MODUM pumping in 15 minutes

We're ready to let it loose.. get in now.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm in.
Let's do it.

I'm in already but c'mon


I don't believe it.

wheres the pump?

I see only red dildos

why am I not rich from this already

we're waiting...

Pumping down you fucking retard


abort abort abort

So this is the power of Veeky Forums?

Bwhahahah op is a fag

Why you lie to us OP
Been waiting on the inevitable moon mission for weeks now ahhhhh

This is hilarious, sold everything only to accumulate more on this retarded "coordinated" pump


Pump rescheduled to 9pm ET. Accumulate what you can now. It is coming, I promise.

lol sure. I'm already all in from weeks ago so who cares


they rescheduled, oh damn... only on Veeky Forums this type of crap happens ahah

Whats the target bro? I didn't sell at 2.20 because I was keeping this pump in mind

Minimum $4.

Cheers man

That would be amazing


So it changed from $7 to $4? LOL

Did it start? I'm seeing two huge green candles

OOOH, the pain of seeing this kind of gullible people

It's going up. Pumping alread?

Of course it started.

LOL ppl are accumulating


>he called vechain which pumped
>it already went u from 1.6 to 2.20 today

do you hate money?


7pm to 9pm to "of course it started". The "pump" will be /biz thinking a "pump" will happen

Just pulled the gains I got from NEO into this

Didn't start yet, money still going to binance people just accumulating

Yep, go ahead, shoot yourself on the foot. "Of course it started" ahahah.

I see the pain in your replies. Sucks to miss out on profit, huh.

I have a healthy stack. I'll go along on the ride. But just calling it for what it is. Surprise me.



Man, I'm all in on MOD, I know it will do well, we don't need this desperate get rich fast schemes, but this is just fun to watch. Nice try OP; next time you should try harder

Bots are gonna suppress the price till they pump. Buy in now!

Seriously MOD is a legit coin why tf is there a pnd group trying to get quick gains?

Who cares, sell high and rebuy even more at the dip

TL;DR: No pump, people trying to get a FOMO reaction to this, and are actually hurting the coin short term. Congrats

oh shit something's actually happening

keep trying normie

Where is this coin being traded?

LOL the madman actually did it!

weakest pump I've seen in my life

Can't even call it a pump

He tried his best, we should cheer for him :D

is this about to start then? I've stayed up past my bedtime for this.

you just got pranked my dude

Not done yet

of course not xD

Just ride the pumps and sell peaks. I am doing what I can with my resources.

just made so much money on this pump. fuck you faggots I'm buying a lambo on the moon

So, you are trading, not pumping, good job, you kinda advertised a 8$ pump ahah with a 4$ minimum, you already made it to 2,20$. You can do it :D you can still try to bullshit everyone that this is a pump

And instead of capitalizing on an opportunity you are here bitching and complaining because you're missing out. Stfu.

you are lying and deceiving people, and what capitalization?.. Delusion of self importance

You’re a bold dude.

where is the pump faggots


hahahaha, that is hilarious.

anyone else catch that insider's thread yesterday?
user gave pretty solid evidence that MOD is collaborating with NEO to enter chinese market tracking shipments. a MOD board of directors guy is presenting with Da Hongfei in Shanghei. Partnership to be announced around the 21st.


i just posted a thread hoping an user will come forward with the link i can't find it