Be talking to this girl for weeks

>be talking to this girl for weeks
>talks about how im the hottest guy shes ever talked to, loves my muscles etc, texts back literally instantly
>quickly becomes my best friend on snapchat
>every time i ask to hang out, she makes some excuse and says "ohh sorry, ill see you soon i promise"
>friend starts talking to her without me knowing
>ends up getting her nudes within 2 days of talking to her
>they meet up and have sex 3 days later

So what the fuck did I do wrong that he didn't? He's not even that good looking and doesn't lift
is it because I didn't send her dick pics?

Fuck Veeky Forums, why didn't you guys tell me that lifting wouldn't cure my autism

youre fucking ugly brah

>Become best friends

Ya dun goofed

You were probably hitting her with some weak shit.

because you're just snapchatting every day and doing fuck all with it. being best friends with someone on snapchat isn't shit; I'm best friends on it with my ex. I don't think there's a reconciliation any time soon

>lets hang out
>oh i dont know i cant
The correct answer is stop answering her messages for a few days.

Simple solution mate, it was probably the way you were talking to her. You need to be mysterious and aloof. I'm talking about taking hours to reply to her. Doing fun stuff and posting it to your snap chat story without messaging her. Girls are more emotional than us. If you deny her the validation you've probably been giving her, she will be yours. Trust me on this one.

Well what was I supposed to do? im god awful at flirting especially with snapchat. Every girl ive talked to says they hate when guys send dick pics and shirtless pics so i didn't do either

She constantly talked about how much she wanted to fuck me and cuddle and make out all night etc

>quickly becomes my best friend on snapchat
Ya goofd and ya goofd hard.
You gave her easy validation. Your friend went in with a purpose and sounds like made her strive for that validation. He claimed her and won.
Good thing is, that aint the last girl you'll ever talk to. Learn from this nigga.

They lied to you and forgot to tell you they fucked the guys that sent them dick and shirtless pics.
They're whores, treat them like it.

Cause she a thot


Yeah nah that's bullshit. Reading shit like this made me behave like an asshole to girl and I only started getting laid when I tried being nice for a change.

You didnt escalate fast enough. You chat like friends for a while but you should be esacalting with sexual innuendos quickly and letting her know subtley(or blatantly) that you want to fuck her.

this. lost a girl because i was taking forever to respond

granted i was actually busy and dont want to respond all the time anyway.

you probably just have to be more forward and commanding

how many calories are burned after consuming 1 gallon of cold water?

one Joules is 0.24 Celsius per gram of water
one food calorie is 4184 Joules
body temperature is 37 Celsius
1 gallon is 3785g of water

((37/0.24)*3785) / 4184 = 140 food calories per gallon of cold water

but how efficient is the body at warming up water? let's presume it is as efficient warming water as it is at climbing stairs.

1 hour on a stairs machine is 753 calories (I looked it up online, at a weight of 180 lb)
1 hour on a stairs machine is about 1000 meters up
the actual work done is 753*9.8*1000 = 793800 J = 189 food calories
to produce 189 calories of work, 753 calories are burned, for an efficiency of 25%

one gallon of cold water is 140 food calories / 25% = 560 food calories.

why even exercise to lose weight, Veeky Forums? just drink a few gallons of ice water and get ripped brahs

>chug a few gallons of water


Yes I'm convinced anyone who advises men to treat women like shit is trying to sabotage the competition. It repels any and all good women.

Yeah but his point was don't appear to easy, or even worse desperate

>She constantly talked about how much she wanted to fuck me and cuddle and make out all night etc

>friend starts talking to her without me knowing
>ends up getting her nudes within 2 days of talking to her
>they meet up and have sex 3 days later
>So what the fuck did I do wrong that he didn't?

take a guess

>>be talking to this girl for weeks
>>for weeks

She was likely waiting for you too escalate and for whatever reason you didn't. It's shit and a easy trap to fall into but if you don't pursue nothing will happen.

Whats your height VS your friend?

jesus you are an idiot. They don't like nudes and shirtless pics from guys with ugly faces. That's it.
You shouldn't have even talked to her. Just ask to have sex.

