>like 1 (one) fitness related picture on Instagram >suddenly my "Explore" tab is full of boys with naked bubble butts and beefcake muscle dudes with their bulges as visible as the rules allow it
Does this happen to anyone else? How can I like fitness related things on social media without the AI algorithms automatically thinking I'm a fag?
Logan Wilson
I think it knows something you dont
Jonathan Bennett
>boys with naked bubble butts and beefcake muscle dudes with their bulges as visible as the rules allow it Mind sharing those Instagrams? No homo of course
Levi Cooper
Well I just discovered a dude called Alam Wernick and it turns out he also does porn now so I fapped to it
Parker Wood
nibba if you need guys to follow let me know i have a ton that i follow for inspiration. no homo of course
Anthony Gray
>Welcome to Veeky Forums No homo
Liam Sanders
if you like his instagram you should check out his twitter >n-no homo, right fellas?
Daniel Anderson
Jaxon Baker
Post the list bro, looking for non homo glute inspiration
that should be a good start to have your explore tab curated quite nicely >n-no homo of course
James Kelly
oh also add west_whey to that list
Owen Phillips
Isaiah Perez
anything to help out a fellow straight-man
Wyatt Hernandez
It's homosocial not homosexual ok
Praise Platon
Matthew King
yeah that's what i told my parents when they saw me riding mark's dick
Hunter Lopez
Nothing wrong with some male bonding desu
Liam Thompson
film? asking for reasons.
Christian Thomas
why is Veeky Forums so fucking gay???
Ethan Myers
Don't know
Josiah Mitchell
Butts m8
Isaiah Lee
cause /lgbt/ is overrun with trannies and soyboys so the gays who lift and like men who look like men all migrated to Veeky Forums
Julian Morales
>stare at shirtless men on a taiwanese imageboard during all your spare time >turn gay
Luis Bell
I'm a cis male who goes to /lgbt/ and has been going to Veeky Forums for a long time prior, board is good for the bants and I go there before/after fapping to tranners and doing some buttplay. It was /r9k/ that led me onto to traps, that board is way gayer than /lgbt/.
Ryder Evans
more like >realize you're gay but yeah i (cis gay male) go to Veeky Forums cause i wanna get fit so i can find other fit guys to pound my boipucci
Kevin Perez
i prefer male bondage tbqh
Gavin Bennett
Just found out one of my fitness related instagramer that I follow does gay porn. I only followed for inspiration but the porn was not bad either.
Easton Kelly
I used to lift now I'm just cutting, around 215 pounds atm down from 235. I'll stick with my prostate vibrator since masculinity is not attractive to me.
Michael Lopez
>pic related
/lgbt/ has legit become /tttt/ with the rare instance of >tfw no bf
Chase Thomas
Look at the recent games done quick. Nerd culture is getting pinkpilled and the number of people who want to become tranners has skyrocketed.
Jordan Baker
I don't understand trannies at all, so I just stay away.
Joseph Stewart
The truth is they don't understand themselves either. Some of them are pretty chill, if not obsessed with getting other people to transition. There is also gay generals if you are actually a full on faggot.
Wyatt Bennett
Can we please stop talking about them?
William Gomez
>has an onlyfans link >wears exclusively PUMP underwear >gratuitous "glute" pics >having that body if you're referring to alam you must be retarded to assume he didn't do gay porn or "modeling" of any kind
Thomas Thompson
Nathan James
bringin it back to the insta-hoes nath_wyld is also good for "glute inspiration"
Blake Richardson
Isaac Jones
John Moore
Same happened to me but in both ways. Getting thots and bois on my explore
Angel White
gtfo NYR
Jace Baker
At least you’re getting thots it seems like OP is only getting cute boys
Maybe OP’s insta knows more about him than he does? Jewbook bought instagram after all...
Daniel Sanders
>had coffee with a cute guy today >going for sushi later in the week We're all gonna make it bros