Looks like Gout to me. Very common in men nowadays and usually appears in the toes and stays there. My general doctor and urgent care were completely off the first three times they tried diagnosing it.

It's just ingrown nails you autist. Learn how to properly trim your fucking nails.

If it's throbbing and painful as you mention, on top of appearing swollen, then it is likely a mild infection and cellulitis is not an unreasonable call. If there's no cut as you say, you might have clipped the nail down a bit too far and it entered that way. Be thankful it doesn't appear fungal - those are a bitch to get rid of. Take and finish your course of antibiotics as directed. If it doesn't work, call your doctor again either after your course is done with no improvement, or before that only if it gets worse.

No, people like you who encourage anons to stop taking antis without completing the full course are the reason we're seeing antibiotic resistance

Starting then stopping prematurely is so much worse than taking an unnecessary course

How to cut them properly

No people should not take antibiotics at all if they don't really need them. I have taken it only once in my life

Why are you cutting your nails like a complete spaz

long nails are disgusting

tissue inflammation
happens from time to time
if it does not go away you should see a doctor

>No people should not take antibiotics at all if they don't really need them
this infections are becoming resistant to the antibiotics, just as weeds are becoming resistance to herbicides. Use the same chemicals on enough generations and they will evolve to handle it

you fucked up when cutting your toenails you dumb shit. you fucked your cuticle

kys pos

Oi just hit it with a heavy object. No puss no fuss.

Go to podiatrist asap. Inflammation due to toe nail cut too short and not straight. Pressure on foot is creating an in-grown.

People didn't read my first post,. The middle toe nail is only cut funny because I thought it was a ingrown nail at first. I was cutting out the sides of the nail to see. Plus two toes are swollen, how likely is it I got ingrown toe nails on two toes at the same time? Also the redness and tenderness is coming from the tip of the toes.

Anyways I don't think it's gout because i'm cutting right now and my diet is lean meats and veggies. Guess it could only be cellulitis, I just find it super odd I got it in two toes at once and don't remeber cutting my toe at all.

Anyways, been on antibiotics for 2 days now, just got off work and i'm soaking my foot. Swelling is way down and the pain is almost gone, doesn't throb at all anymore. Still reddened but less so then it was when I took the pictures. I can even take normal steps now without pain, just feels funny.

That's what my toe looked like when I had an infected ingrown toenail.

They're becoming resistant because farmers pump their livestock full with antibiotics, if you eat animal products you're just as guilty of helping bacteria become resistant to antibiotics as the people who take antibiotics unnecessarily.

go barefoot for a day

Try cutting it off
Pic afterwards pls

Depends on where you live. But yes it's also a big problem

Probably ingrown toenails because you cut them like a retard.

You're begging for every nail to be ingrown by cutting so the center is higher.

Get both of them pulled and when they regrow, try not cutting them like a retard.