Either this is halfway decent bait or I'm rly getting too old for this place

Show us your texts with her!

You never introduce sluts to your friends until after you’ve already smashed

yeah do it op dont be a fag


How was i supposed to escalate whenever I asked her to hang out or come over she made an excuse as to why she couldn't?

In that situation you could get her to suggest a date she's free
As for escalation, it can be hard to do over text which is why you need to meet up asap

uhh shes a whore

Why is your mate such a snake, and how did he get her number?

How did you not manage to meet her and he did if you said she was into you? Surely you asked her to meet or go for drinks?

It depends on what you said. After the second time you tried to meet up and she said no, you should have stopped messaging her outside of one or two word replies. After a few days, you're already pretty much fucked. You need to move as quickly as possible until you guys are actually on a date. Post the messages if you have them, and we can shit on you more in depth.

bro u have been talking to her only by text messages?

This. When you start talking to a girl you should be meeting up soon. If you get rebuffed a couple of times, you could explicitly ask her when she's free.

If it's still not happeningq, then time to move on.

Jesus christ you fucking autists... Here, lemme tell you how the "be an asshole" thing works, it has more stages then just being a fucking jerk:

1. Act like an asshole, let her fight for the validation (if she won't, just leave it, she ain't interested). Make her feel like she's the one being honored by your occassional reply. If you know her in real act distant but drop comments every now and then, small compliments, negging if you will (although I hate that word), make sure these are merely enough to show you are not 100% uninterested, that she has a shot with you, but she's gotta work for it.

2. As of out of nowhere ask her to meet up, make an excuse for it if need be (like you were heading downtown anyway and she can join)

3. Show genuine interest on that first date but without looking thirsty or desperate. Just be friendly. This will confuse the hell out of her and her instincts will kick in, she will think she needs to take this opportunity as based on your previous behaviour it is unlikely, hence valuable.

4. Afterwards you need to pull back a little bit, make her struggle a bit, but not too much, reel her in, decide how strong you pull back based on how thirsty she is.

5. When the tension is built up and she goes full banana to get you mercifully let her have you.

6. From now on you only have to do one thing: slowly (really slowly, this stage can take months or even years) start dripping honey, act more and more mature, thoughtful, caring, cute even. This is the stage when you actually make her fall in love with you, before it was just instincts and here you play with her emotions.

7. Continue honey-dripping until she will literally do anything for you. Congratulations, you earned yourself one dedicated, loving and most likely loyal gf.

Source: fuckloads of relationships, managed to pull this off every single time and some of those girls were legit 9/10s. Timeframe for final victory was varying between 3 months and 2 years.

>Fuck Veeky Forums, why didn't you guys tell me that lifting wouldn't cure my autism

Nigga that's the ONLY thing that Veeky Forums says that's actually and objectively true.

Is pic related her? If so, then you fukt up

He met and fucked her.
You "asked to hang out".
She wasn't looking for a couch buddy, she was looking for dick, money, attention or validation.

You ask your bros to hang out, not women you're looking to have sex with.

>especially with snapchat
Yeah me too. I do better in person

Ya this is a good lesson overall. If someone treats you like shit drop em until they come crawling back.

Thanks user. I will keep this in my mind.

spat shit game, werent agressive enough, placed too much importance on her, was autistic when asking to hang. Literally say you guys should do a fucking wine night. Jesus I feel like an old man lecturing you guys (22 in 2 months)

The first, second, or MAYBE (if you’re a real little bitch) third time she said she couldn’t hang out, you should’ve said
>listen, if we’re gonna fuck we’re doing it this weekend
Or some variation of that. I don’t know why she kept leading you on when she was so thirsty for you, but regardless of the reason, your course of action had to be to TELL her when you were meeting up to fuck. The phrasing I used above leaves a little scheduling wiggle room and maintains a bit of mystery/nonchalantless about you, while also forcing her hand.

i can honestly attest to it, i accidentally did most of this because i wasn't fully interested in the girl, she got it in her head that she had to earn my affection, after 3 months of slow progress I sat down and thought really deeply about her, shes the cutest and funniest gf I've ever had, and i started falling in love with her, now we are crazy about each other and it feels fucking good man.

this user speaks the truth
scored waay above my league doing that shit and made her cheat her bf

He msged her on fb, he didn't know i was talking to her. Then he sent me pics of her ive never seen before and i almost broke my window

Sorry no chat msgs, as it was all on Snapchat. And i didn't even talk to her once on the phone. is that bad?

