Are biceps the ugliest, most man-like trait a female can have...

Are biceps the ugliest, most man-like trait a female can have? This makes my dick shrivel because if I block out her face that might as well be a dudes arm

Big traps

Shoulders then biceps the back and then pecs.

any upper body muscle development is gross on females

Delts, delts, delts, a thousand times delts.

If you think this is incorrect you're gay

jaw muscles

>back worse than pecs
you fucking what mate

Thats so disgusting, looks like a Steve

It's basically the same as a dude having huge hamstrings, ass and quads. It's fine to build those up to a certain extent but getting them huge only makes you look like a faggot. I don't know if women find it disgusting but I'm sure they do. I think it looks like shit and I recommend everyone stay away from the SS meme, especially if you're already a manlet

thats a tranny, right?


enjoy your incel sons

A big upper body on a chick is digusting, that's a masculine trait. They're supposed to be T Rexes with boobs.

I'm not even saying girls shouldn't press, a little muscle is fine and they won't grow much anyway. The ones with serious upper bodies are chemically altered abortions, kill with fire

To think, she would have the perfect body if she just stopped doing shoulder presses



Super cut Abs are pretty gross too t b h

This. Traps are by far the worse, followed by delts

basically look at androgen receptor density, thats the least female looking muscles to be large

best is obviously glutes, hamstrings

leanness in general doesn't look good on women. quite a bit of muscle can still look good on them, but the second they get lean they tend to look bad

>lean women are unattractive
Bitch, what you on about? That's literally the entire beauty industry


ah yes the beauty industry which is famous for not being absolutely retarded

Of course. But you also have to be a hell of a lot more retarded to be this much in denial

Lack of hips/lower body. A muscular upper body is fine with me as long as the lower body is also big enough to still have a nice hip to waist ratio.

But Veeky Forums says hambeasts are attractive. They call them thicc chicks

Yeah, 'cause Veeky Forums is representative of the beauty industry. But no, I won't deny that thicc is becoming more fashionable. Still, this user is a moron

Bro he's referring to girls who train and are shredded, the beauty industry isn't about training, they want them thin, but by lean he means shredded

They aren't lean so much as they are thin.
Lean as in low bodyfat.
Low bodyfat women look like straight up trash to be honest.

By the by, the beauty industry is ran by homosexuals who're trying to sell you their ideals on beauty and the like means little to most people.

would be hot but her insertions suck

Your face is the ugliest, most woman-like trait a male can have

Ah. And here I thought more of Veeky Forums would be sexually confused