And yes, pic related is her

Why didnt you have her number, and just ask to meet her.

So your friend didnt wasnt even a dick to you, he just happened to add her on facebook and meet to fuck?

Seriously the best thing to do is not contact her, don't worry about it at all.

This. So many lessons to learn desu

Just realised this too. Treating women like you dont care is a meme

Read and process thus, opie

t. tard who treats it as black or white

>Girl leads me on for weeks
>Tell her to fuck off, delete her
>She keeps me added and messages me sometimes
>Still wants me or maybe just wants me to orbit her
>Don't buy into it, let her keep doing it to degrade herself and hopefully have her ask me out so I can throw it in her face
>Friend tells her I want to fuck her because he thinks he is doing me a favor
>She acts disgusted but still has me added
>Friend ruined everything
>Have been depressed because of his tomfoolery a roastie came out over me

I did on snapchat, whats the difference?

Just seems like a strange way of doing it all, well if you asked her to meet and she said no she wasnt that into you.

can vouch for this

you guys do this and I will move in after completion

Don't fucking ask us what you did wrong without showing screenshots of your texts. You must have said something autistic or creepy

can you post more pictures of this hoochie?

Don't be so desperate. Avoid her texts for a couple of days or just act flippant. Women love a challenge

For all you faggots reading this, the number one reason women go cold after they seem to like you is because you moved too slow. Do not hesitate with women, you’ll get maybe two chances if you’re lucky but usually one. As soon as you feel
>hey this girl likes me and I like her too
That means it’s time to ask her out, not tomorrow, not in a week. It means NOW. Every day that you wait the chances dramatically drop. If a girl seems to be chasing you or initiating interest/contact that won’t last forcer, maybe a week if you’re lucky. Most of the time a day or two.

Stop hesitating and pull the fucking trigger. I’ve had to lose maybe a dozen women this way by hesitating. Don’t wait... you’ll regret it.

>She constantly talked about how much she wanted to fuck me
Then fucking send her pics retard!!!!! Obviously she's going to like it unless you have a micro dick!!! jesus fucking christ, you were playing on easymode and still fucked up.

Guarantee he got nudes because HE SENT NUDES. He didn't pony shit around sending cute little snaps and not making it sexual. Youre her fuck boy not a girlfriend

It's ltierally not hard, just tell her what youd do to her, then shed get wet and ask you to come over

You were on easy mode because you already knew shed be open to that

ok but what if shes a genuine good person. who is married but they got married way too young and they dont talk he works graveyards/days for her. she sleeps on the couch. she wouldnt 'cheat' even though at this point its not cheating 'hes still my husband'. shes told me that whenever the divorce happens i'll be the first to know but its kind of killing me. what do.

>>quickly becomes my best friend on snapchat


>talking for weeks
This is where you went wrong. Eventually even the least thoty thots get bored

I'm a beta, the post

if i need to play these stupid fucking games to get the girl, the girl isn't worth it

Is this suppose to come naturally to a guy? I can see how this would work every single time but goddamn that's a lot of work and everything has to be so perfectly executed. If I had to think about it this much I would lose interest so fast because it's not fun anymore.

>Show genuine interest on that first date but without looking thirsty or desperate
How does this happen?

Why are you asking a bunch of autists on an imageboard? Ask your fucking friend, clearly he's the key to this, he's the one who got with her.

I don't get it. Why didn't you go out with her and why did she do that?

theres no way this math can be correct

>best friend on snapchat

You waited to long and you're probably ugly

Ask her out almost right away dumbass. If she actually said you were hot she wanted to go out instantly. Now she thinks you're a homo

The fuck off that's complicated as fuck

Go bang some other girl who is single and doesn't have tons of baggage

Oh yeah and don't ask to hang out

Specifically ask her to go to a bar and grab some drinks or go to your place/her place and bust open some bubbly

pretend theyre your bro. like, youre already hanging so youve made it: shes into you. completely eliminate the idea of sex between you two. maybe watcg a movie and pay attention the whole time but as soon as its over start making out. ive done stuff like this a few times and every time they say they were waiting.

This is pretty true desu, did everything right up until 5 and the girl was legit obsessed with me. I didnt really like her at first so i kinda did the first 5 steps by accident. Then i started liking her back and rushed it and she jumped ship to go chase her ex around. whatever she was a whore anyway :)

how many fucking threads about girls have to be posted here? how many fucking times do you people have to talk about girls on snapchat

this board is so astoundingly autistic


>the city of fit

You know what user. She wants you, she’s waiting for you to lead. Make a move, invite her over, make her dinner or something. Invite her for coffee then take her home.

Yea it’s possible it won’t happen but who cares? Nothing will change, she will still want you. Make it happen.


And the best advice is people telling OP to treat a girl like shit. That's not going to work. Girls just want honesty, make your intentions clear quickly or you're wasting their time.

You gotta shoot your shot when you’re open. you hesitated, now the friend zone defense got you on lockdown. Also sauce on the pic

imagine what a beta cuck redditor would do to woo a female, then do the opposite to stand out (and concurrently appear not beta)

haha this, redditors are such beta cucks. there's a reason 75% of threads on the fitness board are crying over girls, we alpha males on fit all just get advice from each other on how to alpha it up like the alphas we are

>girl says you have the hottest body youve ever seen
>you send a pic of you shirtless and say something like "your turn"
>go from there

easy peasy

She has said she doesn't want to come over because of what 'might' happen. We've only hung out at bars with people from work or one time we went to walmart because we both needed shit.

>So what the fuck did I do wrong that he didn't? He's not even that good looking and doesn't lift
why the fuck are you asking Veeky Forums

>>girl says you have the hottest body youve ever seen

Haha yeah user! That's such an easy first step! Thanks!

Yes, this is true, we never have 10,000 threads exactly like this one about being rejected by girls, then 200 replies of retards giving advice to more retarded retards.

haha definitely not, we are definitely the alpha males who never cry about this shit

you're hopeless man

Can confirm. Otherwise, she's going to fuck off and find someone who can be straightforward.

because the board is about improving yourself, getting a cute gf is an improvement if you aren't asexual or gay.

Prove you aren't passive aggressive cuckolds by giving better advice than me

you are ugly. simple.

How about I prove that I'm not a delusional maniac by not giving advice about things I know next to nothing about and continue to make sarcastic shitposts with my bros instead?

from the OP:
>be talking to this girl for weeks
>talks about how im the hottest guy shes ever talked to, loves my muscles etc

imagine how autistic you have to be to get advice from random people on the internet who have no idea about you or the girl or your interactions

You guys are fucking autists. OP literally talked to her way too much. Text her mostly for logistics and you can send an occasional meme or two to her but never constantly talk to her. And don't take fucking hours to reply unless you're truly busy. Girls lose interest fast and if you're being a sperg by taking 5 hours to reply, she's just gonna go talk to Chad who replies faster than your dumb ass.
>if you deny her the validation you've probably been giving her, she will be yours. Trust me on this one.
Please go back to the red pill. She doesn't give a fuck about her validation for OP. She already fucked his friend. There is no interest. "Hmm let me ignore her so I can get her back!" No. Girls only give a fuck about their validation if they truly like the guy. Not some snapchat buddy she talks to cause she's bored and likes his better looking and persuasive friend.

>Girls lose interest fast and if you're being a sperg by taking 5 hours to reply, she's just gonna go talk to Chad who replies faster than your dumb ass.

>if you wait too long to text a girl back, you're a dumbshit for waiting so long that she lost interst
>if you text back too soon because you like her, it shows you're a desperate shut in autist who has nothing better going than to text the girl you like, even though everyone is on their phones 24/7

why do you people deal with this shit